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RE: Powers-that-be are moving us towards World War 3

in #politics6 years ago

Thank you for a very thoughtful and informative post. Like yourself and so many others I am appalled by the bloodthirstiness of the military industrial complex and its corporate puppets in Congress. It would appear that the neo-con warhawks are driving us towards another Cuban Missile Crisis scenario.
I do not share the worship of Putin shared by many on the left, although I am proud to say I am a socialist.
I do have one hope that Putin learns from the history of the Cold War. As a historian of the Cold War one thing stands out very clearly to me: the United States was constantly on the offensive and the Stalinist leaders of the USSR sought peaceful cohabitation with Washington. Oliver Stone makes this point in his Untold History of the United States.
The leaders of the USSR, who lived a parasitical existence while most of the population suffered all sorts of deprivations, always gave into U.S. aggression throughout the Cold War.
The history of appeasement in the 1930s and during the Cold War shows that giving into the aggressor (i.e. Nazi Germany and the USA) always encourages them to be even more aggressive.
Over Syria Putin needs to stand up to the golden haired psychopath resident in the Oval Office.
We are living in very dangerous times when a wide variety of combustible factors have come together at this present historical juncture.
I agree with you that if humanity is to have any kind of future then ordinary people must throw off the shackles of their respective political systems.


You missed this from my prior blog?

Antony Sutton’s research at the Hoover Institute explains how this nefarious powers-that-be had also created the Communist revolutions in Russia and China.

The same mafia created Communist Russia and China. You can click the link above for Anthony’s explanation of the history.

Why do you support socialism? I do not intend my question to be pejorative. I want to understand you. Socialism (like any other big government paradigm such a militarism) creates the power vacuum that gives them their power. I do not want to turn you away by attacking your belief system. Can you explain to me how socialism could possibly help humanity given what I explained in my prior blog about the power vacuum paradigm?

Sorry not trying to drag you into a long painful discussion. Just trying to get all the people to understand that the left-right paradigm is how they destroy humanity and take everything for themselves. Socialism (as well as militarism) is a complete failure in that regard. The problem is not free markets. The problem is democracy and government. That is what the people do not realize. Democracy and socialism are systems that hand all the power to the mafia. We only end up with the debt and the mafia walks away with all the profits and assets. There is no possible way to reform government, because government is inherently a power vacuum paradigm. It is a fundamental attribute of the collectivized coercive power and social organization. Centralized trust is not trustworthy.

Is it because you think there is no other system that could be fair and you somehow think socialism could be fair?

Also I suggest be very wary of believing anything from Oliver Stone or any other media person with a large following. All of these people are working as propagandists. They tell half-truths to get people to trust them as truthers whilst they incite the left-right paradigm. I will give you an example. Oliver Stone claims he knows who shot JFK, but come to find out the only detail he will release is that the guy’s name was Ron. And makes this claim when he is promoting his new book. Obviously (presumably) he is just concocting some unverifiable story in order to hype his book sales. Stone’s blog about Trump not releasing all the JFK files seems to be more matter-of-fact yet the underlying effect is to solidify Stone’s history of sensationalizing the issue. I can’t blame him for producing what sells.

If I thought socialism would help the people, I would support it.

Over Syria Putin needs to stand up to the golden haired psychopath resident in the Oval Office.

Much better we cut off funding for both militaries. So then there would be no one to fight.

As long as humanity gets angry and encourages the two sides to stand up to each other, then war results.

I don’t hate Trump nor Putin. They are only there in office because we-the-people believe in pooling our funds together in a collective power and then voting for that power. But I explained that is a power vacuum that never has a good outcome for we-the-people. I hate the entire concept of funding a collective, which gives the collective the funds to make large scale wars.

EDIT: I don’t have any disagreement with you if you wish to participate in a socialism based governance, as long as you will allow me to not participate if I do not wish to partake of that form governance. If we are all free to choose which government we join, then we can go our separate ways (w.r.t. to taxation and benefits) and respect the freedom-of-choice of others. The problem is that we currently don’t have the ability to have two or more governance systems operating in the same geographical space. I hope decentralization technology might enable us to have such choice, at least within the realm of our intangible economic activities.

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