Today’s lesson: why some people constantly believe they are sick when actually they aren’t?

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)


It might be hard to understand why something like this can happen, but just like there are people who have a constant fear of everything, there is a similar disorder consisting on individuals who are completely sure they are suffering from some kind of disease, when in reality, they aren’t. It is just their mind tricking them, and if they are suffering from something, it is in fact, their own delusion.

They are always on the lookout for the minimum feeling that could mean something is wrong with their bodies, kind of like an obsession or mental competition, consisting in identifying the more diseases the "better".

For millions, a cough is not merely a cough; it’s a drumroll of death, and no amount of diagnostic assurance can convince them otherwise. | Source

Of course, living like this is not something very sustainable when it comes to keeping up our performance in our daily activities, therefore, it is something that has the potential to take a toll on people’s live.

What is this problem all about?

This is a mental disorder called Hypochondria which is defined as follows:

Excessive preoccupation with the (false) idea that one is in ill health. Hypochondriacs are generally difficult to reassure; their health worries may persist even after receiving a clean bill of health from a physician or a diagnostic procedure. |Source
... it is defined as "preoccupation with fears of having, or the idea that one has, a serious disease, based on a misinterpretation of bodily symptoms. This preoccupation must have been present for at least six months and persists despite adequate medical reassurance. | Source

This disorder is basically about having an exaggerated fear of having a serious illness. People suffering from this really believe their health may be in danger and they live obsessed with this idea, despite having gone to the doctor and having enough evidence to prove that they are healthy. The emotional tension they experience when believing they are sick is so intense that it creates a lot of actual suffering and discomfort, that ironically, can eventually manifests themselves in their bodies as a result of their constant thoughts and beliefs about being sick. Our mind is very powerful and it is capable of really changing things based on our beliefs and perceptions.

Our thoughts and emotions have widespread effects on bodily processes like metabolism, hormone release, and immune function. | Source

This delusional dynamic can have its origins in people who have lost a loved one because they had a serious illness resulting in an emotional turmoil that can make them consciously or even unconsciously, begin to have an excessive fear of suffering from the same disease, and having the same fate as the loved one. The same can happen if the person himself was the one suffering from a very difficult disease, so he might be worry it could happen again.

Or perhaps instead of going through the lost of a loved one, the person might have had overprotective parents who worried about their health in an exaggerated way. For example, parents who at the first symptom, although it did not matter too much, took their son to the doctor, so the child kept visiting the doctor constantly, making him more prone to develop the same exaggerated worry towards everything related to his health, and starts to seriously informing himself about all types of complicated diseases, which with the mere fact of doing so, begins to have an attitude of extreme vigilance of his own body, and can even think the symptoms he is experiencing are related to a serious illness. For example, having the feeling of dizziness, increased heart rate, sweating, and thinking that it can be a heart attack.

People with hypochondria resemble those with OCD: They worry excessively and feel compelled to do something, like visit the doctor over and over. | Source

Another thing that needs to be taken into account, is the fact that there will always be people that for some reason have a constant emotional need that requires for them to feel like everyone else is paying constant attention to them no matter what. In simply words, needy people. These people can develop this disorder consciously or unconsciously in order to draw the attention of others they so badly need, so that other people are more aware of them, and can more easily have a topic of conversation and a reason to accompany them throughout the day.

Hypochondriacs are not looking for a cure to their ailment, but rather a witness to their suffering. They are missing an internalized good mother who is concerned for the child's symptoms and expresses empathy for their pain. | Source

It is important to know the key characteristics that people with this condition usually have, which are the followings:

  • Be alert to each part of the body and make frequent examinations
  • Have lingering doubts that the doctor has missed making the true diagnosis
  • If affected by illness, conclude that some other illness will soon follow
  • Have recurring thoughts about illness and its related symptoms
  • Have frequent thoughts of visiting the doctor just for the sake of reassurance. | Source
  • repeatedly avoiding contact with objects or situations for fear of exposure to diseases
  • habitual internet searching for information about illnesses and their symptoms. | Source

Handling the disorder

The people that are being affected by this issue should find a way to stop with their self diagnosis based on the information they manage to find, and take into account that said information might not necessarily be correct but even if it was correct, each person is different so they will have to physically go to a doctor to be better oriented and receive a proper evaluation adapted to their needs in case it is required.

They should not forget that the more they repeat something, they are reinforcing it. So if their daily topics are focused mainly on diseases, the only thing they do is continually remind themselves that they can suffer some of those diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to start changing those conversation topics that can be harmful.

If people feel that they have not been able to stop being such a hypochondriac by themselves, they will need to go and receive external help with someone able to help them so that they can stop having this exaggerated worry and start to decrease their stress. They should learn a way to identify which ones are real symptoms and which ones are created by their minds.

You know something is wrong because you believe what you're thinking, and what you're thinking is what you perceive to be feeling. So you can have five people tell you it's all in your mind and that's not good enough. | Source

The way people think is directly related to the way they feel. So if they take care of the quality of their thoughts and modify the current ones filled with worry and concern, for others that are more positive, they will feel better with themselves in every way.

