"Steemit-Twitter Marketing Campaign" - Update #13

in #promo-steem6 years ago (edited)

Steem Promo Logo_ Twitter Bird On Branch Tweeting Out Steem Logo.gif

Hey Steemit/Twitter Freedom Fighters!

We're chugging right along and making consistent progress with this "Steemit-Twitter Marketing Campaign". I, "Captain @transcript-junky", am at the HELM - the "grand facilitator" - using my ADVANCED "Gong Fu marketing techniques" to DIRECT and COORDINATE the growing team of Steemians and Twitterians who are contributing (directly or indirectly) to this effort. I am a true believer that Twitter is the MOST POWERFUL "traditional" social media tool at our disposal to implement this type of campaign, and achieve LONG-TERM progress. I have developed this belief through EXPERIENCE and ACTION in running SEVERAL Twitter ( https://twitter.com/TranscriptJunky and https://twitter.com/BitcoinsNGravy ) and/or Steemit ( @transcript-junky , @bitcoinsandgravy and @mixedmentalarts) , accounts for SEVERAL YEARS. One of the MOST POWERFUL features of Twitter is that it is an "open" network, which means that unlike most of the other major social media platforms (where people need to gain PERMISSION (ex. send/accept a "friend/connection request" to consume/share content) Twitter content is available for the WHOLE WORLD to see (for better or worse ;->). Each new update in this campaign is drawing in some additional POWER-PLAYERS and UPVOTERS on Steemit and Twitter who have begun contributing their UNIQUE and VALUABLE talents and/or network-leveraging to further the mission, and the future of this campaign is looking quite bright. I am steadily monitoring the Steemit-related activity on Twitter, and attempting to bring new contributors and content into the fold on a daily basis. I'm currently working on developing some additional HIGHLY VALUABLE collaborations which will help this effort, and will be rolled out in the coming weeks/months. You will be informed about ALL of them here in these updates. My main focus right now is providing an ADEQUATE - yet DIGESTIBLE - amount of ACTIONABLE information and resources to the readers of these updates - a task easier said than done; but a project in the works (as is life in general). I judge the success of this campaign on the TANGIBLE results which arise out of these updates (in the form of productive Steemit-Twitter activity related to the campaign, such as : ReTweets, ReSteems, likes, new followers, upvotes etc.). This is a good metric, and my primary focus.

As usual, I am in the process of figuring out ways to adequately CONSOLIDATE the information presented in these updates so that readers can assimilate some/all of the information presented in a relatively comfortable manner, as well as put it into IMMEDIATE ACTION, if they so desire. Although I am making a constant effort to prune/edit out excessively redundant information, due to the LONG, content-dense nature of these updates, it is NOT expected that you will consume this all in one sitting. Take your time with them, and click through (and/or share) some of the resources made available here in a generally easy-to-click form (ex. tweets of campaign-related content, profiles of people contributing to the campaign, etc.) Take what works for you, and leave the rest. There are no rules, assumptions, requirements, etc. for using the information in these updates. I'm finding it best to compose these updates in shorter daily spurts, while I also engage with Twitter and Steemit, so that the workflow is more comfortably manageable, and productive. In other words, this is a LARGE task for ME (the campaign manager) AS WELL AS for the reader. But in the end the results will be WELL worth the effort for everyone, and so I have accepted this project EAGERLY, as part of the "Great Work" that we SERIOUS people are doing here on Steemit to make the world a BIT better of a place then it has been.

The previous campaign Update #12 earned : 5.834 SBD and 2.642 STEEM POWER (SP), and along with my standard finance strategy for this campaign I have gone ahead and used most of the SBD proceeds (5.75 SBD) to purchase points on Steemfollower. I purchased these points from @d-pend, who is a major upvoter of this campaign, and so this is a way of reciprocating for his support (since members earn points for upvoting post by other members on the SteemFollower platform, and can then SELL those points to OTHER members in exchange for SBD :

Update 13 _ SteemFollower Buy and #12 Post Payout Wallet shot.png

Update 12_ SteemFollower Market Points Purchase from d_pend.png

The SteemFollower points will help further promote these campaign posts to reach a larger audience and earn more $$$ per post. Let me also make a HUGE shout-out here to @mahdiyari ( the creator/maintainer of SteemFollower (and its excellent sister site : www.steemauto), as well as distinguished Steemit witness) for providing this EXCELLENT tool by which those of us SERIOUS posters, who post regularly, can earn a decent amount of steady income on our posts while building our followings and developing our longer term efforts (like this Steemit-Twitter campaign effort) WITHOUT having to stress too much over the $$$ side of things. Many of the connections with the top upvoters of these campaign posts have been made on SteemFollower, and I highly recommend this tool for anyone reading this. It's all free, by the way. Also, I HIGHLY recommend voting this ESTEEMED gentleman as a witness @mahdiyari. He's a MAJOR value-producer on this REVOLUTIONARY platform.

