More Accurate Global Pollutant Model Shows 4x the Cancer RisksteemCreated with Sketch.

in #pollution8 years ago

Current estimates of pollutants residing in the atmosphere are inaccurate, as a new study estimates there are double the recommended limits set by the World Health Organization.

Pollution is a major concern, and has been for many decades. We continue our ignorance in believing that we don't have to do anything about it. The media projects a myopic focus on CO2 and climate change while the pollution, toxins, waste and bad chemicals that we output into our environment takes a backseat.

Alfred Palmer - Library of Congress CALL NUMBER LC-USW36-376, reproduction number LC-DIG-fsac-1a35072

I have done some posts before to emphasize the need for us to look at all of human behavior and what that is doing to our environment and ourselves (like making us unhealthy). The pollution we create is a serious issue. We have been poisoning ourselves for long enough I think. It's time to change, and we need knowledge to realize our errors and foolishness.

A study, conducted by scientists from the USA and China, was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences a few weeks ago, and shows that pollutants can last longer and travel further than previous global climate models predicted. The estimates match actual measurements from more than 300 urban and rural locations.

Lead author, Manish Shrivastava, summarized what they did:

"This work brings together theory, lab experiments and field observations to show how viscous organic aerosols can largely elevate global human exposure to toxic particles, by shielding them from chemical degradation in the atmosphere."

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are air polluting chemicals that are part of the pollutants from fossil fuel burning, forest fires and biofuel consumption. Several PAHs have been identified as cancer-causing agents. Previous simulations failed to accurately match the actual PAH that is measured in our environment. PAHs can travel through the air by riding on shielded viscous aerosol.

Aerosols are tiny airborne particles that form clouds, cause precipitation and reduce air quality. At the core there is a small amount of soot surrounded by gases, pollutants and other molecules to coalesce to form tiny balls. Some of the molecules that coat the core are called "organics" because they come from living matter such as leaves and branches, or even from the smell of pine needles. PAHs are some of the pollutants that also stick.

Prior researchers thought PAHs could move within the organic coating of an aerosol which would allow them to reach the surface where ozone within the atmosphere could break it down. This has changed in the last five years with better research and data improving the understanding scientists had. This recent study shows that the aerosol coating can become viscous like tar, trapping PAHs and other chemicals which shields them and prevents them from degrading.

The new shielded PAH model developed by the researchers simulated PAH concentrations from 2008 to 2010 and looked at one PAH in particular, the carcinogen BaP. Extrapolating from the 69 rural sites and 294 urban sites that matched the new model better than the old unshielded model, they want to look at impact that these traveling PAHs have on human health. A global climate model was developed using both the shielded and unshielded PAH to see what the lifetime cancer risk assessment would be.

The old model predicted one cancer death out of every 50,000 people, but the new model with shielded PAHs traveling greater distances increased the global risk by four times with two cancer deaths per 100,000 people.

The World Health Organization standards are currently set at one cancer deaths per 100,000 people, but this was not exceeded everywhere. Higher levels were in China and India compared to lower levels in the United States and Western Europe. The shielding of PAHs was also lower over the tropics compared to mid and high latitudes. The warm and humid tropics allowed goes on to oxidize the PAHs.

I was already concerned about the level of pollution and its severe impact on our health, and now it looks like it's worse! We need to stop the myopic short-sighted focus on short-term gains from the "benefits" of whatever we can create or invent. We just go ahead with things, not understand their consequences, and then oops... time to correct our mistakes... except we aren't, are we? We have wanted to go fast and big in our history.

Are we slowing down yet to think about what we are doing or have been doing -- or are we still marching on a blind path to self-destruction?


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2017-02-19, 10am


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Yay!! I'm glad to see this post being acknowledged. I am grateful for your witness and grateful for all that you share on environmental issues. Our present trajectory as a human race is not sustainable. If we do not wake up and change our ways, we will annihilate ourselves. Though we may make the Earth uninhabitable for humans, I believe the she will survive, as the Earth is much stronger than mere mortals, Thank you @krnel for raising awareness and continuing to bring this to the people. The world needs people like us who will stand up and let the truth be seen. I appreciate you!

You're welcome, indeed we need more people talking about the negatives in the world. That's the only way people are going to become aware of them. Ignorance of the negative only allows the negative to persist and grow. Infatuation with positivist is one reason people fear the truth that holds negative evaluations of reality. Thank you for the feedback, and I appreciate you're appreciation for what I do :)

I agree that people need to become aware of what is really going on. Keeping our heads stuck in the sand will not resolve anything, but only serve to perpetuate status quo-- most people, on some level, complain about. Without awareness, we are doomed to repeat and entrench ourselves deeper in the vicious cycle. Raising awareness is of great importance, and I am grateful for all those who are willing to shine the light on the darkness.

