Portrait Contest Week 14 - Couples - Entry #2


This is my Entry #2 for the Couple #PortraitContest hosted by @jasonrussell and sponsored by @erodedthoughts. Thank you both for this opportunity to enter. You can view the details of the contest here.

This photo was taken of my husband and I two months ago while we were at a dinner play theater. We were sitting in the front lounge area when my brother-in-law took this photo of us using our Cannon EOS Rebel T6.

Thanks for viewing!


Such a lovely couple!

You are very welcome!

So this is how you get your high quality fotos. How much did that camera cost?

Yep! We got a lot deal that came with everything an amateur photographer needs...it cost $625. I say it was very worth it because the pictures you post on here are everything. The first pic people see is their first impression of you and your posts. A lot of great posts on here will probably be over looked because they don’t have quality photos. It’s a sad reality. Even when I use my cell phone I edit my pictures to make sure they are of best quality. A picture speaks a million words. It was an investment not only for my blogging but for our family so we will have to pay no one again to take our family photos! 👌🏽

I agree. Besides that high quality photos have incredible personal value.

Exactly! 👍🏽

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