"Steemit Twitter Marketing Campaign" - Weekly Update #1

in #promo-steem7 years ago (edited)

Steem Promo Logo_ Twitter Bird On Branch Tweeting Out Steem Logo.gif

Hey Steemian Freedom Fighters!

We have launched a new, long-term "Steemit Twitter Marketing Campaign" as another FRONT in the MISSION to spread Steemit. I (@transcript-junky) will be at the HELM, using my ADVANCED "Gong Fu Twitter" techniques to direct and coordinate the growing TEAM of Steemians contributing to this campaign. I am a true believer that Twitter is the MOST POWERFUL social media tool at our disposal to implement this campaign, as I have learned through EXPERIENCE and ACTION.

Weekly "Twitter Steemit Promotion Campaign" News :

  1. @reko is in the process of setting up a Thunderclap account to help add leverage to the effort, and expand the reach of each of the promotional tweets.

  2. I have launched the new "Steemit Promotion" Twitter list at :


Please feel free to subscribe to the above Twitter list and Re-Tweet any/all of the Steemit-related GIF posts there to help boost the exposure of Steem and Steemit in the Twitterverse.

Current Steem/Steemit GIFs Being Used In The Twitter Steemit Promo Campaign

Tweet #1 : "Sill waiting" - GIF created by : @kyriacos.

steem waiting times.gif

Twitter tweet post url for Re-Tweeting this GIF :


Sample tweet promotional text :

Steemit blockchain-based social media platform has the highest and fastest transaction rates, Take your social media experience to the next level ...

Tweet #2 : "Transactions Per Second" - GIF created by : @overkillcoin.

Steem hype_transactions per second.gif

Twitter tweet post url for Re-Tweeting this GIF :


Sample tweet promotional text :

Steemit blockchain-based social media platform has the highest and fastest transaction rates, Take your social media experience to the next level ...

We are CONTINUOUSLY looking to add additional quality GIFs to the campaign, so feel free to add any in the comments section, and/or email them to : [email protected]

In addition, if you have any of YOUR OWN "Steem/Steemit Promo" tweets which you would like to have added to this "Weekly Update" please share the url in the comments, and we will include those which we deem helpful to the overall mission.

Current Participants In The Campaign


If you would like to get involved in ANY WAY please let us know via the comments. Also, feel free to share your own ideas on how we can leverage the Twitter platform to help expand the reach of Steemit to the wider internet public. I will be adding data and/or sections to this weekly update as the campaign evolves. The more people we can mobilize in this effort the more powerful will be the results, and since Twitter is an "open" network, those results will grow in a NON-LINEAR manner...

Full Steem Ahead!




I also have a steeming twit list over there. Lots of steemers - not too many tweets!

Hi Sharon. Yes, I followed your link in the comment you made in a recent post, and discovered that I was ALREADY subscribed to your list. I just added you as a member of my new list, and if you give me permission I will add you to the next weekly update post as a contributor to the campaign. Let me know. My intuition tells me that, since you have been having a bit of difficulty getting things moving on YOUR list, that you come aboard with MY effort. The reasons for this are that : (1) I am working with @reko on this, and he is a skilled Steemit promoter with a sizeable network. (2) I am a Twitter Guru, and at HIGHLY skilled at bringing the campaign where it needs to go. (3) it's better if we STREAMLINE everything into ONE CHANNEL. If you agree with this I think it would be IDEAL for you to reach out to the members/subscribers of YOUR group and see if you can get them over to mine. I will then keep you in the loop if/when there are any tasks you may be able to assist with in the processes of advancing my campaign. Most of those tasks will be in the weekly updates anyway, but if anything SPECIFIC comes up I can reach out to you directly. Your thoughts?

Hello fellow Steemian .. I'm a newbie here. Please support me by following my blogs and I will follow yours as well . Hope we can be good friends.. Please check my introductory post. Thank you. Lovelots

BitcoinsNGravy Bitcoins and Gravy tweeted @ 17 Jan 2018 - 03:50 UTC

Steemit blockchain-based social media platform has the highest and fastest transaction rates, Take your social medi… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

TranscriptJunky TranscriptJunky tweeted @ 14 Jan 2018 - 06:07 UTC

Steemit blockchain-based social media platform has the highest and fastest transaction rates, Take your social medi… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

great idea :)

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