Top 5 Psychology Gems (New series) 8/27/16

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

I enjoy making My Psych 101: Posts which will still continue, on a daily bases.

I would also like to include another series some of my top 5 picks from the psychology section.  

Going to call it  Top 5 psychology gems,  I will be doing this at least two times a week. I will choose them only from the Top tier of psychology tag meaning the first tag must be psychology. I will post their feature image and quote first Paragraph.

Keep an eye open for this so we can continue to read good quality content. 

If you missed some of my Psychology series  Psych 101 check them out below. 

Psych 101: The Trap of Projection in Cyberspace

Psych 101: The Temptation to Project in Cyberspace

Psych 101: Crayon Theory- The Psychology of Color

Psych 101: The Memory Palace

Psych 101: How to Induce a Lucid Dream

Psych 101: Intermediate Classical Conditioning

Psych 101: Beginner Classical Conditioning

Here Are My Top 5 Psychology Gems (8/27/16)

1. I was Spanked and I Turned Out OK—or did I?

Most everyone has heard or used the phrase, “I was spanked and I turned out ok.”
This expression represents acceptance of kid hitting. It sits at the heart of American spanking culture and conjures similar phrases like, “My parents spanked me and that is why I spank my kids,” and “if more children were spanked there would be fewer brats running around.”
Cliché’s such as these not only promote spanking acceptance but also encourages and praises this type of punishment, which research evidence abundantly suggests can damage children.(html comment removed: more)

2. Life is an Illegal, Drug-Induced Psychedelic Experience

Our consciousness is built on the foundation of electric and chemical signals in the brain, which dance together to cause our subjective awareness to emerge. These internal drugs regulate all of our most precious and painful experiences.
They allow us to feel a deep sense of connection and empathy with our closest friends, as well as a stinging sense betrayal toward a cheating lover, or the melancholic longing of a deceased loved one. 

3.The lies we tell ourselves - cognitive dissonance

You've been a smoker for years. You started because your friends smoked; you couldn't resist the peer pressure. Now you're smoking at least one pack a day, sometimes two.
Recently your health has taken a turn for the worse. That cough is getting rougher and you're out of breath climbing stairs. You visit your doctor who recommends you stop smoking.
You sign up for a program but after two weeks stop. Instead of admitting that you have an addiction and that quitting is hard, you tell yourself you enjoy smoking, and that it could be worse - your friends smoke far more.

4. The Voice of Your Unconscious Mind

Everyone dreams. While you are sleeping, your brain is busy working to produce images, sounds, feelings and ideas. Some people remember more dreams than others, but everyone who remembers a dream wants to know "What does this mean?" To answer this question, you don't need to go to an expert or consult a list of symbols; you simply need to learn some basic principles.
Dreams have been puzzled over for centuries. In Homer's Odyssey, Penelope has a dream of an eagle, interpreted as the return of her husband.

5.The Mozart Effect - How Clasical Music Changes Your Behavior

I listen to a variety of music genres, but vocal trance is what I mostly tune into, especially when I'm driving. It's uplifting and good-mood inducing.
I learned about the neuropsychological implications of music a few years back and since then I started paying more attention to how I react to different beats.
You've probably heard others saying that listening to a specific type of music influence your behavior but you may have not been provided scientific evidence for the claim. I've looked into this matter and here's what I found.

I do Hope you go and read these Great posts, in the sea of spam I really like this section psychology is part of us and the human mind, a lot of insight in these posts by great writers. 

Follow me for more content that will make your brain wheels turn. Happy weekend (well from my side at least.)

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