Salute your Health with A Liquid Dose of Sunshine! Beets and Blueberries

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Good Thursday my Steemian Foodie friends!

Hope you’re all having a great week! Our week has been pretty quiet watching snow birds and tourists exit for the season. Many of our neighbors leave for the summer as hurricane season will be here shortly. Rainy season is here so the ponds, flowers, trees and grasses breathe a sigh of relief as they drink in the daily rain. Lots of farewells and promises to see one another next fall as the quiet settles around us.

Its actually quite nice...

We can take longer bike rides without worrying about anxious drivers, honking, always in a hurry. Today was such a day but before we rode fresh morning juice was on the menu! I used to share a morning juice with you each week, realized I hadn’t shared for quite a while!

Each day...

I enjoy trying to incorporate fruits and veggies into my breakfast every day. It's is so easy! Smoothies, Acai bowls and juices are quick and so healthy for you. Years ago a beet would never grace this Birds beak but now both Red and Golden beets are a staple in our fridge. And they're so good for you!

Let me show you…

  • They’re loaded with vitamins and minerals and provide many health benefits!
  • Beets contain high levels of nitrates which not only helps moderate your blood pressure it also
    helps increase energy.
  • They’re high in fiber which promotes healthy digestion.
  • Beets have been shown to promote blood flow to the brain! This helps improve memory and cognitive function.

It all started with this!

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And in short order

Carrots, Cucumber, Granny Smith Apple, Red Beets, Meyer Lemon and Blueberries! Spinach and Beet Greens too! Washed and chopped!
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It feels like the sun is shining already!

Grab your favorite Juicer or Blender! I love my juicer too! Juice or blend away! A Rainbow of deliciousness!
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Voila! Sprinkle a few Hemp Seeds on top, perhaps a few fresh Blueberries and Enjoy!

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Time to hit the road, enjoy a little sunshine before the rain begins! Great to see you today.

And as always, blessings to you all!




The STEEM Engine


I must get into Juices and this is one I am sure I would love as I love all of the ingredients except for cucumber which doesn't agree with me but I am sure dropping that it would still be great

Thanks for the great post and being an Active Member of SteemUSA !tip

You really should! As for the cucumbers, I include those for the added fluids, you know dehydration is a big issue for us, and you don't taste them in the juice I promise! I hope you'll check it out @tattoodjay, you'll feel wonderful1 :)

ITs not so much the taste I come out in a rash if I eat it, not sure why but i just avoid it, but I will try it but with more liquid perhaps

Ah... my wife makes juices with beets as well. To be honest, I was a little dubious to begin with... but they are very tasty! I just wonder what happens if you spill them....

I know, the first time I used red beets I was wearing a white shirt! :( Needless to say that shirt is now a workout shirt, lol But anyway, I still use beets all of the time, they're so good for you. Never would I have thought about including them in my juice as I never ate them! They are quite tasty @bengy I agree with you! :)

My Vitamix is the best thing I have ever purchased !! Not only does it make a great smoothie, but, it does it pronto!

Your mix is interesting, as they always are and I have used beets before and have always loved them my entrie life, but, never used to add them... until the past few years, I am not sure anyone did.

But, they make a wonderful flavor! Happy Friday to the Birdhouse!

I know! I use this almost every morning. I feel so much better! Both my energy, skin and hair all have improved since I have been juicing. As for the ingredients, I mix it up as I'm sure you do too! Although it is funny neither of us added beets in the past. They make such a beautiful juice don't they? Makes me smile every time I make the juice, lol I would love to hear what your favorite juice is? Always looking for new recipes :) Thanks @dswigle, hope you have had a fabulous weekend!

I do mix it up just to keep it all fresh! I will have to look at the ones I love best. Can you believe I almost never do something from my head, I write it all down!

It was a really nice weekend! I hope yours was too!

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Thank you for sharing my post @thesteemengine! You're the best!

Super healthy! And very similar recipe (i think) to the juice that my dad makes me drink :D That red is SO rich, isnt it? :D

Yes, yes I'm sure your dad makes this one! Beets are sooooo good for you, carrots, yum! Let me know what he uses, I would love to hear @veryspider! :) Thanks so much

Beets!!! That’s my missing juice ingredient, beets!!! Now if you could only send me some blueberries I’ll get right on this concoction. Now that we are here for a bit it’s fine to bust out the juicer again. :)

I'm sure you miss those blueberries!!! Beets, one of my favorites for every juice! I'm so glad you are going to juice again!! Of course you have mangoes everywhere right, I love that in my juices too. Beets and mangoes YUM!

We actually have a huge mango tree right outside from where we are staying. There are mangoes all over the ground and flies too… kind of a pain but they definitely taste good.

It looks so nutritiously delicious but blueberries would be really hard to find here. We bought some beets last month and I kept telling my wife to make a juice of it. Eventually we forgot about it and it was wasted. I'll try to buy some again once available and find something else to substitute for the berries.

Yes beets used to intimidate me too! Once I tried it with carrots, apples, spinach lemons and cucumbers I never looked back! Any berry would really work with this although I find strawberries and raspberries can be tart so if you don't like that leave them out! Love the apples with beets! I would love to hear what juices your wife makes @watersnake101

Sounds delicious. I usually juice only beets and carrots. I never use the beet leaves, are they good?

Oh yes! I hadn't used them either but when I realized the vitamin content, wow! I wash them very well though before using them. Can't have too much green right? Thanks @starjewel, love those beets!

Just the color alone gets me every time ;) So rich and beautiful! I can't believe I thought I didn't like beets, lol Very definitely YUM!

hehe their color is the prettiest ;)

Thank you @thekitchenfairy! Juices are so yummy! I'm sure you could make an amazing one in your kitchen! :)

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