I did not attend the London Cryptocurrency Show and this is why...

in #promo-steem6 years ago (edited)

Earlier in March 2018, I was invited to attend and speak at the London Crypto Currency Show which held today and as expected, I was supposed to be doing a post from there with pictures and stories of how amazing the event is.
What happened you may ask? Well, read the attached below.

Long story short, I was denied entry to the UK because as a "Self Employed young Nigerian", my earnings were inconsistent with what people of my type should earn and then the amounts I earn as a blogger also played against me.
These unexplained deposits are as a result of the way Crypto reacts. Anyone remember the rise of SBD way back in 2017 and how it has dropped now?

Well, I did mention that I make at least N380,000.00 monthly blogging and also get earnings from other online sources associated Steemit.com, but that didn't seem to matter to the person who stole my day. He or she just went on to hate.

One very expensive and hellish visa application process.

The application for a UK visa wasn't easy nor cheap. It also came riddled with some human made difficulties and hurdles.
First of, I paid $210USD (N77,146.72). Waited patiently to get a call from the embassy that my passport was ready for collection and didn't. I had to make a call on the morning of 11th April and got charged 1GBP 47cents per minute. I actually made two calls, the first was when they told me my passport was ready and dispatched and that I should visit the collection center, and they charged me 9.59GBP (N5,027.05). For some reasons this debit was made yesterday while I was trying to get over the shock.
So, when I got to the VAC, I was told my passport was not ready yet and I needed to wait until I get the confirmation that it was ready. I couldn't take that so I called the embassy again and this time, some very rude and fowl mouthed girl answered and this time they charged me 6.85GBP (N3,584.10) for telling me some stories about waiting.
After that call, I asked to speak with the manager at the VAC and he advised that I went to the British High Commission at Walter Carrington to complain that my passport was being delayed and that I needed to travel that evening.

I immediately went to the BDHC and complained at the gate and the gate man there by the name of Mike assisted me when he heard my story and how I needed to attend a conference that is meant to add value to my community. After another round of waiting that lasted 2 hours, I was referred back to the VAC to collect my passport.
By now, I was beginning to worry what was going on.

52 minutes later, I was back at the VAC. Made to wait for another 1 hour and then my passport was handed over to me without the visa. All these happened on the 12th and it wasn't easy.

How did I feel?

Well, I felt broken and really sad. I was torn and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the empty passport and then the rejection note someone took time to draft.
I asked myself if it was a crime to be a self employed young man with some very big dreams. I wondered why they would have issues with me earning that much money as a self employed person in a country where corruption is king. Why are they trying to stifle creativity?
Will we as a people be able to truly be seen as being different and then embraced as such?

I felt betrayed and disappointed at the way I was treated by the British Embassy.
They denied me entry to the UK for the most important show yet of my career as a Blockchain lover, enthusiast, investor and teacher, without even giving me a chance to defend and explain myself.
They didn't take into cognizance that they may be ruining my career, something that I have so labored for.
They didn't even think of the community I am representing, they just went on to dash the hopes of more than 3000 people.

I Feel Blessed!

Silver linings?

Well, when I contacted @Starkerz and informed him about what happened he was unhappy for sure. He however talked me into smiling and I did smile for real because I was without joy at that moment. I also got talking with the legendary Dylan @Anarcotech and he also gave me so much hope and promised he was going to help me make my presentation on the stage because the world needed to hear the STACH story.
And he did.

I may have missed going to London, but STACH didn't and that is some silver lining for me, STACH and the community. It is a win for the Creative Commons.

What next for me? What next for STACH?

I am just getting started and will continue to do what I love doing and that is building an offline that will become stronger by reason of the people whose voices are being used for great gains.
I am still in the helm of affairs of STACH and the team keeps increasing. I can't wait to introduce them to you guys. Although we may not be developing new hubs for now, we will certainly be taking the decentralization gospel far and wide. We will continue to build communities on the Blockchain and hope our world stays better every time.
We just recently incorporated STACH and will be releasing some major projects that will kickstart STACH 2.0. Exciting days ahead!

My word to you.

Many of us found the Steem Blockchain at a time when we needed something to believe in. Steemit was that "Thing" and we believed in it and it took us to places we least expected we will ever be. We attained heights never imagined and made changes that are being felt worldwide and doing so much good.