If the thoughts about being sick are very hard to avoid, then it would be wise starting to do things that require all or almost all of their attention, distracting themselves doing things they like. They should let their mind focus on what they are doing moment to moment, being present in everything they do with the hopes of letting go the thoughts about the possible diseases they could have.


Doctors often try to refer hypochondriacs for psychotherapy, but find the patient is resistant to the idea that their problem is psychological rather than physical. The patient feels dismissed by an uncaring doctor. | Source

Individuals suffering from this should receive all the support they can get from people close to them, even though they are mistaken about their beliefs of being sick, it is important to listen to them and take them seriously, after all, if they feel like being ignored or being mocked, it could make everything even worse.

If their problem is patiently explained, providing enough proof and support, there shouldn’t be any inconvenient for them to overcome this. But, it is indeed something that requires a certain approach so the individual in question is willing to collaborate and at least consider the possibility of him being mistaken in the first place.

Have you ever thought you were sick when actually you were not?


psychentral - definition

psychologytoday - hypochondria

health – negative thinking can make us sick

psychologytoday - hypochondria

news-medical – hypochondria symptons

ocdla - hypochondriasis

Images sources
All images are from pixabay and pexels

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Good analysis. Aren't most conditions a result from our manipulated emotional state, keeping us in low energy?

Aren't most conditions a result from our manipulated emotional state, keeping us in low energy?

Depends on what you mean by manipulated? But a bad emotional state can make us more likely to get all sort of health problems.

External forces influence how we are manipulated to feel. Social conditioning, media, news, advertising, finances. These manipulations occur on organically and by design to shape us/society.

Fascinating piece! So detailed and well researched, thank you for sharing! I will make sure to keep this in mind among my friends who are hypochondriacs.

I hope we get a chance to work on the SndBox project together :)

Of course mate! Waiting until Monday to see how the quest is going to be!

I was a hypochondriac once upon a time. Accepting and loving myself helped. I think it was a lot to do with the anxiety and fear of not being 'normal'

Accepting and loving myself helped

Those 2 things can indeed be of huge help when facing any similar issue.

You just described what I am going through right now. About 6 weeks ago, I had a haircut in public saloon and because my clipper was not within my reach, I opted to use the barber's clipper. Along the line I discovered part of the edge of my hair was bleeding, I was gripped with fear and the first thing that came to my mind was hiv. I went home and washed my head with hypochloride and believed everything was ok.

A week later, I was at work when a coleauge discover a patch on my back. I pulled my top only to discover some other patches and some kinds of lessions. I immediately went to Google to search for symptoms of hiv and guess what, I was made to believe my worst fear is just unfolding.

I just crammed the symptoms and was waiting for each of them to take their cause. I was really obsessed. I kept on googling. For two weeks I could not eat the lessions increased and I said that is it.

By three weeks I have already gone for three hiv screening tests. Well it happens that what I had waspityriasis Rosea but I have already entered the loop you just described. I might be in the loop for three months. It really affects my output.

Thanks for sharing anyway.

I might be in the loop for three months

That sounded like a very intense experience @henrychidiebere.

But at least you ended up realizing you aren't suffering from HIV!

I could basically count my heartbeat, lol. It's not an experience I'll pray my enemy should have. Nice one buddy.

Forgive me, but I had to laugh thoroughly when I saw this comment. On a peripheral level, it quite much describes what hypochondriac can do to a person. I wonder if there is an opposite to this because someone like me is anything but mindful about my health. It beats me how easily I can forget pain, and go right back into what is killing me.

I have a neighbor who complains all the time about body pains. Something always hurts her and she's always taking medication. It must be exhausting to suffer an eternal disease.

Very good content Thanks for sharing.

It must be exhausting

You are totally right with this, it could drain a lot of energy.

What an amazing explanation about a subject that sometimes we tend to avoid

Am guilty of this disorder.... Does it have a cure from the last question you asked.... My answer is yes

Well now I know I think it will be gone... Thanks for opening my eyes to this fact

Does it have a cure from the last question you asked.... My answer is yes

Good thing you were able to overcome it @osariemen!

As far as my memory could take me, my late grandmother had always walked with a limp and with a crutch.

I will always remember the day I asked my parents, "Why does Ah Ma need a tongkat?"

They answered, "Actually, she doesn't need it. She enjoys the attention and sympathy she gets from the people around her."

True story.

That's a nice example of people doing this consciously!

Although depending on her age, perhaps even if the don't need it, it might be safer to have this at hand don't you think?

I bet their consistent presence at the hospital and their vague complaints could cost a lot of unnecessary lab investigations certainly cause trouble to the healthcare system. I think these patients are difficult to treat as they refuse to believe that they are physically healthy and just psychologically ill. Great article, as always :)

could cost a lot of unnecessary lab investigations certainly cause trouble to the healthcare system

Yes, it can indeed cause excessive costs.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts @soulesque!

Nice piece buddy. And the weird part of this is, some people can believe that they are sick, and they could end up picking the sickness. It does happen

some people can believe that they are sick, and they could end up picking the sickness. It does happen

Exactly, it can happen that way. A good example of the huge influence our mind has in our body.

They pick the sicknesses for themselves again? Wow, that's something. I really should write a fictional piece on this

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