Easy Tutorial: Computer Programming for DUMMIES -- *100 followers edition!!* -- file i/o

I made it! It took a lot of posts to get my first 100 followers, but it was worth it. In fact, it wasn't really work at all. I love steeming! This is a great website! I want to show my appreciation for every single one of my followers! I may not be THAT popular on Steemit, but I am doing pretty well. I have all 100 of you guys to thank for that. I know I'm being a little corny and all with the fireworks, but I feel like it is appropriate to celebrate my little bit of success so far (and hopefully more to come). I thought that a great way to do this is by incorporating my celebration into one of my more popular post series.

This is my 25th programming tutorial (of this series) in C++. This will be about file input and output. At the end of this tutorial, I will write a program that takes a file with the names of all of my followers, processes the content, then individually thanks every one of them!

If you want to check out my other tutorials in this series, here they are:

Part 1: Hello World!

Part 2: Variables

Part 3: Functions

Part 4: if(), else, else if()

Part 5: Loops

Part 6: Arrays

Part 7: Basic Input/Output

Part 9: Sorting Arrays

Part 10: Random Numbers

Part 11: Colored Text in your Terminal

Part 12: Recursion

Part 13: Binary Search

Part 14: 2D Arrays

Part 15: String Processing

Part 16: Binary, Bitwise Operators, and 2^n

Part 17: Pointers

Part 18: Pointer Arithmetic

Part 19: Object Oriented Programming 1 -- Data Structures

Part 20: Object Oriented Programming 2 -- Classes

Part 21: Object Oriented Programming 3 -- Polymorphism

Part 22: Command Line Arguments

Part 23: Header Files

Part 24: Programming in separate files

For this tutorial, I will be showing the method for the C language. This will also work in C++, but there is also another way that is slightly easier. I believe that it is important to know how to do things in C, even if it isn't the easiest language to work with. Leave a comment if you would like me to post the C++ method with the fstream library.

Opening a File

To open a file in C, we need to create a file pointer. To do this, simply type:

FILE *fp;
  • this creates a file pointer called fp

After this, it needs to be associated with whatever file that is being opened. We can do that with a simple function, fopen().

The arguments for this function are:

  1. the file name
  2. an access type

Here is a list of access types and each of their purposes:

Image source


fp = fopen("file.txt", "r");
  • opens a file called "file.txt" for reading only
fp = fopen("file.txt", "w");
  • opens a file called "file.txt" for writing only
fp = fopen("file.txt", "r+");
  • opens a file called "file.txt" for reading and writing

Don't worry too much about all of the access types right now. Study the rest of them after you are familiar with the basics.

Reading from a File

Reading from a file is fairly simple. You can use file i/o functions such as fscanf() and fgets().


This is the file i/o version of scanf().


fscanf(file_pointer, format, variables);
  • this works just like scanf(), except that it reads from a file
    • the first parameter is a pointer to the file
  • file_pointer --> a pointer to a file
  • format --> the format fscanf() will be storing the data as (Ex: %s %d %f)
  • variables --> the variables that the scanned data will be stored in

Here is a more specific example:

fscanf(fp, "%s %s %d", string1, string 2, integer);
  • this scans the file that fp is pointing to
  • fp --> a pointer to a file
  • string1 --> a string that the first segment of scanned data is stored
  • string2 --> a string that the second segment of scanned data is stored
  • integer --> an integer that the third segment of scanned data will be stored in


This function reads a line from a file and stores the contents into a string. It stops when either a certain number of characters are read, a newline is read, or if it reaches the end of the file.


fgets(string, n, fp);
  • string --> a string that the scanned data is stored in
  • n --> an integer that describes how many characters that are being scanned
  • fp --> a pointer to a file

More specifically:

char string[50];
fgets(string, 50, fp);
  • string --> a character array to store the contents that are scanned
    • "n" in the last example was replaced with 50. If we put a higher number in fgets(), then we may get an error. string can only hold 50 characters.
  • fp --> a pointer to a file

Writing to a File

Writing to a file is also fairly simple. You can use functions such as fprintf() to do this.


fprintf() is the file i/o version of printf().


