My Dream Pet (a power house creatives contest)

I remember as a kid always wanting to have a lizard. There are so many cute varieties with such different colors and skills, from camouflage to being so slow yet fast in the speed of lightning to catch its prey.

By the age of 18 I always knew that I could never get a lizard. I was fearful of killing it. All those that I knew had a lizard, the little guys never survived for a long time. Perhaps because we live in the north, perhaps because they need their natural habitat, who knows, so I thought it best to just admire them from afar as to keep it alive and just get a tattoo of one. That was my first tattoo. In this, I was able to have one with me for always!


This little guy here is a leopard gecko. I was told that when they are young, they are grey with spots and as they get older, they shed their skin and become more yellow. They are night creatures just like I was before having kids. They scurvy, they cling and they are quick, fun to watch and enjoy to have when holding them.

So, when I was young, I used to think that was my perfect pet. Today, not so much.

And so today, what is my perfect pet?

Clinging to my dark side, I could easily say a dragon. They look like lizards with wings and have super powers like fire breathing dragons or even ice. They can fly and I could ride them. I could dominate the world with having a few of them! Just think, the dragon from Dragon Heart! Beautiful and magical and mystical!


Or how about a cerberus, a 3 headed dog! How cool it would be to have one for a guard dog to keep stupid people from letting their dog running in my yard without asking. It has happened before where a drunk man stopped at my place where the kids and I were outside and asked me if I was scared of his dog and let him loose to run in my backyard without asking.
But then imagine having to find a way to tie this giant beast to keep him in the yard. No tree would be strong enough here. Would have to chain him to the house!


Perhaps a Kirin! Such beautiful creatures.

An Enfield is composed of the head of a Fox (craftiness/ cleverness), the chest of a Greyhound (swiftness/ endurance), the body of a Lion (royalty/ bravery), the hind legs/tail of a Wolf (fraternity/ loyalty) and forelegs of an Eagle's talons (strength/ nobility).

The Enfield is a beast of Celtic origin primarily seen as guardians of chieftains that were slain in battle. Because Celts believed heavily in respecting the body of the deceased, enemies would try hard to capture bodies and tear them apart. To prevent enemies demoralising tribes in this way, the Enfield exists to defend the corpses.

I don't think I have the rights to share the pictures so I will just share the link from where I quoted and you'll see the image.

I've always been fond of foxes. They have so much meaning when looking up fox medicine and spirit guides. So why not a super fox?

All in all, mythical creatures or real creatures, I love them all and no matter how much I would fantasize to have one, there is still a respect that is to be had when it comes to animals. These wild animals, fox, lizards, large cat breeds, monkeys, frogs and turtles, we must respect that these are creatures that benefit the most in wildlife and are not ours to own. How we would destroy their lives and create an imbalance (and already have) when we think that we can own something so majestic, no matter how little and how big they are. There is a fine line that is too often crossed. Let's leave these creatures be.

So when it comes to asking what my dream pet is, I already have it. It's my kids of course! They start out cute, cuddly and even stinky, we still love them with all our hearts and cannot bear to be separated from them.

Are you kidding? Did you think I was serious with that? My kids are not pets! Haha, got you!

My dream pet is rottweilers. A strong beast and loyal. They can protect the family, they are playful and so smart. I am glad to have Piper as she is still a pup, she is showing how intelligent and how loving she is already. I'm curious to see how she falls into adulthood.

She has a great funny personality and is full of love! I hope you all get to have your dream pet (as long as it's not like a lion or a giraffe - wild animal) as it can be so fulfilling to have that companion, just like I have with Piper.... and my kids :p



A lizard?! Well... I guess that is marginally better than the gatekeeper to hell... But a fox would interesting, but are those possible to domesticate?

... I think my kids are pets though...

Some people try to domesticate foxes, but often underestimate the temperament of the fox and also their sound. It's sad really.

If your kid will do a trick for a treat, then i would say so too :P LOL

lol, this is great @foxyspirit. I think it would be difficult to choose just one pet, lizards are fun. We have so many around us now, I love watching them no need to try to capture them, they entertain us each day. As for the 3 headed dog, hmmm that one kind of creeps me out, lol I'm reminded of a movie a long time ago I think Herculese where they had a 3 headed dog as a guard, it was pretty crazy to imagine. Kids as pets, well sometimes it did seem like that, but they're definitely a lot more to maintain :) Love your post!


How lovely it would be to see lizards playing all over the place! Too cold here for lizards, in the forest we might see a salamander but it's not often.

