Have you taken the ‘Red Pill’? Are you ‘Woke’?

in #propaganda6 years ago (edited)

The symbol of the ‘Red Pill’ is a popular meme in our Society. It represents an easy way to begin the path to awareness. It has an unfortunate appeal to many in this ‘fast food’ world we live in.

But, as you know there is no ‘Red Pill’ path to awareness… it take hard work, study, and the willingness to stand alone in the Real World while most people sleep, oblivious to the forces keeping them drowsy and numb. Try to force others to wake up, and you will most likely be met with angry reactions, name calling and eventually you'll be ostracized.

I grew up as a child of the Sixties… the Counter Culture was in full swing, and all through High School in the Seventies, the ‘hippies’ still had a strong influence on my classmates. I heard phrases like “Power to the People” and “Down with the Man!” expressed many times. So, of course I thought that was a noble cause… Forty-five years later, I realize they were nothing more than phrases and had no more lasting power than flowered bell-bottom trousers. Honestly, those that learned to Turn on, and Tune out also learned to Shape up and fly right. In the end most of the ‘hippies’ became the Man.

As far as me taking the ‘Red Pill’ and awakening? I was at least an observer and mental recorder of things I saw in popular culture and on the News(?) back in the day. I noticed that occasionally I would hear a tidbit of reported news, something reported just once, and then I’d never hear another word about it. I found that odd, this was before the Internet, so I couldn’t research that tidbit. Since then I’ve noticed the MSM is far more cohesive, or controlled now than it was back then. Probably, since the Big Six media corporations replaced the fifty, or so media outlets that were still around in the Nineties, and news became more homogenized. The little tidbits of real info are no longer allowed out in the wild.

So, how did I become more aware back then? I had to order books from my local bookstore that I heard about on TV, generally PBS.

And, since then I got my first computer about fifteen years ago, and I’ve been on a search ever since. It also helped that I went to college, at an advanced age and learned how to conduct a proper internet search.

The other thing that helped was taking a series of Public Relations courses. There I learned about Edward Bernays, the father of modern PR, and also the nephew of Sigmund Freud. Learning about Bernays set me on the path to studying Propaganda, and I’ve been searching through everything I can find about propaganda since then.

Of particular interest to me right now is the roots of propaganda… i.e. who were the pioneers, when did and how was propaganda applied to Western societies? From what my research is showing, propaganda has been a part of the American psyche for just over one hundred years. That’s three, maybe four generations that are propagandized. That means my great-grandparents, my grandparents and my parents all received a steady diet of propaganda. The question then becomes, how do parents that have lived under the influence of propaganda and swallowed a fair amount of it, teach their children how to avoid the lies of this world? And, don’t think just because your family didn’t listen to the radio and TV, or go to movies that they weren’t influenced by propaganda. Is there any way to escape propaganda when all your neighbors and everyone you come in contact with consume a daily dose?

One last thing, this recent phenomena of people claiming to be ‘Woke’ is just a fad, in my opinion. No one wants to admit they are asleep, and yet those that are claiming to be ‘Woke’ don’t even know what they are woke too… just being anti-Trump, or anti Hilary is not being ‘Woke’. Just knowing that the MSM is lying and then turning to social media for news, is not ‘Woke’. Being ‘Woke’ is not viewing the world with a handheld device, perusing Facebook and Twitter, whining about the Outrage Porn of the day. Being aware of the machinations of our Leaders and HOW it affects our lives, is one of the first steps to becoming awake.


being woke means realising most of the world is completely and utterly mad, while everyone is pretending to be sane.

war is not normal, nor is cancerous food, mass propaganda masquerading as news and entertainment, money created as debt, rejecting God and believing in nonsense theoretical science, etc. etc.

'strait is the gate and narrow is the path and few there be that find it.'


Let me start with very well put.

Until you pointed it out; I had never even considered the thinking of it like the red pill as the "solution". Now that you put it there, I can't help but consider what portion of those are thinking in terms of the easy solution...

While I was born in the 80's, alot of what you are saying resonates. I watched the news and it raised more questions than answers.

I started to get politically active, at the time that meant joining a leftist group as they were talking about helping the people. Then I found out just how closely tied the group was to the Black Bloc, who, I later found out was completely infiltrated (if not run) by police.

Agreed that alot of what gets presented as "waking up" or whatever the term of the day is, amounts to how in the book 1984 there was Emmanuel Goldstein as the enemy of the state being presented as a means of determining those who were closest to overcoming the brainwashing.

While there are elements that become "fad", particularly youth in the rebellious period, there's also the challenges of life that draw people back into passive acceptance. So, while the imagery of a red pill is useless, it is more like inoculation than a cure... and that only allows a person to recognize what is going on around them from a different light, from there it is a matter of conscious actions.

It is interesting what you said about Black Bloc being infiltrated by the police. That is an ancient tactic of those in authority to cast a shadow on those who protest. The police are known in those situations to be agitators, and to incite violence, just so the authorities can 'crack down' on the protesters. That's why I have great concern about Antifa. If protesters wear masks it is almost assured that the police will infiltrate the protesters. Even if they just melt into the crowd of protesters as they meet and march.

In my opinion, once someone becomes aware of the true machinations and intent of those in power, it takes a lot of study to keep up with what the authorities are doing. If one is to eventually offer assistance in answering other's questions about what is happening, that teacher needs to be clear and confident that they know the answers, tempered with not being a know it all. There may come a time in our lifetime's when teachers are needed as people ask, "What just happened?" But, that path also holds danger for the teachers, many an authoritarian Government has issued the arrest and deaths of the Teachers. It is a way of controlling the population and the history that is written about the Authoritarian Government.

Antifa are, IMO, just an extension of the Black Bloc, they are radical and can be dangerous. The thing is that now the average male is about 110 lbs soaking wet, with the 90 lb rainbow haired raging feminist that thinks that they won't get hit back. Their numbers have been dwindling though, to where now, they will become more of a threat to themselves.

I agree, it takes a level of awareness and study to start seeing what they are doing. After a time though, much like watching a football game, you start knowing what play is coming up just by the positioning of the players.

Whether or not there is the danger, the rewards of success and the costs of failure make the choice an easy one. It is an exciting time we live in, and for many of us that have been aware and watching the developments for decades. The situation is truly beginning to take shape as the great awakening of humanity. The true end of the dark age.

I've seen a little bit of the supposed conflicts Antifa has been involved, on videos on YouTube... color me not impressed... like most propaganda by the MSM, I have the feeling that the protests have a lot fewer people in actual attendance than the screaming MSM wants Americans to believe.

"After a time though, much like watching a football game, you start knowing what play is coming up just by the positioning of the players."

You're right about that, after seeing the patterns repeated over and over, it does become easier to spot them. Propaganda definitely has distinct patterns... the best propaganda is also the simplest... no reason to get overly complicated or the mob mentality gets easily confused.

Exciting times? Yes, and I have hope that we'll see a tipping point of people becoming more aware, but it is also a very dangerous time as well... this is the time that many Authoritarian regimes arise in a Nation's lifespan... people need to remain vigilant that their civil rights remain intact.

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

As I see it, yes

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Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Take The Red Pill
Our Purpose

How does it affect our lives?

"How does it affect our lives?"

Probably some of the earliest uses for propaganda that is still in use today, is in convincing a Nation's citizenry of the need to go to war... it is even more important when that Nation's population doesn't support going to war in the first place. There are many more uses, but that one in particular has very horrific consequences.

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