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in #promo-steem7 years ago (edited)

As #promo-steem moves into this exciting time our team discuss what we are currently working on and where things are moving. Following on from our discussion with @andrarchy HERE we are moving forward into some excellent developments!



  1. Promo-steem World Map
  2. Steem Ambassador Programme
  3. Promo-steem Website + Promo-steem stemit account
  4. Onboarding
  5. Community upvoting mechanism for steem promoters
  6. Assistance of @deimus on website designs, presentation, logo and voting guild
  7. Steemable
  8. Viewly


Please give us your comments on the logo here. @deimus will officially launch on his blog tomorrow. We have our comments to incorporate, however, initially, I would like to propose that this or something like this is the promo-steem logo.




We are working on a centralized steemit account for promoters / ambassadors where we will feature promoters, run promo competitions, provide examples of how we promo and the story of promo steem


We are also working on a web page dedicated to steemians who are promoting steem, this will include:

  • Steem Ambassador Programme (working on specific privilages for steem ambassadors in the medium term),
  • Structured community upvoting guild for promo works,
  • On-bording page,
  • Map of the steemit promo world,
  • Public chat area (block chain logged)
  • Private promo chats and private chat options,
  • Newsletter,
  • Promo applications area,
  • Promo Merch shop / supported use of logo designs,
  • Promo Artwork
  • Promo World Map

We are planning to get a skeleton site out in the coming weeks and populate with content into early next year.

Looking forward to your support going forwards!



Well done @starkerz and @deimus - so encouraged to see such hard work being done to create a platform for the promotion of Steem. You guys rock !!

Thanks for putting up with me and allowing me to sleep at your lovely place :)

It's been such a pleasure - we have loved having you here

What is promo world map?

Good day, we have managed to scrape the block chain and create a list of steem promoters by country. @stephenkendal has put these on a map. We will incorporate into our website. We have also contacted steemit world map to see if there are any possibilities for collaboration on this
see the foundation work for the promo world map HERE

@starkerz agreed! After I seen the countries with #promo-steem I realized there are many important countries without a team. Definitely adding some links on the front-end of steemit to point out to the promo-steem teams, and connecting them on the @steemitworldmap , and communicating potential users the promo-steem teams can help them learn the basics and get started with steemit, will make a huge impact!

Thank you! I certainly believe we need to set up a resource to manage this feature i.e. maintain a list of promo steemians, steem ambassadors and keep an updated version of the promo world map, either on @steemitworld map or our own version. any suggestions as to how to resource this?

@starkerz totally agree! Could you explain further your question, "any suggestions as to how to resource this?" @gold84

By the way, were you able to see my thoughts on item 3 of your post: Promo Steem An Initial Proposal for the next step?

Hey Man!

Love your presentation at SteemFest and love how you are not only investing in $teem with $$$ but also investing in the future success by helping promote, educate and improve this community!

I am wondering why you don't recognize how much I promote Steemit as I am the one who has created more SteemGear than anyone in the world, hosted lots of meet ups, have lots of successful projects/accounts etc of which are ALL promoting Steemit AND Steem even day!

Hope to get a response and to begin a dialogue where I can help you with your goal as it is also my goal!

Full Steem Ahead!

This is awesome news. I was not aware you were putting meetups on, creating gear and promoting steem! great to hear, keep it up. one of the current issues with steemit as i am sure you are aware is that there are not enough eyes to find the best quality work, one of our more rudimentary solutions for this is that we ask that anyone doing steemit promotion work posts their promo work to the #promo-steem tag. I am always scanning this tag for high quality promo work so that i, and other whales have a place to go where we can easily upvote promo work. this helps to ensure promoters get recognised and whales save time when searching for promo work. it is not perfect as there is also a lot of spam on the tag, but we are working on several fixes to that as described above. Looking forward to seeing your work on the tag!!

Yes I JUST started using it because you were at SteemFest and I PROMOTE STEEM EVERY DAY!

You can see a post I made today using that tag. I will start using it very regularly now!

I appreciate all you do for Steemit, Steem is revolutionary and I/WE know it!


@starkerz you are definitely right that the promo-steem tag also gets spam, and do you know something I believe? We can see spam a good synthome of growth, because spam goes to were spamers feel their content will be reached. So this means the #promo-steem tag is being used more and more, and this is your creating with @stephenkendal so I am sure you are really glad about it.

How is the promo-steem website going?

By the way, I have been reading a lot recently on SBD and many people saying that we should show post rewards in USD instead of SBD, so I thought on a hybrid idea, in which we leave the post rewards shown by default as they are now, and when people hover the mouse over the amount, it will show a ballon with the breakout of USD. I explain this in my newest idea today:

Your thoughts and comments on the post are more very appreciated.

Regards, @gold84

These are great moves, @starkerz. With these in place, we can take promo-steem to the moon. I appreciate every effort you guys put to make this a success. Steem on, bro.

Cheers man!

@starkerz I am not sure if you had the chance to review the idea of adding the functionallity of showing the value of posts in USD with breakouts (in a ballon) when hovering in the current SBD value.

Looking forward to your comments on this one when you get the chance!

The ideas structure and proposition are great, and the logo is not bad, but i will not complement on something affect us all, so in my opinion the logo need some work, and i will try to present you with one soon
and i am looking forward to the implementation of the website and i hope that @deimus let me help a little bit, as i am sure there are a experience deference.
thanks StarkerZ so much fore your endless effort to push this project forward.

Credits to logo go to @deimus, he is really talented and this is just a first pass. improvements to come for sure! we would really appreciate your help on the website! that would be awesome! Let's put you in touch with @deimus and @anarcotech over the next few days. Or better still, if you could kindly contact them and see if you can touch base with them to offer your help.

I am liking that we are on the same page,and i know how busy you are so i will try to contact them directly and if i faced any obstacles, i will always return to my favorite steemian: StarkerZ

Oh how very kind ;)) I am sure that they will much appreciate your input and support!

I like the logo build @starkerz - working on some music to go with it. You guys are doing a great job of promoting Steem. Your bullet ideas for the website are amazing and open up doors for many artistic steemians

Looking forward to those chunes!! :))

Brilliant idea @starkerz and this is a good move taking Steemians to another level of excitement.

I hope so ;)

Seems there are some exciting times ahead @starkerz - you're going to be busy!!


yes, certainly are Alex, by the way, great video, thanks very much, you managed to cut out most of my rambles ;) will look forward to our next chat!

haha @starkerz it was a great chat - have about another 20 minutes and then some that I had to cut out!!

@starkerz I just listenned to the interview with @antonburton and their is currently a great way for you to get much more Steem Power to vote people really commited to Promoting Steem. This is @utopian-io that is delegating SP to special projects. You may ask @elear if their is something they can do for the #promo-steem group.


Thank you!! This is a great idea. Once we have our initial website out and are building our voting guilds, we will provide a clear presentation to utopian and @elear requesting support of this great community!! )))

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