Special thanks.

To @Starkerz, @Anarcotech, @Stephenkendall and the entire #Promo-Steem team for their interest in STACH and the work we are doing; and for helping me make sense of the rejection, thank you guys.
To @Donkeypong who also spurned some funny jokes to make me find my shine again, thank you.
To the organizers of the LCCS, for taking time out to hear my story and determine it was worth sharing with the world on your stage, thank you.
To my team members at STACH and the entire Nigerian/Africa/Global community here on Steemit, thank you for believing in me and the best wishes I have always enjoyed. My journey to this level is all possible because we took it together.

This is not a time to give up on yourself or on the Steem Blockchain or on decentralization, this is time to start digging deep and drowning yourself more into innovation. Things can only get better!!!

Make the world a better place for someone today!


I think that you needed a lawyer to assist you for getting visit visa next time.

I would totally agree with Cryptopie about getting a lawyer for the visa next time.

I am in the UK and am especially sorry and ashamed about how the British Embassy behaved.

I wonder if it would have been easier if you had managed to avoid mentioning 'crypto' anywhere in your application (difficult I know).

There is a growing 'official establishment' movement here to make all things crypto as difficult as possible.

A lot of the British banks here are blocking any transactions relating to cryptocurrencies for example.

@pennsif, really? I had no idea. Although I hear they are making stuff difficult, I thought it was just the Brexit stuff, I had no idea they have been obsessing with Crypto as well.
Will definitely explore all options not just to the UK but everywhere else when my time does come.
Steem on!

There is a growing 'official establishment' movement here to make all things crypto as difficult as possible.
A lot of the British banks here are blocking any transactions relating to cryptocurrencies for example.

Now this sucks for a country regarded as the financial capital of the world. The corruption in the UK is alarming (they celebrate and safeguard our criminal Nigerian politicians) and yet they just pretend other countries are worse. Thanks for the pointers @pennsif, I will do well to explore all options for when I apply next time.

I totally agree @cryptopie. These days, lots of people enjoy taking other for granted jist to make them feel better with their miserable selves.
Hope you are good?
Stay awesome!

Nigerians are open-minded about cryptos so maybe your calling is for Nigerian folks and around it. God bless you.

Indeed true, lawyer can have their way and make things better. We are good at what we do...

A lawyer from UK that is. If you can find a steemian with lawyer from UK but it will not be cheap though.
My minister suffered also some hateful words from the immigration officer being so suspicious in his interrogation-interview, asking even how money my church minister has, where would he stay or if he can afford it, racist bastard denied him too but that is for the US.

That's so pathetic and inhumane, but are their actions sometimes deliberate? I just hope @ejemai can get a counsel from UK to sue them for damages or write their legal department (that's our power as a blogger). Because their negligence cost him not to attend the event in London as written in the post but framed in my words. Their obligations were to process passport and grant visa but they delayed and caused him damages. I'm also a lawyer too here in Nigeria.

It's sad you didn't get the chance to go. You are doing such amazing work and are helping so many people. Keep helping to make the world better!

His help is massive sir. Words alone can't express it, and I am one of the numerous beneficiaries. Thank you for being the light over this dark gloom. The Stach community appreciate you sir.

His doing more than enough for us here here in Nigeria, and even other of the countries. His just to good for words.

Thanks boss @donkeypong. The world must be better and we will never stop at the first disappointment. I and the community appreciate everything you do to make it easy and happy here.
Stay awesome!

Man! It was a great show, but would have been even greater with you there! We tried with the resources we had to get u to the uk. This is all lessons learned. Maybe ask @dunksy how he got in to present for esteem. He is russian and the uk was basically about to go to war with his country but his visa application was approved!!! Don’t worry @ejemai. Keep your chin up! People are watching ur movement! It’s a long slow journey, but u are changing lives for the better and that is what it’s all about at the end of the day!! Was great to have u at the event in spirit! #promo-steem team

Hi @ejemai ! You did well at stating and showing the truth to the embassy. They are the ones that are wrong, as you say breaking possibilities for a young entrepreneur as you are.

Something important in life is to learn how to rise, because we will fall many times, and people who have a vision will fall, but will rise with 2 times more strength.

It is very probable that the person who answered you has little to no culture, and has envy on people like you with a great potential to grow.