fprintf(file_pointer, format, variables);
  • this works just like printf(), except that it prints to a file
  • file_pointer --> a pointer to a file
  • format --> the format fprintf() will be writing the data to (Ex: %s %d %f)
  • variables --> the variables that are being printed

Here is a more specific example:

char* string1 = "The";
char* string2 = "number";
int integer = 7;
fprintf(fp, "%s %s %d", string1, string 2, integer);
  • this prints to "The number 7" to the file that fp is pointing to
  • fp --> a pointer to a file
  • string1 --> a string that holds "The"
  • string2 --> a string that holds "Number"
  • integer --> an integer that holds 7

Closing a File

Closing a file is easy. The function fclose() will close a file. All that it needs is the file pointer.


  • fp --> a pointer to a file
  • this closes the file that fp is pointing to

More File i/o Functions

There are many more file i/o functions for C. Here are some examples:

Image source

Image source

Programming Examples:

Here is a simple program I wrote to implement reading and writing to a file called text.txt:


int main()
    FILE* fp = fopen("text.txt", "r+");
    char buffer[50];
    while(fgets(buffer, 50, fp) != NULL)
        printf("%s", buffer);
    fprintf(fp, "\nMore text for the file");    

    return 0;
  • create a file pointer called fp and open "text.txt" for reading and writing
  • buffer --> character array to hold each line that is read
  • the while loop will read one line at a time up to 50 characters
    • fgets() returns NULL when it is at the end of the file
    • print each line as it is read
  • write "\nMore text for the file" to the file
  • close the file and end the program

text.txt before running the program:

This file contains random text.
It only has two lines.

text.txt after running the program:

This file contains random text.
It only has two lines.
More text for the file


[cmw4026@omega test]$ gcc fileio.c
[cmw4026@omega test]$ ./a.out
This file contains random text.
It only has two lines.
[cmw4026@omega test]$

Finally, here is my program thanking all 100 of my followers!

Here is the format of the text file I named "followers.txt" copied and pasted right off of my Steemit page:

FOLLOWMUTE  nonameslefttouse
FOLLOWMUTE  seafarer124
FOLLOWMUTE  riffatniaz
FOLLOWMUTE  alabamanarchy
UNFOLLOWMUTE    highimpactflix
  • It is a weird format, but I can work with it!

Here is my program:

#include <string.h>

int main()
    FILE* fp = fopen("followers.txt", "r");
    char name[50];
    char temp[50];
    fscanf(fp, "%s %s", name, name);
    while(strcmp(name, temp) != 0)
        strcpy(temp, name);
        printf("Thank you for following me %s! I appreciate your support!\n", name);
        fscanf(fp, "%s %s", name, name);

    return 0;
  • open the file
  • name --> a string to hold the name of each follower
  • temp --> a temporary variable to compare values
  • fscanf(fp, "%s %s", name, name);
    • this reads "UNFOLLOW" OR "FOLLOW" first and stores it into name
    • then it reads the follower's name and overwrites name with that
  • the while loop
    • executes while the last name read isn't the same as the current name read
      • fscanf() does this weird thing where it will read the last line twice
      • the while loop executes until a name is repeated, thus the end of the file
    • print a thank you note for each follower
  • close the file and exit

Here is the output:

[cmw4026@omega test]$ gcc 100.c
[cmw4026@omega test]$ ./a.out
Thank you for following me amat! I appreciate your support!
Thank you for following me nonameslefttouse! I appreciate your support!
Thank you for following me seafarer124! I appreciate your support!
Thank you for following me riffatniaz! I appreciate your support!
Thank you for following me alabamanarchy! I appreciate your support!
Thank you for following me highimpactflix! I appreciate your support!
Thank you for following me jacobcwitmer! I appreciate your support!
Thank you for following me escapethefate! I appreciate your support!
Thank you for following me zodiac! I appreciate your support!
Thank you for following me sergey44! I appreciate your support!
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[cmw4026@omega test]$

I really mean it! Thanks guys!


Great post! I found it quite clear and understandable! Will check out the rest

Thanks! They start out super basic.

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