I would also like to now introduce a new endeavor for the campaign, which is to send a percentage of the earnings from these campaign posts to the FINE folks who have created - and are continuously developing - the EXCELLENT @steem-plus extension. When these folks implemented an "offline" version of this application, about a month or two ago, I was finally able to properly understand and get the feel for this excellent tool. That was a MAJORLY GOOD marketing move on their part, since I think many people (like myself) just didn't understand the basics of getting up and running with the "online" version (the one that you have to sign into via SteemConnect). Well, that great marketing decision FINALLY opened my eyes to some of the many PRICELESS - yet FREE - functions of this extension, and I am now formally declaring myself a "@steem-plus ambassador" of sorts. You can read about all of the EXCELLENT features of this plugin, which GREATLY enhances your daily Steemit experience, on their dedicated GitHub documentation page : https://github.com/stoodkev/SteemPlus , but they also include a rundown of most of the primary features of the tool in each of their update posts, such as the following great one which introduces their new "tip" feature, which allows you to QUICKLY send a tip to another Steemit user : https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@steem-plus/steemplus-2-17-tips . A few of the most valuable functions which I have discovered through using this tool daily for past month, and which have produced SIGNIFICANT benefits for my overall productivity (and enjoyment) of Steemit - especially including those features which make the research and creation of these campaign posts MUCH easier (and enjoyable) include :

(1) displaying the value of the upvotes by each upvoter of your posts (which is especially helpful when I list the top upvoters in these campaign posts)

(2) the ability to "bookmark" your favorite profiles, which then show up on your main ("feed") page of your account, and allow you to QUICKLY access your favorite posters, as well as informing you when those posters have published new posts.

(3) the new "ReSteem" counter, which shows the number of ReSteems of each of your posts, and a link to the profiles of those who ReSteemed you. Finally, somebody made this valuable feature happen, as it is valuable for me to know who has ReSteemed these campaign posts, so that I can give them a nice mention in the "contributors" section of these posts.

There are MANY MORE extremely valuable features of this extension which I will not mention here for the sake of keeping these updates as lean as possible. However, I STRONGLY recommend anyone reading this to try out the FREE @steem-plus tool to discover the magic for yourself. I also HIGHLY recommend voting one of the main creators of this tool : @stoodkev, as a witness. These are SMART folks who are doing GREAT work towards he evolution of this REVOLUTIONARY platform. Most importantly, forthe purpose of this campaign, is that what I have decided to do (after being made aware of their new "tip" feature (in the post linked above) is to designate a percentage of the earnings of each of these campaign posts to the @steem-plus crew, in the form of a "tip" using this new feature. I have decided to start with the lowest pre-set tip amount (which is 0.500 SBD) with the intention that as the total payouts on these campaign posts (hopefully) increase over time, we can increase the tip (per post) accordingly. In addition, this gesture is intended to help expand awareness of this FINE tool, and hopefully this nice writeup (which will be included in all future posts) will serve that function. After all, as most SERIOUS Steemians - and general crypto-enthusiasts) are aware, value is not so much determines by quantities, as it is the "social capital" inherent in something which is produced. In other words, this writeup will likely deliver MUCH MORE value to the @steem-plus folks than will the accompanying $0.500 SBD tip. Just putting things into perspective here. Here is the screenshot of the actual tip sent for the last update (#12) :

