
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, dear boy - let's aim a little higher shall we? ;)

I read the article.

I prefer the low hanging fruit.

hehe, everyone has to start somewhere! :)

What is the highest form of wit? Maybe they were being sarcastic.

I'm not sure if the highest form of wit has yet been discovered - but wit can be powerful - so maybe the ultimate form of wit can heal the sick and clean up the oceans... or at least just bring a feeling of joy and warmth instead of discomfort and attack.

There it is, the racist strikes again saying Germans aren't funny. So now we know he hates Germans and Russians. Who else lipstick boy? Who else do you hate?

Hahahahaha this guy.

I'm very German man.

It's a stereotype that Germans aren't funny.

Not only that but it has been found to be true in a survey of over 30k people.

You're a racist bitch who hates Russians, Slavs and Germans. Check the tape. I don't do self deprecation, I'm proud of my shit lipstick boy. I've been to Germany, watched their programming, they're funny as fuck. 90% of Hollywood "comedians" are not there because of their talent. Try to figure something out for once you loser.

I'm not sure why you insist on stalking me.

Will you please just leave me alone?

Oh, no no no lipstick boy, you are the one who stalked me and dropped my score from 31 to 8 with your butt buddies, don't act like a victim when you actively and out of spite destroy reputations while being totally incapable of intelligent debate.... Don't act like the victim when you are an exposed racist.

Ooh hey @kryptik we're butt buddies now!

lol you're ridiculous. Have it your way. I'm far from a racist sir.

You absolutely are a racist, YOU engaged ME when I opposed anti Russian racist propaganda and then mocked the suffering of Russians and Slavs and then insulted the German people. You absolutely are a racist exposed.

You used the adjective "WHITE" in all capital letters, to describe Russia and it's merits multiple times.

Please explain that.

How am I racist against countries that I have a biological connection to?

You are a stalker.

That's why I'm flagging.

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