Steeming in the Twittersphere

in #promo-steem6 years ago

So today we will have just over 60,000 active users on Steemit. Which is wonderful! Would love to meet more of you!

But today there might be as many as 100 million active users on Twitter.

It’s a huge gulf.

But what a massive opportunity it represents for the Steemit community to raise the awareness of our crypto currency rewarding super powered platform , and to entice these poor unknowing users across.

I’ve been a regular twitter user for many years, across several accounts, including for a few years managing twitter accounts for a number of small businesses.

I’ve still got some reasonable reach across 3 or 4 twitter handles, and I’m so regretful that I didn’t manage to organise myself in time to join the fantastic thunderclap today. My own fault. But it was well organised by @fitzgibbon and supported by the following post by @stellabelle too:

Here were the links to the build up to the thunderclap and then the results released just a few hours ago today:

Some great results > so please check them out (link above) and a massive shout out to the promo-steem advocate @Fitzgibbon for the dedication to the thunderclap cause.

I’m genuinely keen to share and spread the news of Steemit on Twitter and have been putting a few promotional type tweets out to encourage and entice the twitter users across to the platform. My efforts have been intermittent and I need to have an organised session at orchestrating a clever inbound campaign. This is something I would be keen to hook up with the promo-steem team on in the future.

Here are some examples:

Finally (Why not finish with more stats!)

I thought I would share this stat with you: The following is the Monthly Active Users (MAU) of Twitter over the last 12 full quarters. I think you will agree at 330 million, the monthly active user base in Q4 of 2017 is simply huge …..but the other thing is ….it is hardly growing, AT ALL.

It's Shrove Tuesday : and that trend line is as flat as a pancake!

(And to me it ain't no sweet pancake - it's about as disappointing as coming home to a feta and olive pancake when you were expecting a lemon, sugar and golden syrup topping)

In fact, back to the graph, it would not surprise me if the stagnant level of users dropped in Q1 of 2018. Flatlining or falling to what!

Again this is yet more opportunity to grab the attention of bloggers and creatives and help them find a new home.

I intend to invest more time in getting some more targeted and clever tweets out, perhaps making a special attention to focus in on #travel #blogginghours #creativehour #photography and similar hashtags and spread the promo-steem message.

For more Stats in the days to come follow me here @cryptocurator

As ever a keen supporter of the @steem-ambassador crew @stephenkendal @starkerz @anarcotech


Interesting to see twitter signups flatlining! Nice stats dude.

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