Launching Promo-Romania

in #promo-romania7 years ago (edited)


Launching Promo-Romania

I joined Steem seven months ago, and in this time I was fortunate enough to bond with so many amazing people and experience a lot of great stuff while being able to increase my income, and I feel like now it’s the time to share this gift with my country.

The Steem community was kind to me; I am part of a few great projects like @OCD and @Sndbox being able to earn some sweet rewards, money that gives me the possibility to change the quality of my life and now I want to spread the love with my off chain community.


Most of the Romanians are amazing people that deserve to know of this opportunity; I feel like they are going to be a great addition to our already existent communities. The main reason I want to spread the word is that the salaries in Romania are tiny and I feel like another salary would much help some of my peeps.

I already know people like @jonsnow1983 and @dedicatedguy from Venezuela that were able to change their lives, and even if Romania is not that poor, the people here deserve to know about this opportunity that may improve their lives.

Guy break.png

The Vision

Firstly, I will start a “Word of Mouth” campaign, like @reko, to bring some awareness to the people I already got to sign up on Steem because they are quality human beings and even if some are already for a few months here they are still minnows and deserve some love. This will be just to get used to this whole promotional thing, and if I do like how the things are evolving, I will use other methods to reach more minds.


Thanks to my friend @anomadsoul, who received a delegation from @blocktrades and is soon going to follow my vote, I can give away a maximum of around $6, depending on the market price. I’m thinking about starting a tag in the future if my community grows, so it will be easier for me to see and curate their posts and help them grow because I know how it's to post and make pennies.

The problem with the minnows nowadays is that they are coming on this platform with the wrong mentality, expecting to make a lot of money without providing anything. I will try to bring people in that have the right mindset, which wants to share and engage in the community, but I must tell you that it is hard, I already got close friends on this platform, and they are still not at the level I wish them to be.


After all, not even the best promoters can bring only people that will become quality Steemians, but my goal is to bring at least a few that will make great things. In this ecosystem as in life, not everybody can make big things happen, but I will try to spot out those that have potential and can revolutionize things and bring them here.

Make sure to stick around because great stuff is coming.

The pictures are from Pixabay: 1, 2, 3.

If you wanna have a chat, feel free to give me a ping on any of my communities: Be Awesome, SPL, The Writer's Block.

My top four Witnesses, you should vote for: @ocd-witness, @wackou, @pharesim, and @reggaemuffin.



Sort: is invaluable as a newbie if you have someone supporting with upvotes and resteeming your posts.

But it is more important to tell your invitees the blunt truth and not the hype. They must know they have to provide good contents and value so they don't start with a wrong mindset, thus a faulty foundation.

It is noble what you are thinking of doing for your offline community. That's the way to go. Though I am telling as many people as I can about Steemit, people like seeing big results before they follow you.

I will sure follow your footsteps once I get some momentum.

Haha, being honest is the only way to go. I told them to expect nothing for at least their first six months while working hard and posting good stuff. I even told them that if they make shitposts, I'll give them flags.

That's exactly what I was thinking, now that I have some results to show them it's the perfect time to do it since they will see it is possible. :)

Hehe, your honesty is brutal man.

I told them to expect nothing for at least their first six months while working hard and posting good stuff. I even told them that if they make shitposts, I'll give them flags.

They must learn to roll up their sleeves right from the start.

Yeah, I won't be able to give them upvotes all the time because I have other duties besides this, and I don't want this to become a "circlejerking" type of thing, so I don't want them to rely on my votes but to "hunt" for themselves.

If they get scared and run away from the first week, it's even better because it means that they are not made for this place.

Anyway, all the people that are giving up on Steem now or did it before will come back after a few years when it's popular, but that would be almost too late.

Amazing! I have been living in Romania for the last 5 months with my girlfriend(shes a romanian). I really realized how many people could benefit from using steemit. Since the average salary is only about 500 euro. I even made a post about being a steemian in Romania a few months ago! of course I have learned even more since then but so cool to see you also have had the same thoughts!

If you ever feel like taking it further and even might want some help, don't hesitate contacting me. I live in Bucharest right now!

Hey man, I'm glad to know that we're thinking about the same things, I think I could use some help. I have a few huge ideas I would need a hand with. What's your discord username? Or better, feel free to send me a text, GuyFawkes4-20#4502. :D

awesome man, I sent you a request on discord! I'm excited to hear about your ideas!