Update #13_ Tip Sent To Steem_Plus.png

Finally, ANY efforts that the consumers of these campaign posts can assist (in terms of upvotes/follows/ReSteems/ReTweets/advice-feedback) are MUCH appreciated, and will help out EVERYONE who is contributing to this campaign, as well as to the Steemit platform as a whole, by extension. I am also in the process of adding new types of valuable data to these updates as those become valuable/practical, and PRUNING OUT those which are less relevant/productive, AND I am finding that it is helpful to update the post in REAL-TIME while the post is active and new people respond and contribute to the effort, instead of having to wait until the next update post to further mobilize the effort. This gives new people incentive to contribute to the campaign IMMEDIATELY, and not lose interest in the modern "abyss of information overload". In this way, the campaign is CONSTANTLY moving forward in real-time. Also keep in mind that I am making a continuous effort to provide the ACTUAL Twitter content in these updates (related to the campaign) in a form which makes it EASY for anyone to Re-Tweet the content with one or two clicks from this post (using screenshots of the content whenever possible to add to the aesthetic appeal of these updates), and so that these weekly updates are essentially INTERACTIVE in nature, and should be utilized as such.

Thanks to EVERYONE who has become interested and involved in the campaign so far. By harnessing the "wisdom" (and "power") of the CROWD" we can ALL help build the momentum of this campaign, which will benefit everyone. The future is looking SUPER-bright for us all...


Campaign Progress Update

I am CONTINUING to comb the Twitterverse for HIGH-OCTANE Steemians posting with the tag #promosteem :


and evaluating the quality of their Twitter/Steemit content, and adding the "interesting**" profiles to the "Steemit Promotion" Twitter list at :


Screenshot (55).png

In addition, I have added two new trending hashtags : #JoinSteemit and #Deletefacebook to the mix of "Twitter Scanning" hashtags. The general meltdown of Facebook, and the overall mass censorship issue of general traditional social media platforms, has been a HUGE boon to our campaign effort, as many disgruntled Facebook and YouTube users are now searching for better social media solutions (specifically decentralized ones like Steemit and Dtube). We are therefore making a consistent effort to catch these folks "on the rebound".

Please feel free to subscribe to the above Twitter list and Re-Tweet any/all of the Steemit-related GIF posts (and other tweet content) there to help boost the exposure of Steem and Steemit in the Twitterverse.

(2) In addition, I have ALSO directed some of my daily Twitter "hashtag scouring" activities towards creativity-related topics (ex. Steemians who create original artistic content : musicians, poets, artists, podcasters) and which are posted under the #dsound tag :


I am continuing to focus primarily on #Dsound as it is proving to be the most consistent in providing quality original content which I can easily tweet out as part of the campaign. The #Dsound tag provides a significant number of original creative works (ex. original music compositions, spoken word poetry, podcasts, etc.) created by Steemians, and all under one convenient hashtag. #DTube is also good, but the TYPE of content posted there is NOT AS practical (and more random) for the main purpose of this campaign, and so more time is waste scouring that hashtag. So I am focusing primarily on #Dsound, but also checking #Dtube every few days to hopefully find some gems worthy of tweeting out. However, on the #Dtube front I am CONSISTENTLY tweeting out the archived podcast episodes from my main podcasting clients : @bitcoinsandgravy, @mixedmentalarts, and the "Future Fossils" podcast ( @michaelgarfield), along with the growing collection of JUICY Steemit-Twitter promote hashtags, so I think this adequately covers Dtube as well. Also, I receive a steady feed of #Dsound tagged creative works through my daily upvoting activity on SteemFollower, and there is a double-benefit to tweeting out these posts as part of the campaign. Firstly, I am able to earn SteemFollower points for upvoting these posts, and secondly, I don't have to spend as much time and energy scouring the #Dsound hashtag page on Twitter (often having to sort through more irrelevant posts to get to ones appropriate to include in this campaign).

[DISCLAIMER] The addition of Twitter/Steemit profiles to the above Twitter list is NOT an endorsement of the content OR opinions of the content producers. From an EDITORIAL/MARKETING perspective, the goal is to assemble a powerful group of TALENTED people who are MOST ACTIVELY promoting Steemit (especially via Twitter) and who will help boost the progress of the campaign.[/DISCLAIMER]

Here are some of the new HIGH-OCTANE Steemians added to the campaign Twitter list this week (as a result of engaging with and/or upvoting the campaign content). Feel free to check out their Twitter and Steemit profiles/content and support them as we all WORK TOGETHER to build the MOMENTUM of the campaign :



