The Power of Positivity!

in #popcontest7 years ago (edited)

It has been nearly a year since I decided to change my entire life and focus basically only on my goals and dreams. It has not been an easy year to say the least. I have honestly lost more friends than I have gained in this process of following my dreams, but it has been the most fulfilling experience of my life and I would never turn back from this amazing journey I have embarked on. I understand that we all have different paths in life and mine is the road less traveled, which is a bit more lonely but I am ok with that.

As most of you know, your friends don't like it when you change so most of the time you pretty much stay the same, and that's how you get caught in the trap of the comfortable life. Not saying that is bad, it just wasn't working out for me. I have found that most friends are rather negative when you start trying to fulfill your dreams. I don't think it is intentional, they just don't want to see you get hurt or fail so they think it is better to not try at all. It is the way society conditions us, to feel threatened by (or jealousy / envious of) other peoples success.

Like most people in the world, I was just kind of drifting through life, accepting whatever came my way. I was one of the people who, for some reason, thought the universe was going to basically knock on my door one day and give me the dream life I had always wanted (sounds ridiculous when I think about it now lol). Well, I waited 34 years and that life never showed up (surprise surprise) so I decided I needed a change.

I was tired of working my ass off to just get by. I was tired of waking up to an alarm clock in the morning to go to a job that I hated. I was negative a lot in life and it seemed as though negativity constantly followed me around like a bad habit. I did the same thing day in and day out. I would wake up pissed off, go to work pissed off, then go to the bar and bitch about my shitty life, come home pissed off, fight with my girlfriend then watch netflix until it was time to go to sleep. Then the next day I would do it all over again and then wonder why nothing ever changed!?! That is literally the dictionary definition of insanity:

One morning I woke up and realized that I was my own worst enemy, I realized I perpetuated my own problems with my terrible attitude and the negative way I saw life. The world was not against me, I was against myself. I realized that I am the only person who gets to decide how I react to things. I am the only person who gets to choose how I feel when I wake up. I am the only person who gets to decide the words that come out of my mouth that can affect everyone around me daily. I am responsible for everything in my life!

Occasionally I still get angry over something I have no control over. When that happens I try to remember my dads favorite phrase to us as kids

"You don't get to choose what happens to you, but you do get to choose how you react to it."

I eventually came to realize I am the only one who is responsible for my day, my emotions, how I look at and react to things. I knew my life had forever changed, but I didn't realize how much.

I didn't know how to be the person I wanted to be so I started listening to motivational speeches to point me in the right direction. I knew if someone else had ever done it before in history then I could do it also, I mean we are all human beings, right? So I listened and learned for months, I wrote down all the similarities and realized inaction was my worse action. So I started to take action by taking control.

control your morning and you will win your day

I needed complete control of my day, no more drifting through life like a zombie. I decided to change everything in my life that I did have control of starting off with how I woke up. I refused to be negative anymore, I refused to carry yesterdays' problems over into today. I promised I would start off everyday with a smile and the first words out of my mouth would be ones of gratitude, kindness and thankfulness. It was time for a change, negativity was out of my life, it was positivities time to shine! I learned the more positivity I put out into the world the more positivity came back into my life. It seems to good to be true right? I promise you it's not.

I continued adding small efforts of positivity daily. I'd make sure to smile to the employees at the gas stations and the stores I go to. I wouldn't get angry when other people had road rage. I would go out of my way to open a door or help someone with groceries. I thanked garbage men and city workers, people who have thankless jobs. Whatever small gesture I could do to brighten someone else's day. That was my goal, to spread smiles to everyone. :)

It got to the point whenever anything bad would happen, I would just smile and say "good" and instantly look for the good in it. I stubbed my toe on the coffee table "good," I need to learn to pay more attention. I forgot to pack my lunch, "good" I have been being unhealthy and could skip a meal. My car broke down, "good" I needed some more exercise. I didn't get that promotion at work "good" I don't want to make this my career anyhow, time to move on. My life became a game, to find always find positivity in every instance, no matter what. It sounds crazy but I promise you it is the most freeing feeling in the world, to be positive about everything! I have to warn you though, most people will despise you because you think this way, but i say "good," that makes you appreciate your few real friends in life. ;)

If you want to have a great life, you have to be willing to do things most other people aren't willing to do.

