Why Did I Join Project Milkbox? My Story + Enter The Tell Your Story Challenge!!!

in #projectmilkbox6 years ago (edited)

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All around the world, we all have our own life experience which is our story. Though our circumstances, our cultures, even our very beliefs may be vastly different, we all share common threads of humanity. One such thread that connects us is the good of the group vs the individual.

Isn't The Group The Top Priority?

At first appearance, it seems obvious that the group is more important than the individual. Introspection through time and awareness shows they are intimately related to one another. By all means, the welfare of the group is the number one priority. But a wise leader knows that in order for any group to flourish, the welfare of each individual is of paramount importance.

The Disappearance Of Any Member Of Society

I liken it to an invisible shockwave that begins at the center of the family and blasts out to affect the whole community. The effects on the family are all too obvious. They are destroyed by the depression (and often guilt) that accompanies the disappearance of a loved one.

The manner in which the shockwave affects the entire community is less pronounced. It seeps its way in like a fear that builds slowly over time. When a person goes missing, one of the threads that connect the community is cut. What if it happened to you or one of your loved ones? That is a scary thought indeed.

There are other implications when a person goes missing that affect the entire community. If you can agree it's a fact that we each have our own story, a big part of it is our past. The bigger part that we often fail to recognize as incredibly more important, is our future. The potential for a person to become (or remain) a contributing member of society is lost.

Why Do I Care About Project Milkbox?

Maybe that's not the best way to ask the question, for I've got a feeling that most everybody wants to care about a project like Milkbox. But building a global missing person's search and rescue program is no small task. So why did I get involved in the project?

I Don't Have A Story Of A Tragedy That Struck Close To Me

I think everybody knows how it feels to be lost at one time or to think for a while that a loved one is missing. Most parents can relate to turning their head for a moment and losing track of their child.

At some point as we age, losing a loved one becomes inevitable. That's something I've had to deal with my fair share of, but never the complete unexplained loss of a loved one. I can imagine the emotion, but I'd rather not.

My reason comes from the more selfish purpose of self-preservation. You might think I'm talking about having the opportunity to earn Milk, WHALESHAREs, and BEYONDbits. I can't deny that the rewards are definitely an incentive (more about that near the end).

I also appreciate having the opportunity to spend some of my time helping out a project like Milkbox. It's from the troubles of my own past that guide me to give some time to projects that help people I may never know. For myself, Milk was a natural project to join. I was already very interested in the Bitshares DEX and the utility token projects by @officialfuzzy.

I Hope You Join Us Too!!

I realize there's a bit of an emotional plea here, which I sometimes back away from. But if you think about it, support is easy to give and you can also earn rewards. Anyone that has a Twitter following of over 100 can enter the Tweet-Offs, an easy way to help out and earn some Milk or WHALESHAREs. Or do the Tell Your Story Challenge! You don't have to write a huge post, just a comment with a few lines.

Join The Milkbox Project Discord Server Now

What Are BEYONDbits & Why I Adore Getting Them!

All this talk about WHALESHARES & BEYONDbits, but what in the heck are they? What value do they have? Why should you want any? To start, these tokens are part of the BitShares DEX. An incredible project of its own accord, you'll need a BitShares wallet to receive them.

Once you participate and earn some BEYONDbit cross chain utility tokens, you can use them to do exactly that. Cross from BitShares to Steemit and use them to CALL A WHALE. That's right!! Use your tokens to call a whale to your post and receive their valuable upvote. There you go, the secrets OUT! That's why I like WHALESHARES.

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Whaleshares are a cross-chain Token and a Community.
Visit the Discord to network, take part in steemit community discussions, join contests and take part in live events.

Images Courtesy Of Project Milkbox & The WHALESHARES Communities

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This sounds interesting though I do not have a lost someone. Will read up more on this initiative @inalittlewhile! :)

Nor do I have a lost someone, but you don't have to to help out.

