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RE: Come to Give, Not Take: The Power of Reciprocity

in #psychology7 years ago

Nice, it looks like I have already made here a new friend :-)

I am not planning Full Steem ahead yet, but hopefully soon.

I have another obstacle, English is not my first lang, and as such, it takes me longer to write and I always question my style and my grammar, but I like challenges and all together, I love writing. Used to write quite good in my native language...

So, you are in Thailand, and you are originally from Canada. Nice! I like Thai people, my very first online friend and partner was a young, super talented Thai boy. Today he is a CEO of his own company in Bangkok and we are still in contact.

As to Wawa, it is in Northern Ontario, 230 km north of Sault Ste Marie. It is a picturesque, tinny town at the shores of Wawa Lake and Lake Superior. If it were not for our winters, it would be one of the nicest places in Canada ;-)

We are goose famous ;-)


Your English and your writing are fine. (As a teacher, writer, editor, I know quality writing when I read it, so trust me.)

Even though the English language is my specialty, I also take a long time to write an essay or an email or a Steemit post. I question my own style, because I want the reader to read it WITHOUT questioning or judging my style. Good writing is a craft, so if your writing takes a bit of time and effort, just realize that that means you are creating GOOD writing.

Looking at Google Maps, I realize that I drove thru Wawa in 1979, on my way back from a summer in Alberta. I made it another 300–400 miles down the Trans-Canada Hway, to Elliot Lake, where I got in a car accident and ended up unconscious in the hospital for a few days. I survived....

Thanks for the Canada Goose. Cheers

I am sorry it took me so long to reply to you, I had a home situation... Yes, Elliot Lake is not too far from Wawa and I will do my best to find you on Steemit chat :-)

Sorry, one more Wawa's giant goose picture, this one is special:

And... one more question. Is it OK to chat like that with each other, out of article context, in comments? I would hate to do something against Steemit etiquette.
I've read this post, but there are not much about commenting convos:

I don't think it's so bad to discuss these issues in comments. But it's getting tighter and tighter!! I rarely use chat, but see if you can contact me someday, we'll try to chat.

Love the evening goose.

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