The First Winner "Speak on Instagram for Steemit" Contest - PromoSteem

in #promo-steem3 years ago (edited)


"Challenge "Speak On Instagram For Steemit" is Closed"

Challenge Closed

Today, May 2, 2021. The Speak On Instagram For Steemit challenge is officially closed. Today is exactly 14 days this challenge takes place, and I really enjoy every video of the participants who participated in this contest.

After the first race posts are published on April 18, 2021, it will be the highlight night for the championship selection. Thus, the Speak On Instagram For Steemit competition was officially closed.

About challenges

Speak On Instagram is one of the competitions that is appointed to provide education to social media users on Instragram.

Participants can take the role of providing education about steemit to every follower they have.

The hope of this competition is that it can provide feedback for Steemit itself. From the initiative to provide education, the biggest hope in this competition is to attract the followers of every participant on Instagram to register for steemit.

So that Steemit is better known by many people outside of its own platform.

Challenge Post "Speak On Instagram For Steemit"

"Speak On Instagram For Steemit" - Challenge (PRIZE 100 STEEM) 14 Days | POST UPDATE

Sponsor On This Challenge

At the opening of the contest posting, I as the one who created the competition had the initiative to open donations for this competition. And with great pleasure, we are announcing the two sponsors who participated in this event. He is @stephenkendal and @greenman.

After conducting various discussions with the PromoSteem leader and team, we finally distributed the prize for the competition. And for the remaining steem we will use in the upcoming challenge.

From the total prize, the first target is 60 STEEM. Finally the prize is increased to 100 steem.

The total steem earned in the race and added from sponsorship funds was 260 steems. Used for the first race prize of 100 steem. We have 160 steems for the upcoming challenge.

SponsorDonation amount
Stephenkendal100 steem
Greenman100 steem
Gift from Pojan60 steem
Total260 steem

Used100 steem
Remaining160 steem

Board of Jury

Without reducing respect for many parties, in this first contest, as the maker of the competition, I took the jury from promosteem. @arie.steem, @ponpase and @pojan. This is an initiative that I have taken and it has been tremendous.

Every decision of the jury is inviolable. And this is purely the decision of the jury. You can see the criteria for the assessment in the challenge post.

Participants in this Challenge

Thank you to all participants who have participated in the Speak On Instagram For Steemit competition. You have given your best for steemit progress. It's not just about challenge. However, you have also become a part of doing PromoSteem to many people.

A sense of pride and happiness, let's celebrate together, and let us applaud our success in promoting steemit on the Instagram platform.

Summary of participants who took part in the competition:












Winner Winner Winner

And this is something we are waiting for, where the winner is the best choice of the jury. Every decision of the jury is inviolable.

Each participant has their own creativity, and they have done their best for it.

Thus, we give the first winner of the Speak On Instagram For Steemit competition to:

The First Winner : @muhajir169




Has great video creativity. Classy video editing gives this participant more value. Judging from the amount of reach obtained, this is no less interesting than other promotions.

The latest data is dated 30/04/2021 at 23:11 GMT + 7.

Views:868 views
Comments:46 responses
Like:246 users
Stored:2 Users
Re-Upload:1 Account

With extraordinary creativity, using easy-to-understand edits, and of course with a clearer voice, this post has its own value to be the choice of the jury.

And of course the most important assessment is in terms of the reach of the video obtained, with a total of 868 views, and has 46 active comments. With the highest number of likes from other competition participants, namely 246 user likes.

And have one re-upload, uploaded by an Instagram account Payung_Thalabah, with 554 views within 20 hours.


The Secound Winner : @goresanpenaanfal



The Third Winner : @zulqaini

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From the race results obtained. We as competition organizers are very happy with this achievement, and once again let us applaud all of us.

Given that this is the first competition that we carry out, every step requires a process. With the hope that the next challenge will be more magnificent, better known and provide more feedback to steemit.

And there will be a further challenge, for certainty the upcoming challenge has not yet been determined. We'll give you the challenge announcement at the right time. Prepare yourself for a more special challenge.


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Come on Join the PromoSteem Community

If you have a # promo-steem activity, we are happy to invite you to contribute to the PromoSteem panel, this is the right place.

PromoSteem is open to everyone who wants to play a significant role in bringing more people to Steemit.

New AccountPurpose
@promosteem.comBecome an account to curate great promoters on the hashtag #promo-steem

PromoSteem Team
@arie.steem, @ponpase, @pojan

Promoters Team
@julstamban Promoter - Philippines
@vipnata Promoter - Italy
@mcsamm Promoter - Ghana
@rex-sumon Promoter - Bangladesh
@nattybongo Promoter - Ghana

Steem SEA
Join Discord
Join Discord

Author : @pojan

cc: @steemcurator01, @stephenkendal, @greenman, @dobartim, @kevinwong, @xeldal

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Congrats for all the winner

Congratulations to all the winners on "speak on Instagram for Steemit", keep doing your best for PromoSteem. and then will get success together.

Thank you for this champion, I hope we can go further in doing #promo-steem

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