If I was UK PRIME MINISTER I would.... (fluid)

in #prime6 years ago (edited)
  1. Ensure that any policy I campaigned over would be introduced as promised.

  2. Allow live camping in the national parks of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, outside of the towns and villages in said parks, town name sign being the border.

  3. Increase the British Army back up in size to probably around 300k and reintroduce the great regiment/unit names of old in an actively used manner.Britain really needs to take stock of its accomplishments and highlight them. I would adopt a 'we didn't say it or are not the country on the receiving end, we don't act' policy too. Its a person's life people..too many UK miltary have allready died over other country's 'beefs'. Ships-Proper Aircraft Carriers, we need 3, though this would be well down the line. Ships to support the current carriers would be more in the forefront. A country which operates a battlegroup to me is much more impressive than one which only rallies what it's got. Only talking an additional class of 12-16 proper speedy ships but I'd like to see them go around in 4s. UK Design. Air Force: if they will sell them to us, I'd buy Russian Jets providing the 'commies' will put the dial, electrics and user manuals in English. Sukhoi I like especially though Mikhoyan probably don't like me saying that, but they both make quality aircraft. They sell their aircraft allready to India and have China. Right now to me Britain's defence policy and way of things seems to be about looking 'in' NOT 'out', and I do not like that fact. This next bit may be a bit controversial but I would authorise uniform redesign to be more fashion sensed (but not trending) and sorry admiral, you are wrong if you have just poo pooed that. Every sailor seen 'up the road' in that outfit if it receives the coos, it's done its job. It's the world we are living in and those coos have probably just bettered a rivals equipment elsewhere in a purchase or earnt a blogger or reporter a favourable comment on some unrelated issue. (Even if it's just 5 sailors(nominated next port banner waivers or officers, but something along those lines: people, both foreign and home may enquire why its not all so costings check would have to be done))

  4. Handguns. I would encourage a 'handgun in every home' policy and imo wipe out petty crime in a stroke. Doing this, respect for others would also come back to this country.

  5. I would create a government owned (using civil service paid staff(hired from without)) Car Brand and also a UK Exclusive large Fast food chain(I find there is money there though I find some practices unsavoury with the present competition, both in their ways and separate from what they do.) Britain needs such to dig itself out of economic hardship and get a bit of control back on its own economy.

  6. I would put 'no touches' on British industries deemed critical to remain British such as Water, Gas, Electricity and Banking. Why banking.. what's the Bank of England(rhetorical), who do they speak to aswell as making decisions(also rhetorical), how easy is it when they make decisions and a bigger institution doesn't like their decision(doubt it ever happens publicly as its probably embarrassing). With those other institutions not involved to put it bluntly, their saying anything would be a 'what's it got to do with you', yes people it really is that simple, that chat to talk about last months distributed spreadsheet where something else over coffee is 'loudly encouraged' by the supposed second party in attendance, like a bad episode of yes minister would no longer happen.

  7. I would overhaul the insurance industry in the UK. Right now it's a licence to print money for the insurance companies. The policies they give are or were called 'risks' for a reason. A person who has had misfortune occur should not be forced to pay more for his policy after an insurance company has made a payout to him. He was all ready paying them before he needed to claim as was all those other policyholders who did not claim and the far lesser number who did that year. It should not go up outside of inflation(which imo should not be as commonplace as it is nowadays, do they decrease if the economy is looking good!!) not a small to medium increase or rise like a graph curve year on year after payout(or even when there's been no payout at all.) "RISK", insurance companies, look up what it means. If he's done it a few years to you, if that ever occurs, your choice if you don't insure that guy or gal any more, as he would be deemed too much of a...... (yes, you guessed it.)