(3) As mentioned above, aside from the new creative works I find via the #Dsound Twitter hashtag, I have begun MORE CONSISTENTLY tweeting out the original content from my podcast clients. The good news is that I have begun a new collaboration (as marketing manager/consultant) on the "Future Fossils" podcast ( with producer/host : @michaelgrafield ), and can now incorporate this third, FINE, production into the campaign posting mix. I am trying to post ONE main podcast episode from each of these main accounts each week (so basically one every other day), then post them in Steemit Chat and Discord, and use the campaign Steemit promotion hashtags to help give the campaign (and the hashtags) a steady presence and boost. Here are three of this week's examples of posts made from these profiles since the last update. Please feel free to follow these profile on Steemit and/or Twitter, and share their content, which will help boost the momentum of the campaign :


We've started a new series at @bitcoinsandgravy titled "Trending Bitcoin News". The series provides FIVE of the most interesting recent resources related to the topics of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. I am trying to consistently post 2-3 of these per week. This type of series is a good example of the kind which you can create and publish relatively quickly, and with relatively low effort, but these kinds of posts function to draw in steady flow of new followers, which is very important for long-term success on Steemit. Another benefit of this category of posts is that you can cover LOTS of juicy hashtags (I try to include one keyword/hashtag from each of the five articles showcased in the post), and really expand the reach of the posts. Here's one of the most recent ones :

Update 12 _ Trending Bitcoin News.png



A few weeks ago I launched a very effective posting schedule via the @mixedmentalarts profile, taking advantage of the STRONG ability for shorter audio (podcast) files to draw interest and new followers (and some upvotes) to a profile. After all, people generally have limited time to listen to ALL of the entire podcast episodes that they desire. So I have now started posting THREE short "Knowledge Bomb" audio files (one daily for three days) and then alternating this with a FULL podcast episode, and then the longer-form "Mixed Mental Arts Chats" (which are "Google Hangout" roundtable-style videos) after the next three day daily "Knowledge Bomb" postings. This provides a STEADY stream of visibility to this profile, and the influx of new followers is significant and impressive. I have also included the embedded YouTube video of the corresponding FULL episode of the podcast, which each of the "Knowledge Bombs" is cut from. In this way, the full episode is simultaneously promoted in each of the derivative "Knowledge Bomb" posts. Here's one of the recent "Knowledge Bomb" posts :

Update 13 _ Knowledge Bomb Stereotypes.png



The "Future Fossils" podcast project is coming along VERY nicely. We are focusing on getting BOTH the new episodes of the podcast AND the archived episodes up on BOTH Steemit/Dsound and YouTube. We've also managed to secure an UBER-JUICY ~ $20 upvote from the official @dsound account, which is a HUGE help in providing a nice income per episode post, which we are now using to fund/expand the larger marketing effort of the project (of which this campaign is one element). Starting around three months ago, @michaelgarfield, the producer of the show, started posting the new episodes on Steemit, via Dsound. It was a very good decision to do that, because - as mentioned above - the podcast has gained the attention of the main @dsound account, which has been GENEROUSLY upvoting each episode post. Before posting he episodes on Steemit, Michael was focusing mainly on Patreon as the main income source for the production. Steemit has now provided a MASSIVE boost to the monetization of he production, and he is now focusing on BOTH platforms to expand exposure and a growing budget for the marketing campaign we are now implementing for the project (with my input as "marketing consultant"). Here's the most recent new (dsound) episode of the show. It is an especially good one :

Update 13 _ Future Fossils Ep 77.png


I am finding that podcasts are an especially high-quality type of content to share, as they concentrate a LOT of information in one shared piece of content. I am going to be especially on the lookout for some more high-quality podcast productions to integrate into the mix. The three profiles (above) provide enough archived content to post consistently for this campaign, and then also allow me to pepper into the mix some of the new, additional interesting original creative Steemit works I find on Twitter and SteemFollower. I think we have now reached an adequate level of regular content, so that is a nice accomplishment for the campaign. The MOST important thing, though, is that I am now LEVERAGING the content of ALL of the related projects (above) to draw in a HIGHER amount of follows, upvotes, and general engagement for ALL profiles, which will provide further FUEL for the campaign more indirectly.