Hey @holm ! @holm is everywhere Guy! :D Both Denmark and Romania, yayyyy :D

Haha I am all over the place!

Excelenta idea de a promova Steemit pentru cei din Romania, am incercat si eu sa o fac printre prieteni insa, a cam esuat tentativa mea, multi nu cred ca se pot face bani, si multi se asteapta sa faca bani usor.
Pentru mine Steemit nu este doar un mod de a creste la nivel financiar, insa te poate ajuta sa cresti mult la nivel intelectual, invatand sa scrii mai bine si te ajuta sa dezvolti orice iubesti sa faci.
Asta este partea cea mai importanta si cu cat devii mai bun la ceea ce iti place sa faci cu atat incepi sa faci si mai multi bani.

Multumesc, stiu ce vrei sa zici, si eu am dat peste aceleasi probleme. Chiar daca le-am zis ce trebuie sa faca e ca si cum unii nici macar nu doresc sa fie ajutati.

Exact, inainte sa intru pe Steem nu scriam sau fotografiam si acum am descoperit ca imi place si ca ma si pricep oarecum. Partea mea prefefrata despre Steem este comunitatea, nu am gasit ceva asemanator niciunde altundeva. :)

Hey, daca pot sa dau o mana de ajutor, cu mare drag🍀

Suna perfect, ti-am trimis un mesaj pe Discord. ;)

Noroc, frate. Ma bucur sa citesc ce ai scris aici. E nevoie clar de o campanie de constientizare si ma bag si eu in efortul asta.

Ti-am dat add pe discord, sper sa tinem lagatura.

Pace, Lish

Hei, suna perfect. Chiar voiam sa raspandesc initiativa asta prin tara si aveam nevoie de oameni.

Ne auzim pe discord. ;)

Yes very true, it would be dellusional to think everybody will be a good poster, but as in my community I tell peopel that there are many other ways to contribute.

That's the best part about Steem, even if you're not a content creator there are so many other ways to get involved and help around. :)

Look at that, I was thinking about something like this only 2 days ago -and just saw your post! Game on! :D

Haha, sweet. I had something like this in mind for a very long time, with all the latest success I had, it was the perfect moment to launch this :)

Eh it makes perfect sense !!! :D

I wish you well with your project and feel sure that you can help make a difference.

I too have been thinking about creating some sort of initiative/hub for folks who are spiritually biased/lightworkers so I will be keen to follow your endeavours/

Enjoy your weekend.


Thank you, I hope this grows a lot and I'm able to bring quality people here. I've been thinking about starting something like this for a long time since #promo-steem got launched, it was about the time to do it. You should start that hub; I think people will like it. :)

I wish you all the success in the world promoting steemit in Romania.

It can really be a life changer especially for people from poor countries like us. I don’t know how poor is Romania but I do know their salaries are very low compared to Western Europe.

I hope you can find some quality Romanians steemians and help them change their lives!

Romania has like $300-400 salaries; they are so small compared with other countries from Europe that in the good days I was making more from one post here than from a month of work, that's how amazing Steem is.

I hope the same; I'm curious to see how this initiative is going to look like a few months from now. :)

supeeer ! eu zic sa ne unim cu toti si sa facem un grup mare si sa promovam impreuna ! si eu am aceeasi problema am vorbit cu multe persoane dar sunt foarte putini cei care mi sau alaturat in acest proiect :-D ce ziceti baieti reusim sa creem un hashtag ROMANIA ?

M-am gandit deja la asa ceva, inca sunt in faza de brainstorming, o sa vad cum evloueaza lucrurile de aici incolo. Deja avem un hastag #Romania cu postari destul de bunicele. :)

Like anything, we need need to provide value to receive anything for our efforts. I think all countries can benefit and need this type of opportunity presented to them. Let's get millions and then billionaires of users here to all join the amazing opportunity we have here!

Exactly. I often feel that we are so lucky to know about Steem since there are so few opened accounts and so many humans, the ratio is just mind-blowing. We have to share this with the masses; they need it.

Yes, it is growing a lot lately. I have recruited quite a few people in the past couple weeks. The masses are seeing this great platform!!

Since the rise in prices, it was so easy to get people in, a lot of my friends joined recently even if I've been telling them about this for months. All it took for them to sign up was to see that I am actually making something. :)

Lol same here! Once they seen my account value and posts that are paying, they all started to flock over, lol!

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