  8. The recently acquired credit score system in the UK. What a load of hooey. Literally. The old system where banks either said yes or no was simpler, does not set someone up for acceptable discrimination nor did it allow banks and financiers to publicise a rate and then offer someone a more disadvantageous rate. The new system, if the person enquiring can easily afford the publicised rate and THAT was all that was publicised, what right do they have to say no, you can afford to pay more so we will charge you more... Err so it seems they give that rate to the guys who can't afford it as easily yet everyone sees that solitary rate advertised for them. A rainy day cuckoo clock weatherman, making the bad decision if you are lucky in being unlucky. I wonder just how linked to Whitehall these men are or places higher. Is giving or denying money all they are interested in. Who else might be involved behind the scenes. Targeting of individuals occurs when they know they are being targetted or other people do. Repeated NOs may have stuck out like a sore thumb but this credit score thing is like a pick and mix which I wonder if other financiers either don't understand or want to hold a closely guarded secret. For me its early days but this credit score system, which they really are pushing like you would not believe in media, would be your alternative jail/prison record that follows you around, and will be of equal stress or excuse provider for others. OK so what is it about the credit score then that has caused this. Err it just is... So you are the bank manager who was called in to explain why I was not offered the advertised rate which I can easily afford, called in by your junior here after she was told to offer me that worse rate and that's your answer, "your credit score, it just is" Ohhhkay then(deep breath).. So long story short, I would revert to yes or no and remove credit score altogether as helpful as it sounds in the media, and imo money getting for help agency and product suppliers based off of it(ref The super turbo deluxe with Sprinkles package which no doubt some will scrupulously offer and others elsewhere, perhaps connected, who knows(<cough the paypal scenario 2>) unscrupulously worry you or force you into getting). Why know if I actually don't need to know, do it behind the scenes ffs. I allready know what accounts and where my stuff is. Oh you do too now, is that the point of it.. What, you don't trust people on their sense and ability to balance their stuff-what, you think they normally operate in coconuts or something.. Shame on you

  9. Domestic Waste Disposal. Would bring in measures that all recycling be done at recycling centers (the DUMP!!, the TIP!! , call it whatever the bleep you want) by trained (paid)
    professionals thus taking 'petty micromanagement' out of your lives and those who would feel happier without the hassle, happier.... Thus also removing street Hitlers who are more suited to doing their jobs from the comfort of under their bridges or be the silent cos they have no reason not to be, paid people they used to be..

  10. Coal Mines. Viability. Is there or isn't there coal down there. If yes then look at something. Innovating the discarded.

  11. Under me UK police stop and search powers will be rescinded. Police WILL be required to give their name when asked. Police Force cars will be numbered and have THEIR Police Force clearly identified on them. Full copy of Police cam footage will be surrendered to public upon request. You DID NOT ask them to take footage, be it always running (whatever) or not.. you pay their wages thus you should be provided with a complete copy upon request.

  12. Business Phone (NUISANCE) marketing calls will be banned from the UK.

  13. A tour of ANY Facility on UK Soil, where there is barbed wire will be provided (though will be well accompanied) to the public upon request, ANY!! NY Moors, center of London, Lands End, John Agroats.

  14. The Freedom of Information Act will be made a less pen engaging affair, 'a freed up freedom of information act' , if you will.

  15. The PAYG Phone system I don't believe is as freed up as I believe it should be. I don't like the idea of if bad things occur, it's a 'could be multiple people' scenario WHEN the only people policy currently affects and are protected against are the people. Note : the people do one hit wonders, the companies and organisations repeat, repeat, repeat.. I refer to your mobile phone / cellphone and functionality..