I am gradually continuing to explore more of the key (Steemit) art/media related Twitter hashtags, such as #Dsound, #Dtube, #Dlive and others, to discover more artists who are creating original works on Steemit (and related Steemit media sites) to be able to tweet out more of these valuable posts as part of the campaign. Artists (of all types) are a PRIME market for recruiting to Steemit, for a few main reasons. Firstly, the proverbial "starving artist" has a serious need to monetize their creations in any ways possible - and Steemit greatly facilitates this kind of monetization. Secondly, artists tend to be inquisitive, higher-level thinkers, and in general, Steemit is a platform which tends to attract free-thinking, innovative types, and so it is a good match for the needs of the artistic personality, generally speaking. Steemit is also a SERIOUS platform for the artist to connect with, learn from, and/or collaborate with other artists in new ways which are made available through the nature of the technology. This is why I am putting my main focus on finding these artistic types and working to recruit them to Steemit. I will likely explore ONE new art-related hashtag per weekly update into the future to expand the range of the effort, as time/energy allow.

Here is one of the most recent tweets of an original Dsound spoken word poetry post I sent out as part of the campaign :

Posted by : @d-pend

Update 13 _ Always Been A Traveler Poem D_pend.png


I have also found some good response from sending out some of my own Steemit photo-poetry tweets, which allows me to hit some of the juicy hashtags related to photography, poetry and art. These are quick posts which people can easily consume and share, and so they are a powerful addition to the campaign. I will integrate some more photo posts into the mix going forward. Allow me to SHAMELESSLY provide an example of my recent poetry-photography post which is part of the campaign effort :


Update 13 _ Set In Stone _ transcript_junky.png


If you are a Steemit artist (or have any recommendations of Steemit artists whose content can be tweeted out) please leave their profile info in the comments section. People on Twitter respond VERY WELL to original music, video, etc. and so we should take advantage of this to help build momentum.

(4) I am continuing to compose and tweet out some STRATEGICALLY-designed tweets whose copy is written with the intended function of drawing in some new HIGH-OCTANE, NON-Steemit writers (and other content creators) from Twitter (and other traditional social media) to Steemit. The recent overall progressive MELTDOWN of traditional social media platforms (ex. Facebook, YouTube) is a gift which keeps on giving, and I have composed - and am continuing to compose - tweets intended to try and draw people from Facebook, YouTube, etc. over to Steemit. Here are TWO such tweet in action (with their tweet URLs) :

Screenshot (62).png


Screenshot (64).png


You are ALL free (and ENCOURAGED) to copy and use these tweets (and EVEN MODIFY them) to help draw new people in. I ESPECIALLY urge you to BLAST this specific tweet out there into the virtual universe while the current EXODUS from Facebook and YouTube is in full force.

(5) I'm continuing to build a list of some of the most powerful Steemit promotion-related hashtags currently being used on Twitter, and testing them for their effectiveness. Here is the updated version of the ongoing list :

Powerful Steemit Promotion Twitter Hashtags











Please feel free to suggest any additional power-hashtags you think will help the effort in the comments.

(6) Current Steem/Steemit GIFs Being Used In The Twitter Steemit Promo Campaign

Tweet #1 : "Still waiting" - GIF created by : @kyriacos.

steem waiting times.gif

Twitter tweet post url for Re-Tweeting this GIF :

Sample tweet promotional text :

Steemit blockchain-based social media platform has the highest and fastest transaction rates, Take your social media experience to the next level ...

Tweet #2 : "Transactions Per Second" - GIF created by : @overkillcoin.

Steem hype_transactions per second.gif

Twitter tweet post url for Re-Tweeting this GIF :

Sample tweet promotional text :

Steemit blockchain-based social media platform has the highest and fastest transaction rates, Take your social media experience to the next level ...

Tweet #3 : "#StartSteem" - created by @chron

@chron _ startsteemit.gif

Twitter tweet post url for Re-Tweeting this GIF :

We are CONTINUOUSLY looking to add additional quality GIFs to the campaign, so feel free to add any in the comments section, and/or email them to : [email protected]

In addition, if you have any of YOUR OWN "Steem/Steemit Promo" tweets which you would like to have added to this "Weekly Update" please share the URL in the comments, and we will include those which we deem helpful to the overall mission.

