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RE: Positive Posters in my Circle of Friends

in #popcontest7 years ago

Ahh shucks! The ninjas are back at it again!! Thank you for this thoughtful shoutout, man! To say that I appreciate it is an understatement. With tons of new people coming to Steemit every day, it's getting harder to become noticed every day. That's why my heartstrings are tugged every time I get some recognition. Quite too often, many of my comments are just ignored or "just" voted on without any sort of reply. There are too many posts out there where my comment is the only one not replied to, which is sad considering my comments are almost longer than the other comments combined haha! Always a great feeling to know that my efforts are not gone to waste! I really appreciate it, Darryl! I have always been genuine with all of my posts and comments, and shout outs like this really encourage me to continue to do so so thank you so much! Christmas came early it seems :D


I will admit that I often upvote your posts after reading without commenting.
I also enjoy the comments more than the votes!
I have challenged myself to be more engaging, mostly by leaving more comments and also trying to respond to comments left on my post.
I don't have a huge following but even if I pass one or two members your way, I feel my post was successful. You always have enjoyable content to read!

No need to feel bad about it, man. What I meant in my comment is that some people often just vote on my comment on their posts without replying. Voting without commenting on my posts is fine. I mean, it would be nice to get a comment haha but, I do understand that you're busy with a lot of stuff, so that's quite understandable. I do appreciate the votes! :D

Thank you for the compliment, man! That really means a lot :) Even if you pass one member, I feel like I just received a hundred bucks worth of an upload! I appreciate you enjoying my content. Truly. I will never get tired of people saying so :D

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