Don't Be Too Afraid To Talk About Your Mental Health

It's estimated that 1 in 4 people will be affected by some mental or neurological disorder at some point in their life.

This could include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and more. It can be difficult to open up to other people whenever we are struggling with such an issue, if we are worried about how others might perceive the problem, or if we are assuming that they might not care etc.

Fear can keep many people living and suffering in silence, this comes at a great detriment to their well-being.

But talking about the suffering that we go through in life, with other people, has the potential to benefit us greatly. For example, couples that are more open about discussing their mental health together are likely to report being much happier in their relationship.

A recent study involving more than 2k participants from the United States, who were over the age of 21, discovered that 4 in 10 couples are affected by mental health issues.

For those who took part in the survey, results showed that 4 out of 5 said they felt comfortable speaking with their partner about the issue that they might be struggling with. And they saw that to have a positive impact on their relationship overall. Likewise, for people who found it more difficult to discuss their mental well-being with their loved ones, they were more likely to report feeling unhappy in their union.

Sometimes we can feel a pressure to pretend that we have everything together and that nothing ever goes wrong. Which is funny because it's unrealistic to expect life to never give us any problems. And struggling with the pressure to live up to the expectations of others can be tiring, especially with the curated version we see online of other people posting about their life.

Millions of people will be directly impacted by mental health issues at some point in their life, if not them directly then someone close to them. It's an issue that in one way or another impacts all of us and there is nothing to be ashamed of if you ever do find yourself struggling with any such difficulty.

Researchers have previously suggested that a myriad of influences might negatively impact our mental well-being...

Aside from genetics, they are influences such as too much social media consumption, our gut bacteria, and more.

As well, previous studies have also found that young adults have many misconceptions about mental health care today and those misguided assumptions or false expectations might have the ability to negatively influence how they engage with treatment. It might prevent them from seeking help altogether.

For the millions of people who are struggling today, there are still many who are too afraid to seek help for what they're going through. At least 56 percent of Americans won't get the help that they are in need of. And what many people might not know is that there are affordable care options out there if you are looking for help, you just need to put in the time to go looking for them. As well, if someone isn't open to seeking help from outside sources just yet, simply talking about the problem with someone close to them who cares could also prove to be beneficial.


The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

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I am shocked at the results of the US survey. I am wondering about the validity and reliability of the result and how it was measured. I believe that many people are very sensitive and would even be empaths who would benefit with strategies. I am also wondering that if one cannot talk about personal feelings in a relationship how happy, accepted and loved are they feeling etc.

I always struggled personally to understand when it switches from an issue you deal with using discipline, introspection and doing something constructive with the solution in mind.

Probably means I am not mentally ill and text might it sound like I am insensitive. That or I am prepared to live with a manageable sickness.

Either way, I think that everyone lives with their own custom level of adjustable depression. If you wonder whether or not you should get help, probably means you should. No harm in checking.

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