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RE: The fallacy in @dan's Radical Transparency and a nifty Scaling solution for Cryptocurrencies that can also create heightened Privacy at zero extra cost/effort

in #privacy6 years ago (edited)

Well made post as as always ,I was lately bit inactive I was actively busy with figuring out how the charts work ,I made serveral predicition
finally after many tries I had one prediction spot on , it was of verge , I haven't followed any news regarding that coin ,apparently their was a massive crowfunding ongoing .But the point here is luckliy that I didn't heard anything about that so I avoided the deadly mistake on charting on good news ,the problem now is to determine that mine prediction wasn't a luck guess ,so I need to repeat what I did with verge to others hopefully it's not only pure luck.

You proposed interesting idea ,basically a system that prevent blockchain scalling and eventually that certain blockchain will get purged after a certain amount of time and things will move up and down in hierchay.I don't get that bit ,I can use clarifiction .I would say what are you waiting for monopolize your idea and make it a reality .You have to start some where .Isn't a sight to behold that you breath your idea to life .

But you can't get a call to Lao Tzu and have your mind guarded against psychological manipulation tricks (especially the subtle ones that you wouldn't even notice.
So , true you reminded me of something We all like to think we’re in control of our perceptions and decisions. The idea that we’ve been manipulated into buying something is distasteful.Sometimes when I buy something I think about that thought ,was it all my doing or my behavouir was influenced for a marketing ploy .
Ask yourself when did you decide to invest in crypto or any specific coin. Ask yourself how much knowledge about the subject you possessed at the time.
That question is worth of its own post

Last but not least a here a quick recommendation

it's has nice tune


Good luck with your TA. I laddered out of most cryptos except STEEM in January as I was expecting bit of a sideways correction. Personally I think we are close to an end. At most we'd see 2 more months of sideways.

what are you waiting for monopolize your idea and make it a reality .

Not enough programming skills. I only know some basics.

I'll try to clarify my content in a future post.

i read it ,it much clearer now , I will let the idea sink in ,

foot krutch they have some great numbers on their belts,what a pleasant suprise that wicked it one of my favourites , fly on the wall , courtey call check the out same band.

I don't know but they got something especially the second one
Can you guess what favourite line is on the second video ;)

Fly on the Wall recommended to me by a friend after having a deep chat about society, individuality etc. He said the song sounded a lot like the stuff I was telling me. I checked out the song and it was one of the greatest lyrics I've ever heard in my entire life. My friend gave me the entire album and it was one of the best albums ever.

Be somebody, End is Where We begin, War of a Change, Courtesy call are all my favorites. Shook wass one that really connected with me. Now it feels like past. I was just that person who could have called Shook, semi-autobiographical.

These are my 2 favorites from Nine Lashes:

Thanks a lot for the 30 Seconds to Mars song. It's the best I've heard from them.


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