Hope in Camouflage

in #psychology6 years ago

If you could tell the world one thing, it would be that you are heartsore, yes, but also thrumming to your own pulse. Life is wicked and delicious, tearing you down and raising you at once. You are exhausted by the hills and valleys of it, but you are also grateful because each day—each breath—is a chance whatever shit you’re in might get better. That one day your shoe will be scraped clean and not stink up your car like the skunk you ran over last May.

image Image via Google Images

You can’t know how right you are, but you suspect. Suspicion is hope in camouflage. So you approach with stealth this possibility of a shit-free future. You sniff cautiously. You take in the aroma of laundry detergent and freshening sprays and for a minute you are fooled, until you realize the stink is present and very much alive despite its disguise.

You break free from hope and wind your way down the mountain you climbed to reach this high. The valley is as you recall: rotting with death. You sway against the odor, heartsore and humbled. Curiosity is the currency of despair. So you find the stream. You lie down in it. You let the water wash over you until your brain feels squeaky clean. You look again at the valley. It is lush and verdant. You like this view. You choose this view. You do not question it.


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This is beautifully written. Found myself lost in it as I was reading.

<3 Thank you.

Life is mixed with wickedness and deliciousness...we have no option than to treat
both with equity when we face these since they are all part of life.
Excellent fiction. @shawnamawna.

Life is full of ups and downs, that's what makes it worthwhile. In our touch times we get to linger onto some hope that it'll get better soon, and when soon comes and it's not better, we have to find a different way of consoling ourselves till it gets better. That's life.

Can you imagine Aristotle, Plato, Zeus, all the great philosophers sitting around the coliseum stunned in silence by the court jester as he speaks, LIFE...... SHIT.....
and isn't it ironic the number of phrases and references we silly humans make towards our excrement. Dumb shit, smart little shit, looks like, smells like shit, shit on top of shit, shit rolling downhill, uphill, stinky shit... And we brag about it too, dude I just took a nice healthy shit. Is that some kind of shit that's on a diet and exercises to be healthy? Face it we are obsessed with shit, life is full of shit, good shit, bad shit, shit I just took a shit...why would someone steal shit?? Don't touch my shit, leave my shit alone. Anyways there is one thing for certain that life's shit is full of surprises but I would recommend eating that shit. Blow the shit off, forget about that shit, especially the shit that happened yesterday because it's day old shit and there's nothing you can do about it. ..
Sorry about leaving shit in your comment box.
That's some ducked up dope shit tho.


This is stunning @shawnamawna!! The imagery is so interesting, the subject deep, dark, yet beautiful! Loved it :)

curiosity is the currency of despair. You choose this view...you do not question it.
i enjoyed this piece. thank you

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