  16. A regular televised progress report would be given to the nation as regards the progress of these policies, something which EVERY government that has come into OFFICE should do anyway. Its laughable as we even have a channel on our TV system which can be utilised for such. Make it a proper regular occurrence with information that can be understood maybe using tech imagery, I think the nation would probably appreciate it and maybe tune in to see how things are going that once a month(/every 2 months implemented worse case scenario)

  17. I would look into the feasibility down the line of a creating a new city, a car city. Possible locations: Lincolnshire/between York and North Allerton/East of Lancaster after a very quick look. A modern city, railed dual carriageways minimum everywhere, pedestrian flyovers/flyunders but a skyscraper city. Size of Glasgow and with modern in mind. 'Don't think British in building. Think new city.' Think lots of skyscrapers. Think together but think infront and behind lots of space and unique buildings. The very best architects. Bits of green here and there. Curved double carriageways. This would be a long term (to start on) goal but we would set a date if feasible. Guys they are building cities in the desert in the middle east.. I think we could do likewise.. Yes I have heard of Milton Keynes, heck I've been there and watched an Ice Hockey match there.....for some don't know why reason, I remember crossing a road there at a 4 way junction and an outside stand pub being on a corner there but lol funny the things you can remember for no reason.. I went on to a pub with a large U bar top and stood next to a square pillar near the very bottom of the U, either just left or just right.. .Anyway, I would say to others, do you think yourself interesting? Do you think your neighbour interesting? Have you met any real life foreigners? Did you find them interesting? A new mini serial starting tomorrow, programme advertisers that I have seen for it, got me thinking of this number 17 albeit indirectly. Aswell as a modern city, latest facilities and a top class transportation system, it could be our hotbed for entertainment and grind a movie industry into mainstream and for the next millenia. If that fails, heck we could get the world to house Starfleet there, grr not a fake library :) oh that TV serial starting tomorrow which is(was) Monday 10th September 2018, it's on itv and called 'Strangers'.

[more to come]


Those who have followed me, the comment post addition before what I have just posted was deleted. Your following me is a luxury, I hope you realise that fact. If one of you is meddling, cut it the bleep out.

OK I am logged in and there is no edit button. It must disappear I assume after a number of days. So I will add here. To number 3.
I would base the army in Hampshire, Wiltshire, East Sussex, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire, Worcestershire, Powys and also have to a lesser extent army in Derbyshire, North Yorkshire, Lanarkshire, Dumfries & Galloway, Lancashire and Northumberland. I would have them really mix and be friendly with their local community on a very regular basis.

There is a lot of dishonesty in this world. I am interested to know if others went the smart meter route, do you now view there less reason to check bills.. I know you have never thought of that before but I am asking NOW so you can....my reasoning, knowledge that dishonesty IS occurring in this world through business AND the old bank skimming urban myth of people becoming wealthy by skimming pennys off of everyone's bank accounts with a bank.

