
I dont really like A. Merkel cause she destroys Germany. And she knows it.. im looking forward to the day she will get dismissed. Nearly nobody will miss this woman.

I just don't see anyone more capable.

we should impeach her or even better sentence her to death.

People in the U.S. and even Germany were calling for the same actions against Trump before he'd assumed office. He hadn't actually done any actions yet. They wanted him impeached or killed for words he said while campaigning. It is not unique to the U.S. and U.S. doesn't have a monopoly on dumb people. They are everywhere. :)

As to Angela Merkel. I am not a fan, but I have only been able to see her through the filtered lense of many different english speaking news outlets, both mainstream, and alternative.

I realize there is likely some bias, so I try to keep an open mind as I realize that taking things out of context can turn truth into a lie.

So I am not a fan based upon what I have read, watched of her myself. Yet I am not a German and would not tell a German what they should do about her. That is for the Germans to decide.

I also would gladly change my mind if I learned information that indicated I should.

She is no Ron Paul, but she is maybe one of the best chancellors we had... which is also a little bit sad ;)

We've had our share of "Better than X" too. Where Better still didn't mean good, it just meant NOT AS BAD.

you mean x=Hillary? :D

No, I was speaking of many different cases. There is a lot of "Better than X" type of statements that occur in politics.

There is also a lot of people who will vote for the Lesser of Two Evils.

Evil is still evil. I promised to not vote based upon lesser of two evils ever again. I did it in 2008 when I voted for Obama.

Never again.

It is not about winning. It is about choosing the person you think is the best choice. If that person does not win, that's fine you still did your job.

A lot of people vote purely based upon herd mentality and not at all based upon who would actually represent their interests best.

Hillary was really bad. I would have voted for ANY SINGLE person who was running before I voted for her. She should have been in prison long ago. The more you research her the more you find corruption, treason, death, etc linked to her. She's just VERY powerful, and I suspect has a lot of dirt on some other powerful people. Also people that challenge her or Bill often end up dead under mysterious circumstances such as committing suicide and somehow they did so by shooting themselves in the head twice.

Funny how I did not know much about the Clintons and then after watching House of Cards, I heard the story is also loosely based on the Clintons. I was like "huh? but Bill seems like such a chummy guy!"

House of Cards is a good comparison. The Clintons are actually worse than that though as they've done FAR more things like that. It is a pretty accurate comparison.

If we had elected Hillary that would have been a lot like electing an Organized Crime Leader (Mafia Boss, Godmother, etc) to run our country.

I also mentioned it very shortly, but Merkel does not seem very corrupt. Her arguments are usually either reasonable or she is doing something because the people do or do not want it. I thought of giving some examples, but I felt the article would get too long with that.

But here is one: Her position on marijuhana. She agrees that alcohol is the far more dangerous drug, but the people are used to and love alcohol. Many people do not feel that way about marijuhana.

And indeed 68% of Germans do not want cannabis to be legalized. So she is just doing what the people want. Even if that might be guided by misinformation by the media.

He hadn't actually done any actions yet.

Okay, but if someone is standing there in front of your door with a torch being very loud on setting your house on fire - do you wait for him to start the fire or are you calling the police earlier?

Oh wait, I forgot... you go out and tell him you are not giving him the wood voluntarily so he should not set your house to fire ;)

I don't treat anyone like a criminal until they've actually committed a crime. I don't punish people for what MIGHT happen. That is just wrong.

And I also do not freak out over what a politician says. I've rarely seen a politician that tells the truth when they are running for election. It is extremely rare. This is especially true for politicians who also happen to be lawyers.

That is the funny part: Trump actually tries to do what he promised, and nobody can believe he is doing that.

No, not punishing - if you mean jail. But getting the torch out of his hand and friendly moving him home before he harms someone would be appreciated.

I don't consider WORDS to be the same as ACTIONS. So if I saw a person with a gun walking towards my house, or a torch, then yes I would react.

That is part of my point. All Trump did prior to January 20th was WORDS.

Yet they wanted to impeach him. Very different from actions. He hadn't actually done anything impeachable as he had done no actions.

I changed the second sentence, it was stupid. Thanks for pointing it out.

Often “leaders” are overestimated in their power.

All too true. If you didn't follow me back then:

Merkel is a 150% Machtmensch. She understands Power. That why she can give people her vollstes Vertrauen ;)

I don't like her for a lot of reasons, but then it could have been a lot worse.
The fun fact is that there is no way we could NOT have let the Syrian refugees in (Grundgesetz), especially since they only came because for the EU states 600 million for the UN to feed them in the camps in/around Syria was too expensive.

3 month after there was no food left, suddenly and totally surprising hundreds of thousands turned up at the EU borders. Let me just get the calculator out, ~3000km / 90 days = 33km a day - yes, that is about what you can walk. What a strange coincidence!

I just had the thought that her being a Machtmensch makes a huge part of why I like her. A person that does not understand power, I would say Schröder was one of those cases, will end up a puppet. I dont want a puppet to govern my country and there are still enough of them in our administration.

It can't be that unpopular looking at how she's on top in the polls.
Upvoted and followed.

thanks! In the original version there was a short sentence saying it is mostly Americans. Many Germans view her in another light because they actually know her. I wanted to not include the anti-american insert, because I had to justify why I want an Amrican-German war before. guckst du ;)

Thanks for writing this. I am so ignorant regarding the politics of other nations, but you decreased my dumb with this article. Also, the pic of Merkel in red reminds me of my mother, who was also tormented for her appearance when she was one of America's first female bank managers. Those eyes!

thank you very much. It is exactly what I wanted to achieve with this article. I feel like many just took it as another black and white debate, where I pick a side that is against theirs. I provoked this with the title and the one-sidedness of the article.

I will try to be more objective and less sensational next time, so I get more comments like yours!

Merkel is a game changer for Germany and for women! Great Post!

Politicians are the expression of the average morality of the crowd. Don't blame them. Blame the people who voted for them.

I disagree, but it would take really long to explain every aspect of why I think that way. Maybe I will write about it in the future. Thanks for commenting!

I would love to hear your detail ideas. Do make a post. Keep in mind that we have what we have today because most people desire this world around them. More or less we get what most people deserve/wish.

My main argument would be that people wishes and desires are manipulated through media and co.

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please dont use #deutsch if you dont post in deutsch

Oh I thought I can use #deutsch, when I talk about a topic concerning Germany.

Mach ich's halt wieder raus :/

Hat den bot voll aus dem Konzept gebracht :)

sry, dass wollt ich natürlich nicht, ich hab nur letzens gesehen, dass deutsch-trail auch englische artikel aufnimmt. Daher wohl meine Verwechslung.

Kommt nicht nochmal vor, versprochen ;)

I guess Germany is the tag here.

Der arme Bot. Kriegt 'nen Keks.

Wenn Du in Deutsch schreibst, dann nimm deutsch. In dem Fall wäre germany oder german der bessere Tag.

jo, hab's bereits geändert.

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