Seeing Judgments as 'Bad' or 'Wrong'

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

Some people think judging is wrong, even though to judge that themselves, they are judging, which makes their conception, conclusions, and judgment a double-think delusion itself. Some people think all judging comes from the negative-ego of selfish personal attempts to make oneself look better than others. This is not true judging. Those who think all judgments come from this domain of attempted superiority are fooling themselves because they do not accurately understand the tool at their availability and are in a place of ignorance to understand it’s value and continuous use in life.


Judging comes from looking at things, analyzing, criticizing, differentiating, distinguishing, relating, corresponding, comparing, and using your intellect, intuition and conscience to discern, consider, weigh, distinguish, evaluate, asses, diagnose, associate, identify and draw sound conclusions from critical thinking and good sense, to determine what is right, good and true, compared to what is wrong, bad and false.

It is basically common sense if you listen to and have a developed and awakened conscience and heart, and have a mind with developed tools to prevent you from being fooled, conned, tricked, duped, deceived, mind controlled, etc. If you don't do your thinking for yourself then you are running someone else’s program and will not be able to judge reality accurately given this programs influence on what you accept as “true” and therefore affect the expressions of consciousness and way you live your life.

There are many mind-virus programs that inhibit accurate observation and assessment of reality, what ‘is’, Truth, and the more conditioning and deceptions you have bought into, the more your path will be directed for you towards an end that is in line with their goals. Judging is part of the solution to this problem.

"Don't just judge, but judge justly."
"Stop judging by appearances, but judge justly."

If you do not understand yet, you will, that is, if you are being honest with yourself.

The etymology for the word judgment has court based definitions of “trials”, “legal”, “court” but also more accurate, non-establishment, non-authoritarian based definitions. Please forget about the state control authority to sentence people, and think of it in the way I am talking about in a general sense.

Judgment in etymology can be traced to meaning:

  • "capacity for making decisions"
  • diagnosis
  • discernment

“Diagnosis means by way of knowledge, so by way of knowledge we will make a diagnosis, we will find out what is wrong, then we are in a position of power through that knowledge to then take appropriate action to correct that wrong. That is called wisdom. Wisdom is what you do with what you know, applied knowledge for the right reasons.”
- Mark Passio

The root of judgment, the word judge, also means "to regard, consider." It is about looking at things, observation, in honesty to see them as they really are.

Judge is a compound of ius "right, law" (just ) + dicere "to say" (diction). It is to speak the Law, Natural Law, Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law. That is the Law that one uses to make accurate, correct, optimal, valid, moral, right, good, true judgments in life about our choices, decisions, actions and behaviors, and those of others we can observe. Not many people truly understand Natural Law, and as a result not many people are able to make valid, accurate, optimal judgments in alignment with Natural Law principles of Truth. There are black-robed Saturnian judges who violate Natural Law and uphold delusional man’s law.

The etymology of just:

"righteous in the eyes of God; upright, equitable, impartial; justifiable, reasonable," from Old French juste "just, righteous; sincere" (12c.), from Latin iustus "upright, equitable," from ius "right," from Old Latin ious, perhaps literally "sacred formula," a word peculiar to Latin (not general Italic) that originated in the religious cults, from PIE root *yewes- "law"

The etymology of diction:

from PIE root *deik- "to point out" (cf. Sanskrit dic- "point out, show," Greek deiknynai "to prove," Latin digitus "finger," Old High German zeigon, German zeigen "to show," Old English teon "to accuse," tæcan "to teach").

Ment, from the end of judgment, is not really needed, since the sufix -ment is to indicate the something done by the verb/action. But if we consider green language, then ment is from the ablative singular of Latin mens, meaning mind, to think.

Together just and diction makes: to teach, show, prove, or point out what is just, right, equitable, upright, Law. A finger points things out, and to judge is to point out the Law, Natural Law, what is right, good and true. We can observe and point things out that are in harmony with Natural Law or in violation of Natural Law.

With green language, Just-Diction-Mind, is to use the mind to point out the what is right from wrong, and rectify and make upright that which is not.

From etymology, we can see that judgment is about showing, pointing out, what is wrong from right, and then rectifying those wrongs and making things right again. It is the same with the alchemical vitriol. Dissolve and wear down the lies, deceptions, illusions, wrongdoings, make them known, show them to be something not to be respected. It’s all about morality, right from wrong, Natural Law, truth, Love, Good, etc.

