"Steemit Twitter Marketing Campaign" - Weekly Update #2

in #promo-steem7 years ago (edited)

Steem Promo Logo_ Twitter Bird On Branch Tweeting Out Steem Logo.gifHey Steemian Freedom Fighters!

We have launched a long-term "Steemit Twitter Marketing Campaign" as another FRONT in the MISSION to spread Steemit. I (@transcript-junky) will be at the HELM, using my ADVANCED "Gong Fu Twitter" techniques to direct and coordinate the growing TEAM of Steemians contributing to this campaign. I am a true believer that Twitter is the MOST POWERFUL social media tool at our disposal to implement this campaign, as I have learned through EXPERIENCE and ACTION.

Weekly "Twitter Steemit Promotion Campaign" News :

(1) @reko is in the process of setting up a Thunderclap account to help add leverage to the effort, and expand the reach of each of the promotional tweets.

(2) I have begun COMBING the Twitterverse for HIGH-OCTANE Steemians posting with the tag #promosteem, evaluating the quality of their Twitter/Steemit content, and adding the "interesting**" ones to the "Steemit Promotion" Twitter list at :

Please feel free to subscribe to the above Twitter list and Re-Tweet any/all of the Steemit-related GIF posts there to help boost the exposure of Steem and Steemit in the Twitterverse.

[DISCLAIMER] The addition of Twitter/Steemit profiles to the above list is NOT an endorsement of their content. From an EDITORIAL/MARKETING perspective, the goal is to ASSEMBLE a powerful group of TALENTED people who are MOST ACTIVELY promoting Steemit (especially via Twitter). The various people in the group will SURELY not agree on political, religious, etc issues. For the purpose of THIS CAMPAIGN, however, I deem the people on this list to be valuable in terms of moving the campaign forward. In the true blockchain-based spirit of Steemit my goal is to NOT have to remove people from the list UNLESS there is a SUBSTANTIAL argument made by a significant majority of group members that this would be a FEASIBLE option for maximizing the efficiency of the overall mission. HOPEFULLY, we won't have to "go there", and can stay focused on the MAIN goal of this campaign, which is : harnessing the POWER of Twitter to increase the overall exposure and growth of Steemit. [/DISCLAIMER]

Here are some of the HIGH-OCTANE Steemians added to the campaign Twitter list this week. Feel free to check out their Twitter and Steemit content and support them as we all WORK TOGETHER to build the MOMENTUM of the campaign :









(3) I have also begun composing and tweeting out some STRATEGICALLY-designed tweets whose copy is written with the intended function of drawing in some new HIGH-OCTANE, NON-Steemit writers (and other content creators) from Twitter to Steemit. Here are is a list of some of these tweets in action (with their tweet URL) :

Hey Chad! Why not DUPLICATE your FINE #writing onto #Steemit. We need as many HIGH-OCTANE #writers as we can find... Come, follow us into the "promised land"... #socialmedia #promosteem

Hey @michaelgarfield! Why not DUPLICATE your FINE #podcasting and #writing efforts onto #Steemit. We need as many HIGH-OCTANE #contentcreators as we can find... Come, follow us into the "promised land"... #socialmedia #promosteem #Dtube #Dsound #crypto

You are ALL free to copy and use these template tweets to help draw new people in.

Current Steem/Steemit GIFs Being Used In The Twitter Steemit Promo Campaign

Tweet #1 : "Still waiting" - GIF created by : @kyriacos.

steem waiting times.gif

Twitter tweet post url for Re-Tweeting this GIF :


Sample tweet promotional text :

Steemit blockchain-based social media platform has the highest and fastest transaction rates, Take your social media experience to the next level ...

Tweet #2 : "Transactions Per Second" - GIF created by : @overkillcoin.

Steem hype_transactions per second.gif

Twitter tweet post url for Re-Tweeting this GIF :


Sample tweet promotional text :

Steemit blockchain-based social media platform has the highest and fastest transaction rates, Take your social media experience to the next level ...

We are CONTINUOUSLY looking to add additional quality GIFs to the campaign, so feel free to add any in the comments section, and/or email them to : [email protected]

In addition, if you have any of YOUR OWN "Steem/Steemit Promo" tweets which you would like to have added to this "Weekly Update" please share the url in the comments, and we will include those which we deem helpful to the overall mission.

Current Participants In The Campaign

Steemians Who have Made Significantly Large Upvotes To This Post


These upvotes are VERY MUCH appreciated, and what I have decided to do is allocate a percentage of the total earnings from these weekly update posts to buy points on SteemFollower, which will help boost the exposure of these posts (since, for instance, the $20+ update from @d-pend (above) came in on through the SteemFollower platform). I will ALSO make an effort to purchase those SteemFollower points from the SteemFollower members who make such large upvotes, so that there is a further incentive to upvote into the future.

