
Yep. Many(EDIT: I'm chaning this to SOME OF US) of us saw that when it was coming out. Like I said I've been interested in Germany for a long time. I first became interested when I was 6 years old, and then it was me just playing war games with toys that I made rules for. It only grew from there.

So yes I am aware of the rise of the National Socialist Workers party, the Reichstag fire, fall of the Weimar Republic, etc.

I see a lot of similar things happening in my country, and OTHER countries as well. It is becoming a global problem.

I watched Leni Riefenstahl: Fest der Völker it was so good, but so propaganda... The Nazis did some awesome stuff actually and many people (especially foreigners no offense) thin that all Germans were doing was killing Jews all day. Most of the people were unaware of what was happening to them.

The Nazis managed to get to 0% unemployment by pushing the weapon industry. Why cant your government do the same even tho they spent so much on military?

But I agree, that actual nazis are undermining people like me. I make jokes like above, but there are people who take it a few steps further.
Those nazis can live among us, because we dont exclude them... I like that. I dont want to exclude them. I want to convince them. As you would say, they are disabling theirselves by being a label not a thinker. ;)

Right now if you watch the Antifa movement (which has now spread to Europe as well) they call for the end of Fascism and call opponents Nazis.

Yet if they actually knew their history they may realize that they are the ones acting like fascists and using similar techniques to say the Brown Shirts.

"Right now if you watch the Antifa movement (which has now spread to Europe as well) they call for the end of Fascism and call opponents Nazis."

Wow, I still get to be an arrogant jerkface >:). The antifa is deeply rooted in Europe. We have had them for ages.

Im honestly quite shocked you don't know. It has been the militant arm of the left. I mean at least from prison (A. Brotherhood) you should have some militants right wingers. Now you got left wingers as well. It's no big deal, let the cops beat the shit out of them. They do that every 1st May in Germany Hamburg, burning cars, fireworks. A friend of mine wanted to just watch the spectacle ones and got a huge bruise from a cop stick xD. We actually take that quite sportlich ([lit.]sporty, leisure) in Germany.

I am also not talking about true Anti-Fascism. Yes, that has been around a very long time.

The movement we have clearly has not clue what fascism is, and how it came to power in the past, because they use the exact same techniques and act the same. Brutal intolerance.

just so you see im not just talking out of my ass 1. May 2001 in Germany

I actually heavily disagree, extrem right and extrem left has never been about dialouge. Both sides see themselves at war with each other since at least one century. Antifa and Skinheads are the ones that want to use violence. Even though a burning car never brought a revolution. You need the military on your side for a forceful revolution... actually you should really keep that in mind, a lot of your vets seem rather red-pilled.

They don't seem to be hiding behind masks (bandanas) like they mostly are here these days. Has that changed in Germany as well?

its illegal to wear a mask to a demonstration/public ralley in Germany. I think it was done because of the very same antifa you have now ;)

did you ever visit Germany? you mentioned you had quite a passion as a child.

Oh and also our extreme right, and extreme left in your sense of the word have been VERY small in number then compared to what they are today. However, they've got George Soros and other billionaires funding them heavily in the U.S. right now.

Also the cops have been ignoring them while they've been attacking bystanders, burning shit, and turning protests into violent protests here.

bad/stupid cops then. The police in Germany is pretty easy going in general, but, I told you this urge for justice, if they see random violence against innocent people, they go apesh*t. That's how my friend got hurt. Police hammering at everything that was suspicious and running away.

That used to be how it was here. Like I said things changed when Hillary didn't win. Suddenly a lot of things went backwards in the U.S. and intolerance went through the roof.

I heard stories about the military equipment your police got... where are the water cannons?

They are a fairly recent thing in the U.S. since this last election cycle. I mentioned I'd been seeing them active in Europe recently and it was another European that told me that had only recently come over there.

Do they act the same as the antifa we have in the U.S.?

If so, man I am sorry for you guys.

especially foreigners no offense

None taken. I am one of those that know Hitler did quite a few good things as well. I also know some of his decisions he was forced into doing by the actions of the people that have since written the history.

That doesn't mean Hitler was not also bad. He definitely was.

Yet, most people have no clue about the good he did, and how he was forced into some of the acts that they call him a villain for.

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