(7) Quality Steemit Related Articles To Tweet (I'm adding the most newly discovered at the TOP of this list :

Steem Blockchain Welcomes Its One Millionth Unique Account

Power to the People: How Blockchains Can Enable Social Change
( https://twitter.com/TranscriptJunky/status/958688265405517824 )

Why Steemit Is The Platform Of The People And The Answer To Censorship https://disobedientmedia.com/2018/02/why-steemit-is-the-platform-of-the-people-and-the-answer-to-censorship/

Controversial YouTubers head to alternative platforms in wake of ‘purge’ https://www.polygon.com/2018/3/7/17087668/steemit-dtube-bitchute-youtube-purge

YouTube and Facebook Are Losing Creators to Blockchain-Powered Rivals https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-10/youtube-and-facebook-are-losing-creators-to-blockchain-powered-rivals

Steemit Is First Social Media Platform Built on Top of Blockchain

Media Must Tokenize To Survive

(8) New (and existing) Twitter-Steemit Campaign Participants
(this list will be updated in REAL-TIME as new people become involved)

Current Participants In The Campaign


(9) Steemians Who have Made Significantly Large Upvotes To Past (and current) Posts


These upvotes are VERY MUCH appreciated, and what I have decided to do is allocate a percentage of the total earnings from these weekly update posts to buy points on SteemFollower, which will help boost the exposure of these posts (since, for instance, some generous $5.00+ upvotes have started coming in from various "power-players" through the SteemFollower platform). I will ALSO make an effort to purchase those SteemFollower points from the SteemFollower members who make such large upvotes, so that there is a further reciprocity and incentive to upvote these weekly campaign update posts into the future, as part of the upvote amount is cycled BACK to the generous upvoters. In this way we all work together for the greater good, and all benefit from the campaign ;->

(10) Earnings From All Past Campaign Updates

Update #1 - https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@transcript-junky/steemit-twitter-marketing-campaign-weekly-update-1

Full post earnings : $3.93
Earning for author : 1.602 SBD, and 0.360 Steem Power

Update #2 - https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@transcript-junky/steemit-twitter-marketing-campaign-weekly-update-2

Full post earnings : $41.47
Earning for author : 15.973 SBD and 2.891 STEEM POWER

Update #3 - https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@transcript-junky/steemit-twitter-marketing-campaign-weekly-update-3

Full post earnings : $11.31
Earnings For author : 4.459 SBD and 1.409 STEEM POWER
Amount Reinvested Into Steemfollower For Campaign :
@transcript-junky transfer 4.240 SBD to steemfollower d3MzD6ZGxeQPFkO

Update #4 - https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@transcript-junky/steemit-twitter-marketing-campaign-weekly-update-4

Full post earnings : $27.23
Earnings For author : 10.603 SBD and 2.571 STEEM POWER
Amount Reinvested Into Steemfollower For Campaign :
@transcript-junky transfer 8.599 SBD to steemfollower - HcTDaLnpGBfMXxE

Update #5 - https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@transcript-junky/steemit-twitter-marketing-campaign-weekly-update-5

Full post earning : $25.11
Earnings For author : 9.98 SBD 3.02 STEEM POWER
Amount Reinvested Into Steemfollower For Campaign :
@TRANSCRIPT-JUNKY transfer 9.750 SBD to steemfollower - fzwunD2MXvN7QUk

Update #6 - https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@transcript-junky/steemit-twitter-marketing-campaign-weekly-update-6

Full Post Earning : $4.95
Earnings For author : 1.978 SBD and 1.011 STEEM POWER
Amount Reinvested Into Steemfollower For Campaign :
@TRANSCRIPT-JUNKY Transfer 3.799 SBD to steemfollower SI4QdgEyOGKZjJ6
** As the income from the #6 post was rather low I purchased some additional SteemFollower points with my personal money. It's no biggy, as it all comes back around eventually.

Update # 7 - https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@transcript-junky/steemit-twitter-marketing-campaign-update-6

Full Post Earning : $9.23
Earnings For author : 0.606 STEEM, 2.717 SBD, and 2.654 SP
Amount Reinvested Into Steemfollower For Campaign : sent 3.600 SBD to @mixedmentalarts account AND THEN bought 3.544 SBD of SteemFollwe points via the @mixedmentalarts account : @mixedmentalartsTransfer 3.554 SBD to steemfollower I4hLC5EARkQgXjt

Update # 8 - https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@transcript-junky/steemit-twitter-marketing-campaign-update-8

Full Post Earning : $5.19
Earnings For author : 0.125 STEEM, 1.826 SBD and 1.175 SP
Amount Reinvested Into Steemfollower For Campaign : sent 3.000 SBD to @bitcoinsandgravy profile, AND THEN purchased 2.995 SBD of points from SteemFollower through the @bitcoinsandgravy account - Transaction # : 0gnHD5ro9BwbPSq.