So, keep it up! Your project Stach is a huge one, and I am sure you will make it grow huge to continue helping the people in your community!

Regards, @gold84

So, keep it up! Your project Stach is a huge one, and I am sure you will make it grow huge to continue helping the people in your community!

Thanks @Gold84. Your words just gave me some more lights and I can tell you that I feel better already. Thank you also for the good work you put into making this platform better.
Stay awesome!

The next time you will go but things need to be set up well. Possibly, get biz papers for stach. It is not hard in Naija, with that you establish more solid ties with nation. Depending on the nation you applying at, don't bring up much crypto, keep it mainstream. If you work, it may have helped but biz or company is okay. If you tax is paid there, keep paying it, span of 6 months or more. Then build a more solid statement especially, let it be paced, like an income over the course of time. You already have two or 3 hubs, have papers showing the ensuing of a solid enterprise and a brand etc Invitations don't really cut especially in cases with visiting western nations. It is more about ownership. And for uk, solid papers. For some nations though, crypto can disrupt the whole thing, so depending on the nation, remove crypto altogether. For these nations, after the first complete to and fro, it gets easier. As for the state of the world, it is painful but in our generation, this will be fixed, to where there is equality in visa

Yes I think that's the best way Sir Terry

Best response i have seen here so far, with countries like our they are always overly cautious and who can blame them. But i know he is better for it nownow and i believe it is a learning curve.

Thanks Terry @Surpassinggoogle. Will do well to make sure everything is set for when we have to embark on other trips.
Stay awesome!

I'd say the embassy needs to work on their employment rules. People who don't find the time to update themselves on new trends such as this is probably not the best thing for a place such as that. With facts and papers all stated, how hard was it to believe that blogging on a blockchain platform could possibly generate that kind of income? or is this just some crazy hate on decentralization by some moderate pen clicker?!

With facts and papers all stated, how hard was it to believe that blogging on a blockchain platform could possibly generate that kind of income? or is this just some crazy hate on decentralization by some moderate pen clicker?!

You could be right there, to many Crypto isn't real hearing someone from Nigeria is even using it to do some good just sounds all so unreal.
Stay awesome!

I really was looking forward to tour post in london. But seeing u are quite. I sensed something must have gone wrong, which in my opinion , is expected.
Because , they hardly give a common man visa on first attempt., sad truth. They always think u will flee once in the UK and therefore are lying about ur initial plans.

My advise, please don't loose hope. This has hapened to most of us. Next time, deposit the amount in ur account for long. Atleast six months so they can see stability. I think that is the main thing, among others.

Things can only get better.

Thanks, I too was looking forward to the event. I hope to get it right the next time though.
Stay awesome!

Wow, i feel really bad, someone spent time to analyze and put all that writing together with a pointless point. Looks like an hate note to me. But weldone @ejemai you're really worth banking on, your honesty is epic. Other opportunities will come for sure. Keep moving #stach


We all have to be hopeful of a better day and no matter what ails us or tries to make use become like the haters, cannot stand if we keep on the part of love.
Cheers and stay awesome!

It's really sad to be in a country that doesn't want anyone to be great, or do great things for the people. sir @ejemai, i know how you'll feel, but this isn't the end. You will attain a higer and a bigger one. We the members of @stach believes in you till the end. God keep you for us sir.

Thanks @cyntibellar, we all will attain greater heights and become bigger that they will never again take us for granted.
Stay awesome!

I was eager to meet you @ejemai and I'm sad and disappointed about what happened. But like you said, @Anarcotech did an outstanding job presenting STACH. Hope to cross paths with you some other time.

I am sad too and hope we still get to meet one of these days. Yes, @Anarcotech and the #promo-steem team are amazing.
Stay awesome!

Wow! Despite the legality of your visit, the knowledge that such a conference was actually going to be held, they did that to you? What can a self employed man do?

I am happy that STACH was presented at the show. I read that steemit was a blast at the show and a whole lot of positivity emanated from the experience. That is something to be thankful for.

Never mind @ejemai. A time will come when Nigeria will host such conferences and you will host the world. Never mind.

Thanks bro, sometimes legality rarely wins in these kinds of situations.
Glad STACH was presented and we are just more positive.
Stay awesome!

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