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RE: After They Are Done Attacking Statues, This Is Next! By Gregory Mannarino

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Maybe President Trump starts a trade war, but he is a hellova lot better than what we would have had with Crooked Hillary. With or without President Trump, cycle wise, all the events facing the world would still be coming. With Crooked Hillary, it would have been a very hard landing. Hopefully with President Trump, it will be a soft landing. If there is a hard landing, it will be come from the left creating chaos.


I'd rather a soft landing but that's just because I bruise easily. But I am totally enclosed by an 8 foot high chain link fence and have 3 vicious rat dawgs here at the compound with me at all times. So I'm not that concerned about how it turns out. I have enough beans, bullets, and bitcoin to last for 2 fool years of the coming Zombie apocalypse. Been stockin up on single ply toilet paper too. Silver? Gold? You gonna wipe your ass with it? I "expect" teh price of a double roll of charmin toilet paper to be selling for 1 gold ingut or .54 bitcoin whenst the dollar is defunct. You might not care about wiping your ass...chicks will still want to do it so your stuck...unless you have Charmin. I can get a real good deal on a tractor trailor load ifn anyone is intrusted...just leave your Email address and I will get back to you. Like Greg says...we're in this together.

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