Update #9 - https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@transcript-junky/steemit-twitter-marketing-campaign-update-9

Full Post Earning : $8.77
Earnings For author : 3.444 SBD and 1.475 SP
Amount Reinvested Into Steemfollower For Campaign : 2.43 SBD sent to @steemfollower - ZjBHkWzmUPC30Jn

Update #10 - https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@transcript-junky/steemit-twitter-marketing-campaign-update-10

Full Post Earning : $18.61
Earnings For author : 7.269 SBD and 2.473 SP
Amount Reinvested Into Steemfollower For Campaign :

2 days ago 2.949 SBD sent to @steemfollower wPjapZcTWqOgiV1
2 days ago 2.949 SBD sent to @steemfollower SvRprO26JDBYq9d

Update #11 - https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@transcript-junky/steemit-twitter-marketing-campaign-update-11

Full Post Earning : $20.44
Earnings For author : 8.545 SBD and 3.318 STEEM POWER
Amount Reinvested Into Steemfollower For Campaign :

5.75 SBD sent to @steemfollower s4njVoFHR7GlAxv

Update #12 - https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@transcript-junky/steemit-twitter-marketing-campaign-update-12

Full Post Earning : $15.06
Earnings For author : 5.834 SBD and 2.642 STEEM POWER (SP)
Amount Reinvested Into Steemfollower (and other payout allocations) For Campaign :

5.75 SBD sent to @steemfollower iZL2E8nk1KoYPVO
$0.500 SBD sent/tipped to @steem-plus (0.5 SBD sent to @steem-plus)

** I intend to occassionally divert a portion of reinvested SBD per campaign update alternately to the : @transcript-junky , @mixedmentalarts , and @bitcoinsandgravy SteemFollower accounts to help boost the overall momentum of those profiles, which will ultimately help the campaign significantly into the future (due to their mass of high-quality podcast content and entertainment industry reputations). Thisis especially relevant for @ixedmentalarts and @bitcoinsandgravy, because those profile are in their beginning stages, and so this boost in funding will be helpful to get the momentum going. Eventually these profiles will have enough momentum that this allocation will no longer be necessary. In the meantime, this small cost will easily be returned as a result of the combined income from this content, and so it's a sound investment of the earnings. I have also added the task of purchasing SteemFollower points (for the @mixedmentalarts and @bitcoinsandgravy account) by purchasing them on the SteemFollower market from my ( @transcript-junky ) account. In this way I am able to liquidate some of the points I earn daily on that platform WHILE ALSO powering up these two accounts with points, which increases their exposure on that platform. It is a completel win-win arrangement.

If you would like to get involved with this campaign in ANY WAY please let us know via the comments section of this post and/or email me directly at : [email protected]. Also, feel free to share your own ideas on how we can leverage the Twitter platform to help expand the reach of Steemit to the wider internet public. I will be adding data and/or sections to this weekly update as the campaign evolves. The more people we can mobilize in this effort the more powerful will be the results, and since Twitter is an "open" network, those results will grow in a NON-LINEAR manner...

Full Steem Ahead!



Hey there...I am already promoting steemit on facebook and twiteer.
How can we help each other to promote steemit?

Hi @duarte9sousa! I have added your Twitter profile to our campaign list (check for the notification on Twitter). The best way to proceed (especially since it seems that you are relatively new on Steemit) is to simply read through these (weekly) campaign update and tweet/Re-Tweet/use/etc. any of the resources provided here. There is PLENTY of actionable information in these updates to keep anyone busy. I will also add your profile mention to the next update. Thanks for engaging...

Nice. Let´s do it @transcript-junky! I will leave my twitter account just for confirmation. I am alreay following you on twitter.
Thanks for your efforts.
I will bring more people in.

Hi! This is jlk.news intelligent bot. I just upvoted your post based on my criteria for quality. Keep on writing nice posts on Steemit and follow me @jlkreiss to get premium world news updates round the clock! If you like, just upvote my comment! 🦄🦄🦄

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