I suppose, if you see the dog in shows like Hercules and Harry Potter, it doesn't seem like a good pet to have lol. But just like with any dog, properly trained, they become teddy bears :p

Kids are definitely more to maintain LOL. Glad you enjoyed my post ;)

Wow, a wild meuf riding on a dragon taking over the world? That would be a scary place indeed! Awesome but scary haha!

And I was laughing hard at the kids as pets! They are though aren't they? 😂


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You got me thinking here... Wild meuf? Not a wild dragon? LOL Ya that would be a scary place in that case. Did the dragon tame the meuf?

:D I was hoping to get a few laughs out of that one... just between you and me, they sometimes are! :P

Great post @foxyspirit. I'm surprised you didn't get a lizard when you could. You can get an iguana, I've heard they're pretty easy to care for. I think Piper would have a lot of fun with it 😊

Piper would probably eat it! LOL I have thought about getting a lizard many times. Many many times. Im just too scared to kill it.

I wasn't expecting that! hahahaha
I don't really like lizards but I can see the fascination with them :D

:D Glad there was a bit of surprise for you in there. :P

Lizards are so cute though! I can understand snakes, most people don't like them, they are cool to me but I understand. Lizards are quite different. They eat bugs you know :P

Lizards and cute in the same sentence hahahahaha
Actually some are beautiful
But those house geckos... I have them plenty... not very cute...

you have plenty of geckos??!!! Lucky you!!! <3

Lizard is great choice. But you mean big colorful lizards right? Have you seen those skincolor small lizards that crawls on the house walls, not sure if they exist in other parts of world.

Thinking while reading made me want a Dinasour, the cute veggie eater.

All lizards actually, I'm not sure which one you are referring to but any lizard that would crawl on the walls is an awesome lizard! I'd love seeing that but it's too cold here. It wouldn't survive the winter :(

Having a dinosaur would be fun too! Just need the room for it :D

I also don't think the world knows about the famous Indian lizards that crawl on walls in our home, next time i see one I will show you :)

Yeah big room for the dinasaursssss :D

I will look them up! They sound so interesting :D

Crazy pets that you like and the Rottie is a great pet. We have a adopted a little chihuahua that thinks he is a Rottweiler.
No kids, as mine are all adults from a previous marriage.

Ya chihuahuas think they high and mighty and I think its the funniest thing. I once had a miniature chihuahua and my neighbour had a german shorthaired pointer. Tall thing. Anyways, at first he thought my dog was a squirrel or something, but when my dog stood his ground, he lowered his butt, puffed out his chest and barked away, the other dog just got scared and took off. I thought that was amazing lol.

Hahaha, ours is exactly the same. He can't stand other mutts and his name is "Troy". A guy got out of his car with his dog on a leash at a gas station and Troy decided to attack the dog. I don't know who was more surprised, the guy or his big Boxer dog hahaha

HAHAHAHA! That's the best! No one ever expects a chihuahua's wrath! :D

Love this! I think many lizards are quite cute. Like @birdsinparadise, we get quite a lot of them around starting this time of year through the summer (though probably not as many of the bigger ones as she might see). Lots of cute little green ones and plenty of the lined skinks all around the garden and they like to sun themselves on the front porch. Though I think I would agree on a dragon being a pretty cool pet.

I tend to agree with you that we often cross the line on "owning" animals that perhaps are best left in the wild. So many people buy pets just because they think they want one, only to realize they can't put in the time and effort to really give that pet the home they need. I do love dogs, but luckily my friends and family have ones that I can pet and get my doggy-love. Other than that I enjoy all the birds, lizards, chipmunks, squirrels and occasional bunnies that we see in the yard. My niece is pretty darn good with giving all of them names, haha!

You are also another lucky being! And to have all that surround you is awesome. I mean, we also get birds and squirrels, but the rest that may follow would be skunks, bears, moose, deer. The wolves are far so no need to worry about them, we used to get lynx here but I guess they had to move on to where the good food is, maybe?

Awesome that your niece can name them all. I had a hard time just finding Pipers name lol.

Very interesting selection of pets ... imagine yourself mounted on a dragon or a Cerberus ... xD

I also have the pleasure of having a rottwailer as pets and it is as you describe it, very pleasant and fun your publication.

PS: I have three children have so much energy that they could pass for dragons xD

HAHA! children passing for dragons... That too! They can make a mess worthy of a dragons LOL.

Rotties are the best aren't they? Love them.

i l stick to dogs although that l think the lizard is very handsome

Oh, they are handsome creatures, cute little things :D Dogs too :p

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