If you would like to get involved in ANY WAY please let us know via the comments. Also, feel free to share your own ideas on how we can leverage the Twitter platform to help expand the reach of Steemit to the wider internet public. I will be adding data and/or sections to this weekly update as the campaign evolves. The more people we can mobilize in this effort the more powerful will be the results, and since Twitter is an "open" network, those results will grow in a NON-LINEAR manner...

Full Steem Ahead!



Hey I have a solid following and I've begun promoting Steemit a couple days ago on all my social medias. Will use these GIFs more for sure. Feel free to dm me and connect and add me to this I may start something similar 👀

Earlier I started a Facebook and Linkedin group for Steemit and these are my socials too I'll connect with yours and add them to a Twitter list right now.
Steemers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Steemers
Steemers Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8618223
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Scottcbusiness
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ScottCBusiness
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/scottcbusiness
LinkedIn - https://ca.linkedin.com/in//scottcbusiness

Let's build!

Hey @scottcbusiness! Great! I added you to this post as a contributor, and followed you from my two main Twitter accounts. I see that you have ReTweeted the GIFs from one of the main Steemit account, but if you send out another GIF from YOUR Twitter profile (specifically Tweet #2 : "Transactions Per Second") I will give you a nice, JUICY ReTweet. Otherwise, great job, and let's keep the momentum going...

So awesome! Will be begin recruiting on twitter and facebook very soon! Just set up a green screen studio and almost ready to start video promoting!

Hey @entrepreneur916! Great. I've added you to this post as a contributor (so you will receive "mention updates" for these weekly update posts, AND I have ReTweeted your tweet of one of the campaign GIFs from the https://twitter.com/BitcoinsNGravy profile. Thanks for getting involved, and keep up with what we are doing via these weekly updates.

Awesome! I just got the notifications from twitter! Let me know if you need any material I and I can see what I can do to help!

I am up for this.

Hey @vishire! Great, I've added you to the post, as a contributor and added your profile to the Twitter list. I've posted your Twitter profile address as https://twitter.com/ivishire , but as there are a FEW people on Twitter with your name please confirm that this is you.

Yes, iVishire is me.

Great I will get on this!

Hey @tonysayers33! Excellent. Thanks for mobilizing. I have done the following to help move things along : (1) added your Twitter profile to the campaign Twitter list (2) followed you here in Steemit (3) followed your Twitter profile from my TranscriptJunky Twitter profile AND my (client's) https://twitter.com/BitcoinsNGravy profile (4) ReTweeted your tweet of this post from the BitcoinsNGravy Twitter profile. This is mainly a decentralized campaign, with these weekly update posts acting as the main hub of info and strategy. All of the contributors can take the updated resources from this weekly update (including the post itself) and use their marketing (and other) skills to help move the effort forward. Thanks for responding and contributing to the effort. @transcript-junky

Youre welcome it helps us all, this platform has so much potential to do good so anything I can do to help!

Awesome! We just got an UBER-JUICY upvote from @d-pend. Thanks a lot, buddy! Those upvote funds will go FAR in bringing this campaign to the next level. Let's ALL continue to try to draw in some more HIGH-OCTANE Steemians, and JUICY upvotes, to ACCELERATE the progress of this effort...

Exactly lets do this!

i just followed you on twitter and like your comment...let keep on promoting steemit

Great. I've added you to the Twitter list for the campaign.

Thank you...let do this

I basically can't stand Twitter, but you've given me a real reason to use it, so count me in!
I'm definitely a believer in Steemit, so I'll do my best to promote it!

Hey @crescendoofpeace! I've added your Steemit and Twitter profiles to this post, added you to the campaign Twitter list, and followed you on Twitter. Don't worry, we'll turn you into a Twitter junky soon enough. You just need a hands-on project to apply Twitter to and you will be hooked. Here is the magic book which will help the process along : "The Tao Of Twitter" by Mark Schaefer. Google it,and it is likely that you can find a "sample" version online. I have a "sample" copy I can share with you if you want : [email protected]. Thanks for joining the movement.

I will like to be a part of this project as well. I believe it is a good move to better the lots of the community, the plentier, the merrier ( I don't know how true that holds for steemit, I hope you understand)

HI @apiprincz! I tried searching for your Twitter profile but couldn't find anything. Let me know your Twitter profile URL and I'll add you to the campaign list. Thanks.

Oooh, my twitter handle is princzny

Hi @apiprincz. Your Twitter account appears to be "protected", so it will NOT allow me to add you to the campaign Twitter list. So I have simply added your Steemit profile to the "contributor" list in this post...

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