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RE: Today’s lesson: why some people constantly believe they are sick when actually they aren’t?

You just described what I am going through right now. About 6 weeks ago, I had a haircut in public saloon and because my clipper was not within my reach, I opted to use the barber's clipper. Along the line I discovered part of the edge of my hair was bleeding, I was gripped with fear and the first thing that came to my mind was hiv. I went home and washed my head with hypochloride and believed everything was ok.

A week later, I was at work when a coleauge discover a patch on my back. I pulled my top only to discover some other patches and some kinds of lessions. I immediately went to Google to search for symptoms of hiv and guess what, I was made to believe my worst fear is just unfolding.

I just crammed the symptoms and was waiting for each of them to take their cause. I was really obsessed. I kept on googling. For two weeks I could not eat the lessions increased and I said that is it.

By three weeks I have already gone for three hiv screening tests. Well it happens that what I had waspityriasis Rosea but I have already entered the loop you just described. I might be in the loop for three months. It really affects my output.

Thanks for sharing anyway.


I might be in the loop for three months

That sounded like a very intense experience @henrychidiebere.

But at least you ended up realizing you aren't suffering from HIV!

I could basically count my heartbeat, lol. It's not an experience I'll pray my enemy should have. Nice one buddy.

Forgive me, but I had to laugh thoroughly when I saw this comment. On a peripheral level, it quite much describes what hypochondriac can do to a person. I wonder if there is an opposite to this because someone like me is anything but mindful about my health. It beats me how easily I can forget pain, and go right back into what is killing me.

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