Every policy stated above would be policy, ie you vote me in or have me as prime minister there is no debating over it, it goes straight in. Why, because I trust myself, I do not trust the motives and honesty of a lot of people that we should, they have proven through no action all ready that they can't be trusted, and if there are more of them in positions than you, then you don't give them the opportunity to use others to stop you. Why would I be able to do this... Because you vote me in, its a yes. I honestly have your interests at heart. PM May you are a joke trying to get on the bandwagon by saying nothing but attempting it, you misfired in the fact you weren't holding a baby ASWELL when you said nothing but that public massaging statement. The following possible policy I would take straight to the public to decide "The ripping out of all Inner City Street CCTV". I am currently on the rip it out side. If people are too afraid to talk or take action over what is happening, you really need to think is it there to protect you and did we survive before without it. Does it make you feel safer knowing it is there. Me no. Newsflash, I am speaking so although not safer, it also does not concern me but I am concerned it worries others and I don't like the imagery of a corralled public. So neutrals/leftalones/rosies are saying never thought about it, yup I know how you feel.. Believe it or not I used to just turn on the TV and watch the news, and accept, no need to do anything else, no need to, what's to be concerned about. I trust people, nothing seems untoward. Well I say, since then I've had illegality action thrown at me in public under a veil of the way it happens without explanation why its not, I've had glitches occur to my things, I've had things, a fricking lot of my physical possessions stolen from me. Well I say take a side, yes or no. The PMs before me would have been known for their PUBLIC DAMPENING ANTITERRORIST LAW, the biggest misnomer on a law ever and I would hope I would be known for my ANTISTAZII Tacks.... it really is that simple.. .What they did was visible to all, that is why there is no trust in this current establishment, no trust at all. I am encountering public being played with. You only have to look at my Facebook site current and have knowledge of past. If I came in them saying New this/new that without changing anything is same old bull and probably shows who also needs changing. You remove people from their jobs or you change actual things if you are repentent-those that just think money solves things or just words can't see further THAN THEIR OWN nose(a lot for you(your nose) probably isn't a lot for them so if it's public where's the change, a sorry, no change, not a sorry, not a things are a changing. Leaving it to me were you, right then get the f out and don't come back..do I think of other people, I would say yes. Show me the politician who has proven they care for you and actually are thinking of you. Been to war recently??? You know Neville Chamberlain spoke to his people, you've not even had that. That more recent thing, wasn't a war, they just caught a few planes, got shot at, a few died then the rest came back, actually CAME BACK. It was a company organised adventure holiday right. ) [Note its only the what I campaigned about and have outlined before coming in that 'goes straight in'. The rest would be debated and if felt significant rerouted to public instead making it public that that was occurring and saying in that manner. You people being a fallback for when money attempts to stitch me up sounds good but it could be abused in the media circus(money again). What I would say is your MPs WILL Actually listen to you under me. They WILL make themselves easily available. There will be a point in speaking to them. Ask them what they've got going on, I am serious on that. Learn What's their drive, what's their conviction. Afaic them JUST mentioning plight at bigpapaprime(yes that's how I speak from time to time, live with it) , be it yours or other local to you is not good enough, they should be growling and snarling(and that is why I would want people to say under me, they won't be holding moonlight debates.) OK knowing me I may have overdone that, I would say I would like them to really try for you and not act as if they are just ticking boxes or think it's all about just saying-they are in position, it's not. ] note too am peeved off with the baiting going on by those who can, I am here, I am waiting. Public announcement and do, simple. You might get past a bridge or a stretch of road, scaredy kittens..

How much did the channel tunnel cost us?? Do I agree with it or don't I?? I'd build one to Norway via Iceland if I thought it feasible. Heck they have laid underwater telephone lines to the States but heck only chance ever of that occurring is if Europe was happy to declare us Number 2 province behind Germany...and no that does not answer something else, flags represent something. Identity for those quick to counter elsewhere is what I will say to you there. Identity, no I don't trust them(those elsewhere reference maintaining stoic identity). Europe ONLY had to do the Indiana Jones stepping off the edge, yes it was a risk but I for one will say reason why I did not vote on Brexit is I just don't know. Europe should be more. Protecting of own jobs including in UK means it isn't. Passportless travel is great. Its not so obvious being slightly remote as we are but in Europe it feels super when it's happened and you think about it-europoops trains out of the UK, I am trying to recall if when I was in UK I still had to show my passport, think I did, and for that if I am correct, you should be ashamed.. Definitely was not the case with planes. Feels like Interferers and ice hockey teams to me..whose side is Superman on kids? Sounds a throwaway comment.. unfortunately a lot of adults need to think this through, kids, you can just answer but the adults need to think it through, it gives reason to a lot..don't want to get into comfort eating, we need a new standalone high tech, designed fresh city though.. (nups, well, well, well down the line). Things in this world which make me think hmm. Amityville, does it exist? Was it a city with a mission or a goal when it was named.. .

