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RE: #project-smackdown begins. Kitty is now being released into the wild

in #project-smackdown7 years ago (edited)

Ah, you are a recovering addict. This explains why you are so angry, addled, and disrespectful. Nicotine and alcohol withdrawal must be a heady brew when combined. This also explains why you are flagging my posts, but I have remained above flagging yours.

Good luck with your recovery and your anger issues.

PS - The flag is not a disagree button. I know that is probably too much for your emotions to handle now during withdrawal, but you may get it someday.

"elfspice downvote @lexiconical/make-flagging-great-again-on-self-up-… (-100%) "

PPS - I would have thought the removal of your channel from the Minnow Support Group Discord, one of the "friendliest" places around, would have shown you that you aren't exactly winning hearts and minds here.


Right now I will only comment here to confirm that the reason we didn't use the channel was that we decided there would be too many chat apps.

A totally plausible explanation. Thanks.

Good luck.

That's below the belt @lexiconical ☹️

And @elfspice is right, we closed the Discord channel to keep things on, not because we were kicked or anything.

Is it really, though? It provides a plausible explanation for why he has been so uncivil.

This is from his own blog 10 minutes ago:

""Note, that I have had this happen almost consistently when I stop smoking. Things that I normally tolerate, I lose my patience. Turns out that's how I think when I'm not poisoning myself with natural insecticide. Consistently.""

This is normal for people recovering from addiction. I work in the field of psychology, fwiw, internet lies etc.

Further, I was careful to say the removal of your channel, and I did not specify who removed it (because I did not know). However, for whatever reason, someone decided that removing it was more valuable than keeping it. Had the channel been a powerful recruiting force for this Smackdown project, it would still most likely exist, no?

Here's what I just wrote to him above. Can you really tell me this isn't pretty darn plausible: (no, I can't prove it)

"It is my true belief that you and I got started on a very wrong foot, because I caught you with a question at a bad time that you perceived as an attack."

"The reality is I think we are both very concerned about spam, but your project appears to operate on the assumption that "If SELF VOTE then SPAM"."

"I wanted to challenge this one small aspect of your project, while still mostly supporting the anti-spam project (as I do on my own blog), and it has spiralled into me writing probably 100 paragraphs back and forth with Personz because you simply attacked and muted me."

Had the channel been a powerful recruiting force for this Smackdown project, it would still most likely exist, no?

This is baiting and trolling.

Respectfully, I disagree. It's arguably combative, but nowhere near trolling. If I wanted to troll him, I'd 100% flag his article, like he did mine.

You've done your duty here in "humoring" me, and I clearly have nothing to offer this project given the owner is elfspice and I suspect I only anger him, so good luck. Try not to slap too many quality, self-upvoted comments or start too many flag wars.

Hippo'cat'ic Oath, you guys can keep that one.

PS - This project needs a "Hippo'cat'ic Oath" to do no harm, and I think programming a flagging bot that doesn't differentiate spam but only on "self-upvote %age" makes that Oath impossible.

That's really the only reason I ever set foot in either of you guy's comments or blogs in the first place. Thought maybe I could prevent harm.

I'm sorry to hear that

is that why you edited your post so many times after I responded?

We left PAL not because of you, or anyone else, but because @personz did not want to have discord open just for this one room, while everything else he does is at

You keep up this accusations and you are gonna find yourself in hot water.

It is entirely irrelevant thtat I have had the guts to try and break some bad habits that are killing me.

Also, I will apologize for using your own words against you, even though there is no ethical reason for me to do so:

"Note, that I have had this happen almost consistently when I stop smoking. Things that I normally tolerate, I lose my patience. Turns out that's how I think when I'm not poisoning myself with natural insecticide. Consistently."

It is my true belief that you and I got started on a very wrong foot, because I caught you with a question at a bad time that you perceived as an attack.

The reality is I think we are both very concerned about spam, but your project appears to operate on the assumption that "If SELF VOTE then SPAM".

I wanted to challenge this one small aspect of your project, while still mostly supporting the anti-spam project (as I do on my own blog), and it has spiralled into me writing probably 100 paragraphs back and forth with Personz because you simply attacked and muted me.

Again, good luck with the changes you are trying to make. I would humbly suggest (and this applies to me too, so I'm trying to bow out here against my tendency to continue debate) that this discussion is probably a net negative for both of us and we would be both happier if we simply pretended neither of us existed.

I consider that a shame, since you clearly have more programming skill than I and perhaps you could have helped with spam in a more egalitarian way, starting somewhere like BookingTeam.

Whatever, good luck.

The project, which is not only elfspice project, does not operate on an assumption that selfupvoted comments are spam. There are many different parts to this and different opinions, but rather one idea is that the selfupvotes themselves are often a form of "spam" because they are used either all the time or on comments that are not of any particular quality. The votes then are not used for any particular reason other than because the user can get the money.

The reason I personally am associated with the project is that I consider the current setup to lend itself to be creating an enviroment in which it becomes more important to reward yourself money than to find and curate good comments. Of course, this is not going to be the case all the time, but we have no way of separating the objectively "good" upvotes from the objectively "bad" and since comment selfupvotes are not essential we (not actually me, as I'm not a developer) chose to go this route.

-We also know that we won't be able to stop sockpuppet accounts voting for their master etc. But I personally think that identifying and marking the largest direct selfupvoters presents the community with a clear ethical choice: Wether we want everyone (including thousands of bots) to upvote themselves no matter how much SP they have (in which case this upvote could be made default and the reward simply hidden except for in the wallet) or wether maybe we should do the opposite.

My own conclusion is that we ought to limit selfupvotes. They currently take money that could have been used to curate content and puts it to a completely different use, while at the same time making the platform look shady to many new users.

I wish sincerely that discussion will be calmer and more stable in the future. No jabs taken at anyone by stating this.

Well, you can probably tell from the timings that I hadn't even read your reply yet (I think, I don't recall the timing on this one).

It's also pretty normal for me to edit a ton on my long posts. Just my style. Plenty of proof out their in the blockchain.

"It is entirely irrelevant thtat I have had the guts to try and break some bad habits that are killing me."

This may be true, and I applaud you for it, but these habits do affect your attitude and frankly, given the consistently productive and civil discussion I've had with personz, it seems the most obvious explanation for why you are so acerbic with me. You may recall you attacked and muted me for pointing out a missing word in your post, which totally changed your argument. You perceived this to be nitpicking, but it was literally necessary to figure out what you were even saying.

"You keep up this accusations and you are gonna find yourself in hot water."

Ah, threats, more evidence of a balanced and civil mind. At least I haven't turned my flag button into a disagree button in an attempt to attack you personally

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