My whole life changed rather fast after that. I started feeling good about myself so I stopped drinking every night which meant less fighting with my significant other. I started eating healthy and then walking because I felt so good. It became a giant snowball effect, the more positive I was, the better I felt, the more healthy stuff I did, which improved my health, which ultimately made me enjoy my life more. And that kept happening more and more.

I really began to appreciate nature on our walks, so I got a camera, then walks started happening twice a day. I never imagined I would enjoy photography but it is now one of my biggest passions. Being positive in life helped me to truly see the beauty in this world once again. On walks I look for birds, insects, flowers, trees and wildlife to photograph. I stop to enjoy the sun on my face and the sound of the wind blowing through the trees. I enjoy the sunrise and sunset nearly everyday. I finally realized I had it all wrong, it isn't about the money or the mansions, its about being grateful and appreciative for every day we have in this magnificent world. It doesn't matter how much money you have, the sunrise and the sunset looks the same to everyone, and that's the amazing part of this world, everyone gets to enjoy its beauty equally, without discrimination. Funny thing is tho, once you stop caring about money and you have your life right, it floods comes in like a waterfall, because you have realized that the true gift in life, IS LIFE.

yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come. Today is the only gift we have and that is why it is called the present.

Now I fill up my days with positive experiences through meditation, yoga, photography, exercise, walks and talks about our dreams and goals. I knew that I would find a way to fulfill my dreams if I just kept working at it everyday and staying positive. One day that path became clear, we looked back and realized we had made it to the starting line of our dream life. Now we are about to begin our new year with our new dream lives, traveling the world. All because of the Power of Positivity! So remember, if any human has ever done it before than it is possible for you to do too! Dream big and stay possitive.

Peace, love and all that hippie shit


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All the best!

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i feel motivated..i really enjoyed your story..Thanks for sharing such wonderful article..i learnt to appreciate things the way they are and think positive for a better tomorrow..

Im glad u enjoyed my story and could take something away from it.. that makes all the time and effort i put into it worth while. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment and let me know, keep that up and u will do well on steemit.. i see u are new here, welcome and enjoy the amazing community! :)

To get your goal you need two things first thing is to set your goal and second one to start your journey. so you are on the right track buddy. Best of luck for your journey @moderndayhippie Resteemed & Upvoted your worthy effort

Thanks for the comment and the resteem, u have no idea how much i appreciate that! Its so nice to have support from so many people when u are chasing your dreams. Thank u :)

Hey @moderndayhippie,
This is so on point bro. It doesn't matter what happens to us...what matters is how we react to it. Whether in the real life or social media (Steemit). We keep working regardless.

Friends will come and go. But you can never leave yourself...until you pass on. So far there's still life, we have to take charge. Grab the bull by the horn and point it where you want it to be.

Thank God for steemit. At least we can all meet like-minded individuals chasing similar goals like us. They are also trying to break free from societal chains just like you. So make friends and be merry for the future is very bright.

We are changing this world... one minnow at a time.

Thanks for this beautiful and inspiring story...



Thank you so much for taking the time to read it bro! I really admire your presence here on steemit and your obviously your opinion as well.. i consider u one of my closer friends on steemit so that awesome comment made my day! :) thanks so much for taking time out of ur busy day to read it.
I try to always read and upvote your content whenever i see an article from you because it is often so helpful to so many minnows. My content is obviously a bit different from yours, more of learn from my mistakes and stay motivated in life type content ended up being my niche not so much guiding minnows like u do. But we are both out to help people one minnow at a time and thats the part that brings us together. So thanks again for everything my friend and im really glad we ended up running into eachother on this platform. Im sure we will become even closer as we grow together on steemit :)
Take care my friend!

