If I See Another "Missing Posting Authority" Warning...Lol ARGH! (Original Blog)

in #posting7 years ago (edited)

I'm a year plus veteran on Steemit in this community and I still can't figure out why I often see the Missing Posting Authority Warning

It is really bothersome, and can take up some valuable time when I need to trouble shoot the issue.

My Method Of Solution
The only way around it I have found is usually copying my entire text and cutting it out, and leaving only maybe like a few words to one sentence left in the text field,
and then posting it really quickly and editing the text back to original as fast as possible and pasting what I had taken out before anyone clicks on my post to view it.

Sometimes if that doesn't work, I have to paste in the deleted material into sections, slowly adding paragraph by paragraph back in until finally the whole post is complete again.

But what puzzles me is that I don't change a single thing in the entire post other than copying and pasting it back into the text field so if I am able to edit it back inside after initially posting almost a Near Blank post first, just to get past that "Missing Posting Authority" Warning
Then why can't I just post it all at once if it still accepts everything I wrote in the end with no changes anyway from the very beginning?

It is very confusing to say in the least...
It shouldn't be rocket science.

Have you also encountered this issue? What is your experience and do you have any ideas why this occurs or how to avoid it?

Maybe I am missing something. Please fill me in, I'm willing to learn

Thanks for reading this post
Any help is appreciated
All Gifs used from Giphy.com

This gif is hilarious


Hey, how come cheetah did not pay you a visit if you are posting your own stuff LOL! Kidding my man, hahahaha!

I think cheetah has been removed, but I am glad cheetah doesn't visit me anymore, I never did anything wrong or plagiarize lol

Whats missing post authority problem? Im lost

It makes me scratch my head, but basically it is a red warning that pops up on the bottom left of your screen right when you try to SUBMIT your Post. It doesn't tell you what the issue is, but it doesn't let your post your post, so I have to edit my post and take out almost everything in order to post, and then I edit back in what I had to delete and it works lol pretty dumb

Whoa, so that is what you explained, uo in the post, oki got it thanks for explaining it to me

You're very welcome, sorry it wasn't clear enough

When you knoe ehat missing post authority is, its clear as day which in my case i do now

Sorry typing from phone, im bad at it

Well I have no clue why I get the warning

Is there some support you can do to send like a ticket for a bug, im used to them in games

No not yet and since steemit.chat is down, I'll have to wait until I can ask someone with authority to help explain what is going on

That's not something I've encountered yet. Boo what a pita

I don't wish this on my worst enemy in the Steemit world! Hope you stay clear of this landmine annoyance my friend

I hope you figure it out.

Me too thank you very much, I'll update everyone on more info when I find out

Did you see if someone in the steemit.chat #help channel can shed some light? That is awfully weird.

It is indeed awful, but I had talked to @pfunk before and he couldn't see what was wrong with my account or why I got that warning message, I just had to figure out my own solution but since steemit.chat is down, I'll have to wait to go into the help channel and again and raise the issue, thanks for the suggestion :)

If you use a diff password for steemit and chat, then use http://steemit.chat

Yeah I know about steemit.chat thanks again, I am also known as @verbal-d on there too

:p I know who your are ;) that is the work around for it being down. HTTPS protocols don't work.

Whoa that actually worked! Thank you my dear friend, i don't know why it didn't work before

:) just be glad that I can see when a dictionary fails ;)

and always my pleasure

Yes you have been truly helpful :) I am grateful
I bet you would be good at scrabble, if you are, I'm game to battle you lol

I think i encountered that once, and refreshing and pasting back in worked for me. Have not encountered it recently though. How annoyance!

Yeah definitely a nuisance, glad you found the way around it as well!

I encountered that once as well I believe. I copied and pasted it all back together again. Thank goodness the issue has not recurred.

I made a post a couple of nights ago that showed up on the new page. When I clicked it it showed only half my post. The post link became inactive, though it continued to show on the new page, counting up the minutes but not the rewards. Then the post completely disappeared, was not even on my blog page. Just gone. Haven't figured that one out yet either!

I hope you get answers to this issue. I'm sure there are others experiencing that. Please make another post when you get the answer.

Oh no, that also sounds really weird, I will definitely post again when I get more info :)

I'd love to have a first post ... an "introduce yourself" post ...

I'm unable to submit anything because of that warning.

try the help channel on http://steemit.chat

I still haven't found the proper solution

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