My 2020: Just a normal day: I Hate Routines

in #posh5 years ago (edited)

Well in the last few years since the time I have quit my regular job life has drastically changed for me. Till then I had a fixed routine and I was so much bored of it. Though quitting my job was not a planned thing, it just came up, so when it happened I was actually feeling lost and I did not know how to spend my days. For the first one month my days would just go randomly, though I would try to set some routine but when you do not have to report anywhere...hahaha and you are your own boss, everything is at your free will to adjust. But then this where the discipline matters. Even if the day would go randomly there were somethings that were strictly a part of the day, like doing Meditation, Yoga, spending time to learn something new, and some household activities. Gradually, I got a bit settled down and some routines got into place at fixed timings. Though as of now also I do not have anything fixed. A part of the day goes planned and a part of it with just what comes up. I do plan up the week in advance to ensure I am not being unproductive and wasting my time.

A Normal Day of my Life

The Fixed Part of my Week Day

My day begins at 07:30 A.M., the time I wake up. The moment I get up my first activity is a quick short Gratitude prayer, then to make up my bed. After that I water my plants and then it's bath time. After bath is an hour of Yoga and Meditation. No matter whatever happens this part never changes only unless I am travelling. This routine is fixed and by the time I finished with this part of my day it is 10:00 A.M.

From 10:00 A.M. to 06:00 P.M. is the flexible part of my day. Then again at 06:00 P.M. is my walk time wherein me and my hubby go for a walk to our favorite park, or sometimes just near my home side where we have a walking path. By 07:00 we get home and then prepare up for dinner. Normally by 08:00 P.M. we finish our dinner and then relax again to do our own things.

My Daily Yoga routine which I would never want to miss

My Favorite Park where I go for walks. It is called Rose Garden.This place is all filled with flowers and it feels so good taking a walk here. Sometimes I also do Yoga in this park under one of the trees.

My day is never complete without spending some time with my Crystals.

The Flexible part of my Week Day

From 10:00 A.M. to 06:00 P.M. is the flexible part of my Day where some days I visit my clients for my HR Consulting work, some days I spend on Healing and Teaching work and Some days I keep for my own self-study. In this time I also do my Steemit activities and household activities.
Since years I have been following the Intermittent fasting practice so between 2 to 3 is the first meal of my day.
Sometimes if I do not feel like doing anything I just go out for shopping or catch up with friends over lunch or just lie back and read, or sometimes I spend it on my hobbies like making candles, aroma oils, etc... This time is all at my convenience, but I make sure that I use it well and not just laze around.
When you are at your own free will to do things you tend to slip and waste time. This is what one thing I assure that I do not get into that mode. Generally there are so many things to do that this time is not enough.

Then from 08:00 to around 10:30 there is nothing fixed, Would watch TV or read or sometimes Meditate, just depends on the mood and 10:30 is bed time. This is how generally a normal day of my life looks like. But yes it is not fixed. I do travel a lot so it keeps changing. When I have guests at home which is again very regular then my day is different cause I am attending to them too during the day. In general I like to spend my day normally with not much of disturbances. I am a loner and I like my quiet time and space. I do not like to be among too many people all the time. Specially during the week days.

One of my Hobby of making Candles

My Weekends

For weekend it is completely different there is absolutely no protocol to follow. No fixed time to get up, no fixed time to sleep. Winter weekends are mostly spent outdoors and summer weekends are mostly house gatherings with friends, attending events. I like to go clubbing, I enjoy watching movies so over the weekends I do that. Weekends are also spent on my hobbies again. I also enjoy taking a afternoon nap over the weekends which on weekday I avoid. I like to have a heavy lunch and then doze off for couple of hours, it is heavenly for me...hahaha. Weekends I like to be out till late night with friends so normally weekend night winds off by around 01:00 to 02:00 A.M. or sometimes later. My weekends are totally opposite to my weekdays. I like to spend time out in nature, during winter time we do overnight trips and spend time out as much as possible.

Weekends where I enjoy being out of the house somewhere connected to nature.

Weekdays for me is normally indoors, except when I go out for work or shopping household stuff and my daily walks. Life in Muscat is very peaceful compared to Mumbai. It is a small place so reaching to the furthest part of the city would not take more then half an hour to 45 minutes. This city is very systematic and convenient for all other economic day to day affairs so one really does not stress out on these things. Overall life is peaceful in this part of the world and in a way I feel it is a blessing to be in this place.


This is how my days are spent, and I am thoroughly enjoying them. When I look back at my Corporate life, I feel what a rut I was into. I feel so much freedom now when I am in my own way. This way I am enjoying every bit of what I am doing. There is no one to tell me what I should be doing, I just do what I feel like and I also see that I have become more mindful then before because I feel complete sense of responsibility for every action I take. When you are on your own it is a bigger challenge to set yourself into something, because there is no one to guide you or give you directions. You are responsible for your own growth with the amount of efforts you put in. There is no one to give you feedback of what you are doing is right or not and hence it becomes all the more challenging for you to understand your own path and make sure that your free will is used in the most righteous manner. It becomes your own responsibility to make your time productive as much as possible. If you have some set goals in life this becomes little easier but if there are no goals then it is extremely challenging.

This is a typical day for me in Mumbai as well as Muscat. Since it is all about me it does not change much, except for the fact that when I am in Mumbai it is more of leisure time.

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"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

My other blogs of Interest

"How Can I be Helpful?"
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"Do we only shift our thinking when disaster strikes? - #TribeSteemUp Bi-Weekly Question"
"ecoTrain QOTW! "Should we judge others by our own values?"

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Supporting People Who Help Make The World A Better Place @ecoTrain


T'is beautiful... How you spend your time is well packaged. Glad it now revolves around you, work(at your pace) and family. Cheers 🥂

Truly it feels good when you are in command of your own time and self. Thank you :-)

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