Why do People..Smoke (WDP Series by Unshakeable #3)

in #psychology7 years ago

Until now we have discussed about lying and cheating.Shall we take a break now and smoke for a while?Smoke?Yes! Don't you know that people like to smoke? but why is that? 

Most of us could easily answer this one by saying that’s a filthy habit that slowly becomes an addiction. Maybe that’s the truth, but is it just that? What are the causes that people smoke even though they know it’s unhealthy and it can kill them in the long run?

As we mentioned above, smoking is an addiction.

Nicotine is the main addictive substance in cigarettes and other forms of tobacco. Nicotine can also be described as a drug as it has awful effects on the human body, including the brain. 9 out of 10 smokers are addicted to nicotine.

Nicotine reaches the brain within seconds from the moment the smoker puffs for the first time. Then, it causes the brain to release adrenaline, and that creates the feeling of pleasure and energy. After the cigarette is smoked the pleasure buzz is gone. Then the smoker may feel tired or a little depressed—and may want that buzz again resulting to want to light another cigarette and so goes on.

However, our body after a while creates a system that recognizes the substances we use daily and so it builds up a high tolerance. This results in making the smoker more unsatisfied with just a few cigarettes in order to get that excitement from smoking. After a few smokes it becomes a habit. That’s what leads to addiction.

Once somebody has become a smoker then it’s really difficult to quit. When people don’t smoke, they may have withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • Feeling sad 
  • Becoming unable to sleep
  • Feeling crabby
  • Being unable to think clearly and concentrate
  • Slower heart rate
  • Gaining weight and constantly feeling hungry


Many people relate smoking with other daily stuff they do. For example, they enjoy smoking when they talk on the phone or when they watch their favorite Tv show. For a smoker to quit, it’s really challenging especially when he has associated daily habits with smoking. 


According to smokers claims, smoking can be really relaxing. Many people fight stress with just smoking a few cigarettes. As the day goes by many people deal with the things they have in their heads by smoking a bit, even if that means they will have to take a 5-minute break. There are ways to cope with emotions without smoking. However, smoking becomes the easy-getaway.

For some people, smoking can be seen as a social reward. Most often, smoking can be a form of acceptance: Smokers at an office building who take cigarette breaks at similar times may bond while they smoke. 

Breaking the rules

There's a thrill that comes from breaking rules. Teenagers often push themselves to the limit so it wouldn’t come as a surprise that many youngsters will instinctively push against any limit. This reflects for many ones to choose smoking to either look tough to their friends or to try something new in life.

Scientists have found a significant correlation between parents smoking and their children smoking: Children of active smokers are more likely to start smoking than children of nonsmokers. According to researchers, a parent's choice to smoke can affect more than double the chances that the child will smoke too.

Smoking in the media can have the same influence as fashion or the appearance of cool item in a superstar’s hand. Like advertising, media can exert a significant influence on viewers' decision-making. As many actors in cinema or Tv shows are seen smoking in many scenes, smoking become something natural that anyone should try and enjoy just like the actors in the films. 

Studies have shown juveniles react when they see a main character smoking, as later they believe smoking is something socially acceptable, stylish and desirable. 

For many people smoking can become self-medication. For decades, soldiers have taken up smoking on the battleground to deal with wartime stress. On the other hand, people experiencing high levels of stress in their job may start smoking as a way to manage the tension and nerves associated with their work.

The end

by Unshakeable

Sources 1 2 3 4 5 


Guilty! Smoking has just been part of my daily grind so thinking of quitting yes but application wise is pretty hard.

Then with my job, the longest break you could get is smoking so this is why its hard for me to quit. I'm just making excuses I know. lol Thanks for this information.

Glad you liked it @dawnsheree I strongly believe it's just in your mind the whole issue.If you truly believe you can quit there is no doubt you can make it.Thanks for sharing!

Αν και το λατρεύω.. προσπαθώ να τι κόψω για λογούς υγείας!
Το άτιμο ώμος είναι ωραίο!!! :PPPPPP

χαχαχα σε καταλαβαινω..ευχομαι να το καταφερεις αν οντως το θελεις

Yes I hear the addition is real but I can honestly say I am super happy Australia now has quite a few laws around where you can smoke.

really?? such as?

No smoking around entrances to public places. Hotels, restaurants, nightclubs are all smoke free inside. It's great. You don't come home smelling like an ashtray. 😁

Yeah that sucks.Good to know @insideoutlet

So weird. I was thinking about the media and how they portray smoking. I have never smoked but it's interesting to note. Thanks for your article :) Keep up the good work

thank you for the support @oen I have never smoked either but movies make it look really cool.It's hard not to notice it

Είναι πραγματικά μόνο μία ιδέα. Όπως ξαφνικά το συνδέεις με τα πάντα, έτσι το ξεσυνδέεις. Ως πρώην καπνίστρια μπορώ να πω πως όταν κάπνιζα για να "ηρεμήσω", στην ουσία περισσότερο ταραζόμουν.. Όλα στο μυαλό είναι..

Aυτό ακριβώς.Όλα είναι στο μυαλό.Μπράβο σου πάντως.Κατάφερες να μπεις στο 10 % :P

Δεν κάπνιζα ποτέ ούτε καπνίζω, με ενοχλεί ειδικά το πως μυρίζουν τα ρούχα όταν είσαι σε χώρο που όλοι καπνίζουν, πας εκεί μοσχοβολάς άρωμα και φεύγεις καμία σχέση χαχαχα

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