How they used electricity to torture us as kids

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Today I would like to talk about how electricity was used by the pedophile group who tortured me and other children in a camp in the UK. In my previous posts I have described the sociopolitical context in which I was ritually abused, and the process by which children, including me, were taken to a conditioning camp in woods by a lake in the UK.

Electro-convulsive 'therapy'. An adult repetition of the torture many children in the UK are subjected to.

Around 20 children were taken to the camp and we were split into two groups. One group was not abused, and given a different 'holiday' experience. This was done specifically to discredit the potential accounts of anyone in the group who was abused. However, this was probably a precautionary measure because the violence I was subjected to, along with other children, completely fractured the coherence of my ability to recall what happened in the camp. It is only recently that I have begun to process this experience and write an account of it.

Electricity was used during and after the sexual abuse. It appeared to be a practiced and strategic method of inducing both amnesiac states in children and in fracturing the psyche. The consequence of the electric shocks I received was that each assault became compartmentalized — in other words, it had the effect of splitting my psyche into different child-parts. Each part was then divorced from my day-to-day sense of self, or ego, and repressed.

At this point, the uninformed reader may think it is unlikely that organized gangs of pedophiles in the UK run torture camps in which children are subjected to trauma-based conditioning. But, sadly, there are many historical precedents for such camps, which I listed in my previous post.

In my opinion, many thousands of children in the UK were sent to such camps. They may still be in operation.

I was around 10 years old when I was taken to a camp, raped, beaten and humiliated over a week, my personality fractured both by the trauma of the rapes, but compounded by the excruciating pain of electrocution.

Those of us who are observant of psychodynamic theory might speculate that this method of torture, and the resultant personality fractures, have been a feature of our culture for many decades. The most compelling evidence for this being the cultural phenomena whereby abuse victims who are waking up from their coma of trauma-induced psyche-fractures are, again, subjected to the same methods of torture that fractured them in the first place.

Specifically, I am talking about the popularity of so-called "electro-shock therapy" which, in my experience and opinion, was simply our culture's blind repetition of the very same trauma that caused the very symptoms that electro-shock is designed to 'cure'.

What I am suggesting is that children are sexually abused en-masse (especially females). Then, using electrical torture in childhood, they are compartmentalized. Then, in adulthood, when these former-children exhibit symptoms of remembering that abuse (anxiety, depression, split-personality disorders) they are then subjected to electric shocks again. This time openly and with the public endorsement of the entire cult. Culturally, we condition children with electricity in private, and adults in public with electricity — if they start remembering. This is done both on a local scale, by family, and on a national scale, by organized groups of abusers. These abusers have deep ties to the school system, and the so-called 'British government'.

In short, what is called "electro-shock" therapy is the method by which culture, or the "cult", re-represses and re-fractures the minds of trauma survivors. This prevents them from fully remembering their core abuse experiences in childhood and preserves the power structures that govern our so-called 'civilization'. Nobody wakes up, so nobody speaks out.

After a week of rape, torture, and electric shocks, I was returned to my so-called 'school', where I was subjected to more sexual abuse and violence until the point, at 13 years old, I was free to leave, completely imprisoned by my own psyche.

Luckily, I have since then found a way out. And a way to remember.

In my next post I will describe other techniques used in the UK's child-conditioning camps to subjugate any child who poses a risk to the culture or "cult" in the UK.

I realize that this account may seem implausible to anyone who has not directly experienced the violence and abuse that children in the UK are subjected to. In which case, I suggest a cursory reading of the well-documented MKUltra program, since this is the closest thing we have to a documented account of how these pedophiles and abusers operate. Sadly, most of the MKUltra files were destroyed by the so-called US Government. The system of child abuse in our 'cilvilzation' is organized, ritualized, and pervasive. It forms the foundations of hierarchy and power structures on this planet called Earth.

If you want to change the world, the first step is to dismantle the systems that subject children to mass-conditioning and abuse. I'm here to expose those systems.


Thank you for the first-person disclosure of torture in RA. You are brave to speak out. 100% upvote and resteem!

Thank you for reading, @dakini5d
I have another friend who was ritually abused in a different part of England, but her abusers used very similar methods including electrical torture. I'll write more about these techniques in a future post, because it is very strange how different groups seemed to use the same systems of abuse. Almost as if there was some centralized organization to the whole thing.

Trauma based personality splitting and torture to induce altered personality states, amnesia, etc was developed by the military in WWII and has been perfected through advanced technology in the last 30 years using black book projects as funding for sex-slave programming. It's very organized. Thanks for your courage and posts, @kida.

Thank you for this information, @dakini5d

Do you know of any good books on this topic?

Thanks for the Memories: The Memoirs of Bob Hope's
and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Sex Slave by Brice Taylor, TRANCE: Formation of America and ACCESS DENIED: For Reasons of National Security by Cathy O'Brien, THE ENSLAVED QUEEN: A Memoir about Electricity and Mind Control, By Wendy Hoffman. Chrysalis: Intel at Any Cost: CIA Sanctioned Torture of Children, by M.C. Nelson. How to Create a Complete Mind-Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier. Safe passage to healing: A guide for survivors of ritual abuse, by Chrystine Oksana, The Montauk Project by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon. Mind Control, World Control by Jim Keith, Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness by Jim Keith. The last book will give you an enormous index of books and resources that detail the development of trauma-based mind control originating from the Nazi experimentation and death camps-- Dr Green, Mengele, etc.. I hope this helps. All the best to you, @kida!

Wow, this list is comprehensive. Thank you so much for compiling it @dakini5d

I'll get reading...

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