I also, however, feel that we cannot wait for the government to change, or for people to get it, or for humanity to awaken to new possibilities. If we took all of the energy put into protesting and fighting, and put it toward focused upgrades and exemplifying the change we wish to see in the world, people would begin to see that they have options, that there are alternatives and that there is hope for a better world. Without examples, people are lost in "that's just the way it is". Most people's minds are so closed.

A visitor to the @gardenofeden one day asked me if I thought people would become depressed or start a revolution when people find out that everything they have believed all their lives is a lie?" I believe people are already depressed and live their lives in fear--too burdened, scared and disempowered to make any real change. Knowing the truth takes great responsibility. For once one knows the truth about matters, continuing to support the present dysfunctional ways is like giving up your soul. One's entire life has to change if they are to live honorably according to their new found awareness. Living in conscious community and the thousands of people who pass through our gates, I can tell you it takes a lot of courage to step up and be heard, and most people I have encountered cannot walk the walk.

So, we can shout it out from the mountain tops which often falls on deaf ears or judgment that those who speak up are just quacks. Or we can really engage ourselves in the solution. People need to see solutions. For without something tangible to move toward, one is simply running away. Inspiration can overcome fear. People just need to know there is hope!!

Thank you for inciting this conversation. I feel these are truly matters of great importance. Blessings to you @krnel.

Thank you for the gift @krnel!!!! Awesomeness just keeps flowing through you. I appreciate your post, this dialogue, the treat you sent me, and the opportunity to engage again. Grateful to exchange with you.

Here's what I do that I believe helps avoid cancer......

Eat only non-GMO organic food

Drink lots of reverse osmosis water

Get plenty of sunshine and consume organic juices rich in vitamin C

DO NOT USE chemical sunscreens- They cause cancer by design

Use natural hygiene products- aluminum free baking soda as tooth paste and deodorant- organic soaps with no chemical additives

Only use organic fertilizers on your property

If you must smoke or use tobacco use a chemical free version such as American Spirit cigarettes- most cigs have HUNDREDS of chemical additives.

use turmeric and black pepper in everything you cook- put it in your dog's food too.

Avoid sugar- it's addictive and helps cancer grow

Maintain an alkaline body PH- cancer grows in acidic environments- consume lemon juice and baking soda daily

Eat all organic vegetarian- vegan even better with LOTS of fresh greens

Always minimize exposure to chemicals of every kind

Right on, good steps to take. Thanks for the feedback.

I'd add garlic for infections and fungi and coconut oil for topical and food to the list as well as good quality rendered pork fat for cooking with.

Agree - I use both in abundance- hold the pork fat for me please- I'm a vegetarian : )

No biggies, its most important you get the cholesterol for rebuilding cell structure, the saturated fat for keeping up with the constant degeneration of it in the brain and most importantly the essential amino acids which you can get the same as those from meat/dairy/eggs through rice/beans, just as you can get the rest from plant based foods!

So agree with the importance of saturated fat to the brain- I believe they made saturated fat the boogie man in order to sell the Alzheimers and PD medications and spread general misery- that's how evil and psychopathic they truly are.

You're so right- and wheat was the very first crop they bastardized in the 60's to make us unhealthy.

Maybe, it might have been a happy coincidink for them for sure, I tend to think they aren't that smart and rather just "lucky" as a side effect from selling us carbs and grains. At the end of the day Agenda 21 says "control the food" so who's to say exactly how much they were aware of.

I think, with the greed of mankind, we'll stick to the path of self-destruction until it is too late. I cannot otherwise explain why we are still on this path.

We let it all happen. We let people assume authority over us and we let them run the show. We give away our power to be authentic authors of our own lives in the authenticity of truth. Thanks for the feedback.

Exactly- when we refuse to see our powers as co-creators you better believe that those powers are hijacked by those well aware of their power.

It's because satanic psychopaths that loathe humanity rule the world.

That sounds about right. Though I'm not sure they specifically loathe humanity... they just love themselves, their power and their money more.

They refer to us as 'feeders'

world situation is very alarming because of human activity depleting the ozone layer. we can see erratic climate change, disasters occur almost anywhere, the production of carbon dioxide is dwindling. the survival of mankind is at stake. however, in the land of Aceh through government programs and cooperation with world organizations formed Lauser forest conservation program as a reserve of carbon dioxide in the world. let's support the safety of the world

Indeed, lets get back to livingry and support that way of life, not profit making death production. Thanks for the feedback.

I strongly support the efforts you are making @krnel, one of them in the form of this article.

it's very importante to talk about pollution , thank you

I always tell people the that development has terrible side effects. We are not going to hold our heads up and say we are proud to our kids because worse is on the way.

very useful your posts@krnel

I like post you

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