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RE: Lucid dreaming - being aware that you are in a dream and the ability to control it

in #psychology6 years ago

@zen-art amazing article once again 😉 you always do one heck of a job on all things you write.

Let me just give you some insight on some things from this article, and this can go well with your mindset or not, it just depends on your belief system.

OBSERVE dreams are ASTRAL dreams, this is a 4'th dimension universe which co-exists with the 3'rd dimensional material plane. And you cannot change everything because it is the MACROCOSMOS we are all there just as we are here and the power to bend the time and space is just called "magic" there as it is here, and the CREATE dreams are SUBCONSCIOUS (which is not just brain but a whole real universe) dreams where you have no limit because it is your own MICROCOSMOS this is where your foundation to create your own universe in a zillion years lies 😉 haha

The symbolism in the OBSERVE(Astral) dreams are there because even when you are completely "lucid" if your mind is not trained enough to resist the 3'rd dimensional mindset you will start to hallucinate in the astral plane by giving many things references from the 3'rd dimension, and yes this hallucinations in the OBSERVE(Astral) can give you the answers to a lot of things about you, just as hallucinations in the 3'rd dimension (that we call reality) can give you a lot of answers.

I hope to talk some more about your dreams in the future @zen-art I am really interested 😉


Thank you for making a spoiler alert for my future posts about lucid dreaming :P

I wanted to go into the whole astral explanation here but thought that it would be too much for people to handle so I a made a "light" post about it by just giving people the general idea behind all this and some personal experience. And then you came... Thanks a lot 😆 But I will not let you open the can of worms here and will take you up on that offer to talk about it in the future, in private. Not all things are meant to be in posts.

Joking aside, thank you for your comment, I know people will benefit from it and receive a valuable piece of information on this subject. 💚

Your words land like soft summer rain drops @zen-art 💚
I'm glad you appreciated my insights 😉
Yes we have tons of subjects to talk about, looking forward to both that and your next posts

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