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RE: "Fake News" and the Political Class

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Upvoted and resteemed! I wrote a paper in college called Uniparty Politics in America and made pretty much the same conclusion. "For this is called politics and is the greatest of all arts, for sooner or later adherence to either party leads to one and the same end." ~Mika Waltari The only real political division in this country is the Political Class (and their attendant "useful idiots") and people who disagree with them. Well done!


If you still have that paper, it would make an excellent contribution to Steemit!

If I still have it, it's on a floppy disc written in Word Perfect 6.0 for DOS (how's that for techie lol) I don't even know anybody with a floppy disc drive. I still have a bunch of discs I found a while ago...Most of it's stuff for a book I was writing. By the way, I was an expert at WP 6.0 I knew all the commands (no mouse for me!) even foreign accent marks lol!

LOL, my primary PC is still on XP, but I think you have me beat!

A few years ago, I bought a floppy drive with a USB connection, so I was able to pull all my old stuff and put it on thumbdrive. But there was a coupla years I couldn't acces it at all!

hell, I even had the Zip drive for a while back then

For my money, XP is the best program Microsoft ever came out with. I have Win 7 and it's ok but I'd much rather have XP back!

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