Do You Wonder How Many People Read Your Blog Posts on Steemit, Apparently Not Many

in #post-views8 years ago


The last few days I've been experimenting with adding external Blog post view counters on some of my posts on as I was really interested in seeing how many readers my posts get. Seeing only the number of votes you receive is not enough to get a good enough idea on what is the interest in what you write here. While I still have not found the perfect solution at least there is one that is apparently working and it is not hard to implement, I have explained it in this post.

Let me get back to the number of unique views that the counter is detecting for the Blog posts that I have included the counter in (this post also has a view counter added at the end). The results are really not that encouraging as you can see from the numbers below, but then again none of my Blog posts on steemit with a counter got very popular let alone get trending. So I assume that these "popular" posts are receiving much more attention and get way more views than the average post on steemit that attracts just a bit of attention before getting buried deep.

What I have observed so far is that you get the most views of your post in the first 30 or so minutes before the publication is fresh on the New posts page on steemit, after that it hardly gets much new views. Maybe a few more as it gets near the first payout time, maybe because I'm not the only one regularly checking the payout time posts.

So, let us get to the actual numbers:

1 How to Know How Many People See Your Post on Steemit
Post views: 22, Post Votes: 12, Post Reward: $0.15, Post Age: 2 Days

2 Steemit Post Views Counter Take 2
Post views: 16, Post Votes: 6, Post Reward: $0.06, Post Age: 16 Hours

3 Completely Electric Powered Arc Lighter, Is It Possible
Post views: 12, Post Votes: 6, Post Reward: $0.13, Post Age: 13 Hours

Are you feeling encouraged by the fact that just 10 to 20 people read your Blog posts on steemit, and you probably have spent quite some time to prepare and publish something interesting? This number is far from encouraging and you can only hope that some "big whale" will notice your post and decide it is worth upvoting and making it popular. I'm sure that the trending publications have much more readers than the average Blog post that does not manage to get a lot of attention.

I'm sure that with most new users of steemit it is even harder to get noticed with their first post or first few publications and their Blog posts most likely get even fewer views than the ones above. That is unless you end up lucky and get noticed because you made a really good first introductory post for example, but even then there is no guarantees. Having some followers probably helps, but it takes time and effort in order for you to get noticed by some people who may decide to follow what you post.

I'm sure that if you are somebody famous or have a lot of followers in another place like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or somewhere else and you come to steemit and announce to your readers/watchers that you started using steemit it will be much easier to get more views on your posts and votes as well, because you will bring some of your fans to steemit as well. So in the end this is a good thing for in general and not only for you, however the percentage of such people here is probably very low, so what about the rest of us?

What we have left is to continue with our efforts hoping that at some point the time and effort spent writing on will be rewarded in one way or another. Yet again writing things and knowing that just 10 or 20 people are going to see them is not very encouraging at the moment. That does not mean you should start spamming users to check your posts and vote for them on steemit and other places, what you should do is just keep on trying... right... feeling encouraged yet.

Did you like what you have just read? Check my other posts on steemit @cryptos  


Your numbers are bogus by a large margin. It is only counting visitors on non steemit websites like The counter website is never being contacted by our users. This is done intentionally as security measure to protect privacy and bypass image hosts that block hot linking.

Ok, thanks for clarifying that. Have you been considering adding official counters for post views on steemit? Or maybe providing some sort of a solution for official external post views counter service especially made for steemit users?

The upvotes / pageViews numbers would be invaluable. Please add this @dantheman

Woah..! It's very interesting to see these numbers, and quite revealing. Very neat find. Coming onboard with a good YouTube following, and adding a decent amount of Steem Power early on, has been a saving grace.

Hope this post goes far- you deserve it, and Steemit deserves people like you!


well, the platform is still getting going; like anything, you have to have ways of getting the eyeballs and getting them to click through.

This is awesome! Thanks for answering the question. I will head back to your other posts. Do you mention how to add the post view counter?

Yes, I explain how to do it in the articles linked above where I discus the views of posts with the counter :)

This is a very good experiment. I wanna try something, too. ;-)

Good idea @cryptos, do hope it gets a lot of attention!

Thanks, I do hope so too.

It would be nice if it also catches the attention of the right people to see that there is a need for adding post views as a standart feature of steemit.

Saw that the attention is there. As what I read from Dan's reply just yet, it can not be incorporated from an external source. With some right reasons to support the how and why.

But maybe it will get in at some point or way.

It would be best if it gets added as a standard feature of steemit :)

I haven't taken the time to see what my numbers are - but I know they're dismal. But, I won't be discouraged quite yet. I know I'm new. My expectations are low but my hope is high that I'll gain steem (get it? ;oP - LOL) But if I simply focus on my non-readership, I would begin to think it wasn't fun to post, comment and upvote. For me, once it stops being fun, it's not worth the few hours a day I dedicate to the site. Hush now... Think positive vibes

Totally understand the intent behind the post but I'd like to share a few thoughts.

  1. It's still CRAZY early. Things are still just getting going, so the numbers might be much lower than usual.
  2. Competition will make this an awesome community in the long run. So you wrote a post or two that bombed.. while I'll be the first to admit that never feels good.. it's just the market reacting! Get back to the drawing board and produce some more.
  3. Consistency is EVERYTHING for a place like this. You just have to k
  4. Relationships also matter when it comes to views. People are new here -- you haven't earned their trust yet. But you can do so by connecting with others in a fun and meaningful way.

This isn't aimed particularly at you -- just thought I'd share my thoughts on those disappointed at low traffic numbers.

Keep at it. :)

With this post I'm currently seeing something else that is quite interesting to note. The post says 20 votes, but the unique views are actually only 8 according to the couter and there are comments from 5 users (6 if you count me). So basically there are some people that have voted even without opening the post to read it or bots that voted the same way. This is the first post of my posts with counter that shows more votes than actual times the post was viewed.

I am a newbie on this site, and want to thank you for this interresting post. I only made one post so far but I am strugling to put images in my posts and watched and read about four videos and post on how to put images in my posts but every time I try what I have learned it does not work. Anybody know an easy way to do this?

If you are new you might be interested in checking out this website:

As for the picutures, I'm using to upload them, though there are many services available. Then inside the post you are making on steemit you just need to paste the full URL to the image you have just uploaded.

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