The use of electric shocks as a psychological programming method [Chapter 2.6]

in #psychology5 years ago (edited)


Many abusers are well-versed in the effect of applying electric shocks to children (and adults) for the purpose of trauma-based mind-control. Electric shock is a preferred trauma-conditioning tool, known for its tendency (at lower and mid severities) not to leave any visible scars or signs.

Generally, abusers prefer to employ methods of trauma-conditioning that will go unnoticed by physicians, or others around the child. Techniques that leave marks increase the risk that non-participating members of a society will be alerted to the activities of an abuser or occult group. For this reason, techniques like near-drowning (described earlier in this chapter) are more widely used than burning (described later in this chapter).

Before we look in detail at the ways in which Master Psychologists have used electric shocks to associatively condition and program children, we will outline the sociocultural context in which this form of abuse takes place.

‘Cult’ural used of electric shocks

As we describe later in this section, abusers use electric shocks to inflict pain on children with the intention of inducing splits in the child’s psyche and causing dissociation. The trauma-based conditioning of children using electric shocks is, sadly, often reenacted later on adult survivors.

Some members of the psychiatric community have used ‘electroshock’ treatments in exactly the same way occult groups do: To disrupt memory and dissociate experience in trauma survivors. However, the use of electroshock by the psychiatric community differs (with exceptions) from those occult groups using electricity for the same purpose. The psychiatric community electroshocks survivors openly, and (some) believe these measures are therapeutic. Sadly, electroshock is, in many cases, an unconscious repetition of the original trauma the adult was subjected to as a child. The medical community has, on many occasions, shocked as an adult someone who was already shocked as a child.

In other cases where there is 'medical'-use of electroshock, this use may not be a direct re-enactment of the ‘patient’s’ earlier electricity-based torture by occult groups. Instead, it may the survivor’s first encounter with this particular form of abuse.

Although medical staff on Earth are widely unconscious of the occult origins of many of the methods they employ in the name of ‘psychiatric care’, the result is the same: Electroshocking a ‘patient’ has the effect of disorganizing the bioelectric functioning of the human brain to the point where surfacing memory fragments and feeling-states that were causing the ‘patient’ distress are re-repressed. In other words: The natural healing process is misunderstood by physicians and shut-down.

The bioelectrical-chaos induced by electroshock treatment further shatters the fractured hologram of the patient’s past experiences. Typically electroshock is inflicted in medical cases where the survivor was undertaking a process of integrating split aspects of their psyche — in other words: moving repressed material from unconscious mindspace into conscious mindspace. However, because this process appears chaotic to an observer, and is unsupported in Western Medicine, doctors will tend to pathologize the constellation of ‘unusual’ behaviours that emerge during this reintegration phase. Attempts are often made to silence these ‘symptoms’ through violent and immediate disorganization of the neurobiology of the survivor. This can be done by applying high-voltage electricity to the cranium (head area).

Sometimes this electroshock ‘treatment’ can result in a shift in symptom-expression, giving the illusion of a temporary ‘cure’ for the nominated patient. But the technique is, sadly, analogous to muzzling an abused child and then claiming that the child is no longer in pain because their shouts and screams can no longer be heard.

Electroshock simply disorganizes the psyche to the point where emerging traumatic material is shunted further back into the patient’s subconscious or — in some cases — corrupted beyond retrieval.

Electroshock is very similar to applying a high-voltage current to your laptop computer’s circuit boards because it has a virus. You are likely to to stop the virus, because the circuits the virus relied on to travel are now broken or disrupted. But, in the process, you have seriously damaged the computer.

The successful treatment of the virus required understanding the ways in which the computer was in the grip of the virus, and changing the computer’s reaction to the ‘virus’. In other words: The computer needed increased self-awareness, and support from a skilled operator who could support that awareness. The same is true of the human brain in the grip of PTSD or similar symptom clusters resulting from trauma.

This is not to argue that the human brain is precisely a microcomputer; but instead to observe that we have built computer systems in a crude image of our own neurological systems. Therefore, many parallels traverse these two organizational systems. The invention of the microcomputer has opened up a world of new metaphors to us, giving psychology a fresh vocabulary to describe human cognitive processes. More metaphors will likely emerge in the future as we develop other new technologies that reflect aspects of their creators; Us.

So far in this section, we have established that electroshock has been used openly in our societies in so-called ‘medical’ settings. We have also described how this ‘medical’ use is often an unconscious recapitulation of earlier occult (or ‘hidden’) abuse — in other words: We subject survivors of electric shock torture in childhood to more electric shocks as adults. We do so in a misguided attempt to ‘cure’ these survivors of the emerging symptom clusters connected to the original abuse. So far in this section, we have also outlined reasons why primary (first-time) use of electroshock in a medical-setting has the effect of re-repressing emerging trauma material even in survivors for whom this was a first experience of applied electricity.

Use of electric shock in child abuse

As with other trauma-based associative conditioning techniques, abusers can simply pair electric shocks with a given activity, object, or experience to induce phobia. We have described this process in detail in the preceding sections of this book. The electrical equipment required to do this is cheap and easily available.

The application of electric-shocks differs from other methods of trauma-based conditioning, however, because it has a unique disorganizing function on the human brain and nervous system at a core level.

Human neurobiology is itself an electrical-impulse system. Therefore, administering electric shocks to a child is — to return to the analogy of a computer — like inserting random strings of binary code into the operating system of a computer. Aside from the pain and terror that high-voltage exacts on the neuromuscular tissue of the body, there is the added confusion of the intense, unstructured bioelectrical input cascading throughout the child’s nervous system.

The body attempts to make sense of this random data, but it cannot. Not only were the conduits of the human biocomputer not designed to tolerate these extremes of electrical input, but the act of applying such currents to the system causes complete black-out at peak moments of the application of the electricity. These black-outs can cause profound fractures in the continuity of experience for the child and therefore serve two purposes for the Master Psychologists and the occult groups who undertake their operational work: Firstly, the electric shock is painful and disorientating for the child, permitting the abuser to program extensive numbers of phobias and aversions using classical associative conditioning. Secondly, the abuser can induce fundamental splits in the architecture of the survivor’s mind, causing deep repression (depression), or ‘splitting off’ of trauma memories immediately preceding or during the application of electric shocks.

Adult survivors engaged in a process of healing will often convulse and shake during reintegration of this form of ritual abuse. This somatic abreaction (reliving of the initial experience), once fully felt and processed, will tend to be an indication that the psyche will now release the full affect (blocked emotional charge) of the traumatic incident that was walled-off by the original torture by electricity. At the very least, the initial programming will be unravel at this point even if conscious recollection of the precise nature of the programming is absent. In other words: The previously overwhelming sensations of being subjected to electric shock by an occult group, or single abuser, can be diffused and deprogrammed in adulthood, if adequate support is given in a healing context.

This is a very basic overview of the process by which such traumas are healed, and we will return to the topic of this, and other solution-based therapies, in Part II of this book.

The next section in this draft of the book is called Ritual Murders and their Meaning

Previously published sections:

Chapter 1
1.0 Our village is sick
1.1 What is Mind control?
1.2 Engineered Ignorance of the Occult
1.3 The History of Mind Control
2.0, 2.1 Splitting and Spinning
2.2 Near-drowning
2.3 Live burials
2.4 Use of animals and insects
2.5 Association of creativity with pain


If you are reading this sometime in the distant future, please be aware that this is a draft chapter section from the book Secret Doors, Hidden Rooms: Understanding and Deprogramming Trauma-Based Mind-Control systems which may now be available as a complete and finished book. It will contain much more detail and an updated text. Try searching for it online.

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