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RE: How To Fuel Flirtation And Ignite Irresistible Interactions

in #psychology7 years ago

Yeah I totally agree. Eyes are like that mysterious component to human nature. They're just so damn mystical. You got a leg, an arm, a head, and then the eye is just on an entirely different dimension. And the feeling you get when you make eye contact is also very profound and different from anything else. Here in Austin we have this meetup group I've gone to a few times called Authentic Relating Games. Its like a two hour workshop where you do a variety of different exercises that give you an opportunity to connect with people (most of whom you've never met) in a deeper way. Part of that is through eye contact. It's a little awkward for the first minute or so, but once you get the hang of it, it feels super natural. And it's pretty obvious whose not okay with it cuz they'll frantically look in every direction. It was cool that most people seemed to ease into it and also that it felt totally normal by the end of the workshop.

But yeah, out in the real world - there's definitely something there when you can make that type of connection with the eyes.


I feel like people are guarded with their eyes because it is a peek into their soul and their emotions. I used to be really big on making eye contact with people, until I started being able to feel their true emotions and basically read their thoughts that it started getting uncomfortable. It can be intimidating also when someone does it to you, I guess because eye contact does mean so much and we are guarded with allowing others to peer into us. When we don't initiate further eye contact it's a sign that we are not into getting on a deeper level with someone. That's pretty interesting, people just look into each others eyes for extended periods of time. I wonder if anyone fell in love lol

Yes...not sure who said it but there's that quote "they eyes are the window to the soul..."

Once I spontaneously eye gazed with my close friend Emily and it was probably one of the most unique experiences I've ever had. I felt this ocean (literally felt very fluid) of experience in my body. It felt so energizing and pure. Nothing I can quite accurately describe with words but that definitely opened my eyes to the power of eye contact.

And yeah I've heard that study of people falling in love. IMO I think it if the connection is there, it just accelerates the process.

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