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RE: The One Month Steemit Power Up Challenge!

in #powerupchallenge7 years ago

What a great idea
I normally do any way! The exception is when I need some prize money to give away... so we have to write a post to announce our participation ... is there anything to say how well others are doing to track their progress? Maybe you could start a tag like 'powerup' or words to that effect? Isee you have used 'powerupchallenge'
Given that we are now on 7 days payouts ... anyway, over to you. If you would like any help, let me know. Always happy to do what I can for a community support idea. Upped and followed.


I have not been on much but just did a post , i didnt realize untill now that we are on 7 days pay out now ! Anything else new that missed other then the price of steem going up !?

i thought its comments that will 7 day, not sure about post's

Oh ok ! So what tag are we useing for the power up challenge !?

For the post that you will be doing it that post can have powerupchallenge . If people wish to keep track i think powerup is fine to use on your other posts for the next 30 days.

Ok so i will try to remember to use powerup tag on all my posts

HF17 - it could be a disaster - time will tell

I will need to read up more on the highlights etc. I just have not had time 👍

I have no issues with making a powerup tag but i was thinking being less intrusive would be best.
figured most people would keep track of there own progress.

If there is a tag, then it will become more of a "thing" in the community. I will start it and suggest that others follow suit - people like a bit of togetherness in community driven ideas like this

The post has been updated.

Thank you - I have alerted cheetah as many of these posts will look similar. I also alerted SteemTrail guys as if it flies, they will be interested and the community members who take up the challenge will benefit ... we shall see. Good on you for doing this. I am listening to some Chuck Berry - so sad he died but he was 90 ... Just posted about him - if you don't know 'My Ding-a-ling' Have a listen - very funny!

Oh thanks for that last thing we want is to get mass rekt.

I power up everything but it looks like on this challenge we only keep track of the posts we power up ,if thats the case people should know or it will be too hard to keep track thanks !

It was not posted as a challenge, just a bit of a gee-up.
I also power up pretty much everything. I have not lately as I have needed steem to give away as prizes. I have a bit of a stash now so back to powering up.
When I post my 100 words stuff, I do it from another account and that has to be 50/50 for the revenue split distribution.
Like you I took a screenshot so I shall see how it looks at the end of the 30-day period.
Thanks to you!

He said in his post its a power up challenge for all POST rewards , comment rewards dont count , so that means only your posts count , i wrote down where i started as well but this is actually to confuseing so for me i will just see how much my total is from where i started when the challenge began, because i also power contest rewards and other rewards i recieve i even power up all my SD i get so it will be fun anyways just to see after a month all the power up i do ! Lol ! Thanks for replying back ! Steem on !😉👍🆙⤴

If its just per post , so far my street art blog paid out 53.24 SP . But ive actually powered up 88.907.

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