I know exactly how you feel , I was also tired of the same routine day after day and just getting more negative vibes all the time , I too had to start changing this in my life and this contest helps keep me more positive by reading all these awesome posts like yours , you have to follow your own path and be YOU ! once you find yourself you can truly be happy and a more positive and caring person .Money mean nothing without happiness and health ! I loved your story @moderndayhippie ! Thanks for sharing it in my #popcontest A definite up vote and resteemed , Keep on being you !! 👌💕✌👍😀

I am happy u recognized the problem and made an effort to change ur situation for the better, that is the only way to improve life. To bad most people just accept whatever comes their way these days. This contest is so great, i love reading all of the entries too, thanks for putting on this contest week after week and give up ur hard earned sbd. People like u make steemit the amazing platform it is!
Thank you so much for the resteem and upvote, i really appreciate all of ur generosity.
Take care.

Good post! I'm happy to read you've awaken and have broken through the haze and jumped off the "hamster wheel" of society and are now breaking new grounds making your own path. Very inspiring! I'm happy for you and your near ones - those who never left. It's when you start identifying your true self, others looses their image of you and it turns out not everybody will accept it... for reasons of their own I guess.
Have a good one! And Happy Holidays!
Greetings from Norway! :)

The hamster wheel, great analogy! Sounds like u too have been "awaken." The world looks totally different from this side, but so much the same. lol..
Thanks for the kind words and support, it is always appreciated :)
Norway huh? That is on my list of places to visit eventually. should i put it closer to the top of my list or is middle fine? I dont really know much about it to be honest :/
Anyhow, Happy holidays to u too my friend.

i am on this very same jounrey but I am on like day 7! i just quit my job and have no idea what i am leaping toward but I am doing it. as you described your walks and the details and the moments that you cherish more than money... That brought tears to my eyes. I am a single mom so the pressure is huge for me to make enough to keep my house and car... So i have stayed in a job that is draining my very soul , taking my spark, for 2.5 years. As a creative person it is so sad to not have any energy to create! That will all change for me in Jan and I just found steemit and my journey will be documented here. Thank you for this inspiring post and I am bookmarking it to use it as a reminder!

First off let me say congratulations on taking the first step towards being truly happy! I can imagine life is hard in ur situation and taking that leap is not an easy decision. But like i tell my best friend, your kids will learn fom watching u, and if u go thru life settling for less than happiness then that will perpetuate thru ur children as well! they learn from example, so teach them to chase their dreams in life, even tho it may be uncomfortable because that is where greatness lies.
I agree with u, being creative is so empowering so please dont let this negative world destroy you. Break free and do what u love, i promise the money will come eventually. The universe has a weird way of working out for the people who believe in themselves and take that leap towards true happiness!
I am following u back and I will be watching younon ur journey! Good luck and i cant wait to see u living ur dream life! ;)

thank you for this. I just need to find part time work to help me get through a few months of building up my consulting and creative work.. and then I will hopefully have momentum going and feel a little less terrified! the unknown is both exciting and freaky!

Yes exciting and freaky are definitely feelings you experience alot on the road less traveled! But eventually it seems a little less scary each day cuz u trust urself and the universe a little more each day. See i have found the universe tends to award the people who make the sacrifices to be better. Its kinda crazy ;)

I love this saying by jim rohn (a motivational speaker), he says

do the things today that others wont, so u have the things tomorrow that others dont.

My secret to staying positive everyday is listening to this video in the morning when i wake up to remind me what is truly important! I hope it can help u too! ;)

That saying is awesome and so is the video. Thanks for your thoughtfulness. I will try playing it every day and see how i feel!

@moderndayhippie nice post. Setting up a life you don't need to escape from will make your life more reasonable and serious. I like the post, it inspire me. Upvotes.

Love this post! It's easier said than done - but not impossible. The world needs more people like you. And it's funny when people get into photography, they tend to appreciate nature more. We also become weathermen as we're always checking the weather to make sure the conditions will be right for shooting.

Thanks for putting these thoughts down on (digital) paper, and for sharing). I know a lot of thought went into it.

Oh wow, that's an awesome compliment, thank you so much! That deserves a full upvote, i only wish it were worth more :/
Yeah, photography has taught me to appreciate nature more for sure, but also to always keep my eyes open for beauty even in the least likely places. It really helps me to stay positive and i cant complain about that!
Take care my friend.

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