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RE: More Accurate Global Pollutant Model Shows 4x the Cancer Risk

in #pollution7 years ago (edited)

Here's what I do that I believe helps avoid cancer......

Eat only non-GMO organic food

Drink lots of reverse osmosis water

Get plenty of sunshine and consume organic juices rich in vitamin C

DO NOT USE chemical sunscreens- They cause cancer by design

Use natural hygiene products- aluminum free baking soda as tooth paste and deodorant- organic soaps with no chemical additives

Only use organic fertilizers on your property

If you must smoke or use tobacco use a chemical free version such as American Spirit cigarettes- most cigs have HUNDREDS of chemical additives.

use turmeric and black pepper in everything you cook- put it in your dog's food too.

Avoid sugar- it's addictive and helps cancer grow

Maintain an alkaline body PH- cancer grows in acidic environments- consume lemon juice and baking soda daily

Eat all organic vegetarian- vegan even better with LOTS of fresh greens

Always minimize exposure to chemicals of every kind


Right on, good steps to take. Thanks for the feedback.

I'd add garlic for infections and fungi and coconut oil for topical and food to the list as well as good quality rendered pork fat for cooking with.

Agree - I use both in abundance- hold the pork fat for me please- I'm a vegetarian : )

No biggies, its most important you get the cholesterol for rebuilding cell structure, the saturated fat for keeping up with the constant degeneration of it in the brain and most importantly the essential amino acids which you can get the same as those from meat/dairy/eggs through rice/beans, just as you can get the rest from plant based foods!

So agree with the importance of saturated fat to the brain- I believe they made saturated fat the boogie man in order to sell the Alzheimers and PD medications and spread general misery- that's how evil and psychopathic they truly are.

You're so right- and wheat was the very first crop they bastardized in the 60's to make us unhealthy.

Maybe, it might have been a happy coincidink for them for sure, I tend to think they aren't that smart and rather just "lucky" as a side effect from selling us carbs and grains. At the end of the day Agenda 21 says "control the food" so who's to say exactly how much they were aware of.

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