In looking at synonyms from a thesaurus, we get various meanings in regards to judgments in general, and when judgments are done accurately with respect to reality:

acumen, acuteness, apprehension, astuteness, awareness, brains, capacity, comprehension, discernment, discrimination, experience, genius, grasp, incisiveness, ingenuity, intelligence, intuition, keenness, knowledge, mentality, penetration, perception, percipience, perspicacity, prudence, quickness, range, rationality, reach, readiness, reason, reasoning, sagacity, sanity, sapience, savvy, sense, sharpness, shrewdness, sophistication, soundness, taste, understanding, wisdom, wit

And when we get judgments wrong, the antonyms are well expressed:

ignorance, inanity, misjudgment, stupidity

Judgment can be properly understood for the tool it is meant to be. If we fail to observe and discern correctly it is only ourselves to blame for being incorrect in misjudgment and ignorant of an aspect we failed to perceive, and perhaps we appear inane or stupid as a result of acting on these flawed judgments. We can develop our observation skills, increase our conscious awareness, and judge things for what they are and raise our level of consciousness through attainment of more Truth, reality, what ‘is’.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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I find the word discernment to be better when sizing up people.

Judgement carries a weight that can make everything heavy.
It carries a measure of finality, which, we humans are not very well equipped to decide. There are always things we do not know.

However, as you have pointed out, to not discern a person's affinity is to leave one's door open to good and evil alike.

Indeed, we don't know everything, but that doesn't mean we can't judge, discern, evaluate, asses, etc.

Are you referring to using the word in our internal dialogue or in our actual interactions?

Last time you brought up the subject of judgement I remember having to explain to a certain someone the difference between Judgement and Bias/Prejudice as they honestly thought they were the same thing, because "Putting something in the dictionary doesn't make it true", seems that some people take words such as immigrants and invaders to describe the same thing, much like they take words like legality and morality to mean the same, or in this case prejudices and judgements, hijacking of words to fit their agendas or simply the careless vagueness in which they express themselves while paradoxically abandoning the obvious etymology behind the words or resorting to excusing the vagueness as an "evolution" of language disregarding the callousness of such whimsical thinking.

Yup there is a difference. Although a prejudice or stereotype is a judgment, but a generalized one that can be wrong in many cases. They still have their use for general applicability in many instances. It's like water is a liquid, but not all liquids are water. Prejudices are judgments, but not all judgments are prejudices ;)

"Bad" and "good" are so relative and questionable notions..
It can be good for me and bad for you at the same time.
Should we actually judge anybody? And do we have a right to do it?

Like the etymological analysis!
This science can open so many hidden mysteries and lost senses of words we use every day.
I wrote my diploma about etymology, and from that time I change my opinion about it - it's a real treasure of our history and culture.

It can be good for me and bad for you at the same time.

In fact it is only relative if you assume that both are right. You can say that 2+2=5 and I can say that 2+2=6, that does not mean that the result is relative, the result will always be 4 regardless of whether we know it or not.

Hehe ;) Nicely put.

Everyone judges. Anyone has the right to judge. Either you get it right or wrong, but you have the ability to do so. The aim to to judge and see things accurately for ppl to be on the same page and move forward in common understanding.

Hehe ;) Nicely put.

Judging the behavior, the actions or words of another, without labeling the person as good or bad is not an easy thing to do. However, does any one person truly have the right to label another as good or evil? I agree we need to be aware of and judge the actions, but we must refrain from reaching a conclusion, good or evil, regarding the innate value of another.

The mere judgment of things, like someone murdering being a murderer, or other characterization that describe behavior, are implicitly applying a judgment of good or bad without needing to say it. Saying it is an explicit description of the behavior, which is valid to say. Anyone has the right to speak and judge. Everyone has good and evil potential in them. It's their actions that speak to the manifestation of the inner good or evil, right or wrong, truth or falsity.

This is an excellent response. I say that mainly because it caused me to pause and consider. Then I found myself agreeing with it as truth.
Also, for myself, I want to exercise my right to speak and judge in a way that supports and promotes the good potential in others.

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You have said it all. Thanks for the lessons, and allow me to resteem.

Thanks, glad you gained value from it.

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