As PRIME Minister, armed with a demographics broadsheet and visible evidence, I would schedule a meeting with the Television Broadcasting Heads and enquire about certain practices. If you can forecast something happening (more than it should) and it does that instant happen and not just once, there's manipulation and an agenda going on somewhere. (My reference castersritor. 2nd r standing for right.) Whilst with them on a separate issue I would outline the need of comfort with the upcoming 'handgun in every home policy' and the necessity it is correctly put across. Basically a wish to not get blindsided(I will be in position because the public wanted it and have outlined it fully in policy but if somebody says no 20 times, you tend to say no too, even if it's a quizzical head tilt, screw face "no? ") Make no mistake, I know spindoctors do not just work in the governments of and prior to TMs but also the media. Any Michelle Rodriguez recently, she used to be in Space, Above and Beyond didn't she?? I liked that. Hmm Bennetton, I don't think we've got the minutes. I would say that I want to see more Mexicans, more Chinese/Japanese Asians and more Inuit Indians on our television but I have no idea where they would make space for them, perhaps they could work it out. Totally separate from our adverts, I would express a grave concern. Television has an obligation NOT to distort history. I've recently seen advertised a TV trailer for a programme where a black man was a head 'peeler'. I am old enough and because of that fact am fairly certain that was a lie, poetic licence some would say, whereas I say, no a lie. The Kids in 15 years time will not have that luxury of knowing yet repeat TV happens. It's not just TV. Actually written history is getting faked, again I am fairly certain, reference early navy. America has underscored some of its history yet ours is getting distorted for some unknown reason, the same theme. I would call the TV execs into my office and read them a riot act on fact distortion and threaten mass fines and removal of said programmes in future including relaying a public apology going out over their prime time and other channels news unless those programmes are preceded by a without doubt what it means disclaimer(exactly what they are disclaiming about). Note I would also make it a crime to visually paraphrase by grabbing the clip for use elsewhere because that is just as if not more harmful. I will lay out here, not just being head peeler being the distortion I believe. How many of our MPs have you seen mention that happened, I have not heard one, let alone make a policy or an undertaking to do something about it. Please note I also believe a China man was not a peeler either neither was a woman nor was an Eskimo but they did not think of pushing that, perhaps our execs don't have the creative ability and are onethemed. The person who wants to MAKE AN ISSUE with reference that they are not allowed to trailer those lies I would not even invite into my office, I would immediately have him thrown into jail for being a public nuisance...tell a EuroAfrican they originate from Australia they would probably be very upset (note I have a hypothesis here which does not relate to the Australia theme but I will leave it until another time to say), tell an American their first president was an African American, they would probably get upset and rightly so because he wasn't. Its the nature in which you say it before they say no we wouldn't, we'd just say whatever... Please note my freedom of speech is getting messed with. I allready knew they have taken away the edit facility on the main piece but what I add to the comments is being removed. I have had to readd edits to this comment TWICE. Have you ever thought if good things to say then had to retype the-suggest anyone who takes pride and happiness in inspiration, next time you have one, I bet you don't, but delete it oroviding it's more than two sentences, go get a cup of coffee then try retyping it see if it still sounds the same.

To add to number 4
I would make it no longer a crime to kill an intruder in your home. That would be made law. Likely reasons why people may call this bad is why in law there are courts, and Investigations take place and only then judgements are made. You base wrong decisions on where they were made not on the law protecting individuals from home invaders and not in fact change it to protect that scum instead.

. 19.
I would make it punishable with minimum 15 year jail term, anyone found guilty of messing with the printed words of another person with malicious intent, as it is nasty, harassment and character assassination, worthy of only nasty trolls, worthy of kid killers and worthy of people who do not deserve the freedom to walk the streets of any country..how would I prove malicious intent, I would merely ask the person who has had it happen to them..

. 20.
Yes I am basing it off hearing mention of the place but that's where idea of policies and practices come from. I would go to Northern Ireland and ensure that and ask why a number(be it few/some/many/most?) would like to remain UK. I would check its not just houses behind barbed wire, or if its the case now which it probably is, its not JUST HOUSES now. We saw no supermarkets, we saw no life, we just saw houses and streets. Yes I know its not (err ONLY through common sense) but media is so fricking dangerous, its unbelievable

. 21.
Only with public approval, I would look at buying Warwick Castle back from Merlin Entertainment Group and use it akin to Camp David in the US. Think in an age with Donald Trump zooming around in very expensive planes, the people governing Britain need at least one thing which someone from the outside should drool at rather than appearing a foot servant to whoever...

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