You could always join and leave it at that. You never know when you or someone else you know might need it. :)

Thank you for the presentation of this project, @inalittlewhile! I'm very curious how this inititative will develop. I certainly wish it a lot of success and efficiency at finding the lost ones! And it's very cool of you to get involved!
All the best,

Thank you for stopping by Klaudia. Like I reported in the post, it was more of a natural progression for me to get involved than any great altruistic intention. Still, it does feel good to take action to help others. I enjoy that part alot. :)

You definitely triggered my curiousity ;0)
I’m going to look for more info about the project first thing tomorrow.

Thanks @simplymike. Milkbox is new and developing, which also makes it interesting. There's all sorts of things people can do to help. Big and small. We hope to see you on Discord. :)

Hey @simplymike, I spotted this just last week(ish) from @inalittlewhile and felt the same as you. I joined their Discord channel and keep an eye out on the developments there. It's a pretty brilliant initiative considering how and where we all are!

I lost track of my daughter for 20 minutes once when she was about 6 years old. I can still remember the absolute terror that struck me. It felt like HOURS and I was sobbing hysterically when she was found... it was an innocent mistake on her part (and then she was scared to come out because she was afraid she'd get in trouble), but it made me realize that was just a TINY spark of what other parents go through. I can not imagine.

Mine happened when the boys were 1 and 3. I failed to install the top door stopper, and they got out. I didn't know it yet, but that was the beginning of my recovery from drinking.

Its so scary to realize how one little mistake can result in such circumstances. That is why I try not to judge situations when parents make mistakes that have catastrophic results. You just never know what they're dealing with.

As for the alcohol... That is a hard way to start, but I'm glad you were able to recover from it. I know it's not an easy thing to do! I gave up my nightly habit almost exactly one year ago and it has been a great thing.

I really liked that article by @maverickfoo. "Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are".

I think judgement is better left to judges. Lol. I don't ever seem to be qualified and when I do it, it's usually to avoid something that I'm not dealing with. :)

Here's a perspective I have now that came out of all this. People have judged me. I know they have.

But think about a person who makes a quick judgement on one part of a person's story. They never give that person an opportunity to seek redemption, pay retribution, and ultimately make wrongs in this world right again.

How useful is that? What purpose does it serve? I still haven't found a good answer to either question.

I don't think it serves any purpose, but I long ago stopped worrying about what other people thought of me. I know that I don't fit the mold and that other parents/adults quite often don't like me, don't approve of me and think I'm doing things wrong. In the end, I have 5 wonderful, mostly adult kids that I am very proud of. They all stop by multiple times a week just to hand out and talk with me (or to bring me food so we can have lunch together). They're all individuals that don't feel the need to "fit" anyone else's standards... so I think I did something right. And as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter how OTHER people choose to raise their children (or do ANYTHING) as long as they aren't hurting others. I'm a big proponent of using my energy for positive things and worrying about myself. Honestly, I don't even understand how some people have so much time to judge others. I mean, I'm pretty busy just worrying about getting my own stuff done!

I think you're awesome and it sounds like you have a wonderful attitude towards others and about life in general. Keep on doing what you're doing!

I so glad I saw your comment in the "chat" a bit ago and found out about this initiative. It's such a smart idea and now I follow on Discord just to see what's new.

And by the way, I wanted to comment and upvote here lol (I was just quietly lurking in the chat room again haha)

You little sneaker. I'm always here for your upvote and comment, or upvote, or just comment, or hit me up on Discord if you are depleted of everything else. Lol. :)

hahaha we all do what we can I guess :)

Well what a huge heart and giving spirit. Truly this kind of loss is abrubt and Earth shattering. It's good that you're shedding a light to this issue. I would definitely have to learn more about what it takes to support this effort before I can make a commitment. But you have peeked my interest and plucked my heart strings

I think just joining the Milkbox Discord server is a great start. There isn't any pressure that I've seen. It's more of a community gathering and help where/if you can.

Being a part of the community alone helps. That way people have access to it and know that it is there.

There's more info coming that I'll be resteeming very soon. It'll help answer more questions. :)

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