What the Media is not telling you about Catalonia leads to division, racism, violence, and eugenics, coming Europe Spring leads to World War, history repeats, overview of Operation Paperclip

in #catalonia7 years ago (edited)

Please read this article by Shoebat and other video by Shoebat on Operation Paperclip.
What The Media Is Not Telling You About Catalonia, And The Coming Europe Spring That Will Lead To World War Three

From what the article shows how history repeats with the same players all in it for the same racism, division, and eugenics. Major networks are all connected created the conditions with the Migration crisis in Europe leads to destabilization and while condemning one evil, with justification for the other evils they commit at the same time behind the scenes. I'll attach some important things from the article, the rest you can read for yourself to find these politicians, businessmen, etc. are all working together for NWO Agenda. As justification for their own evils and only care for personal gain, created the conditions, reaction, and present themselves as solution to the problem, history repeats with Hegelian Dialectic. Both parties, same coin, lead to the same eternal end.

Every war is a Bankers War. Raping Countries for Resources. All by Design, World's A Stage.

Since over 90% of voters and politicians supporting the Catalonia succession from Spain. The major banks are leaving Catalonia, expects more chaos and destruction to happen, since their independence is given license by the UN and the powers that shouldn't be. The same being said with the BreExit. If the powers that shouldn't be wanted to stop the BreExit, they would have long ago. Before the BreExit, the Britain's prevented Germany from establishing their Military Industrialism just in the days during WWII. Now, Germany is beefing up their Militarism, working with Japan, Dutch, Hungary, Romania, Turkey, etc. same players are all in it for creating the conditions for War. In other words increasing the Military Industrial Complex.

Did you know?
"Filip DeWinter organized the 2007 Counterjihad Summit, an event financed by Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy. As we have said before, the Counterjihad is about fragmenting Europe, and this event for Catalonian independence was no different: under the guise of “democracy,” it was all about dividing Spain, and ultimately, Europe."

"The Counterjihad was designed to use Islamic immigration as a way to promote eugenics and division. Filip DeWinter, the Flemish separatist who is one of the leading figures of the Vlaams Belang, was the one who organized the Counterjihad movement in his 2007 Counterjihad Summit in Brussels which saw Counterjihad speakers like Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller."

Vlaams Belang, a far right Flemish/Dutch nationalist party, region of Flanders of Belgium supports the Catalonia independence because it gives them legitimacy to their separatists movements to dividing Europe and promoting racialism. The Flemish are in alliance with the Turks to create division in Europe. "The largest party in both Flanders and Belgium, and also the largest Flemish and Belgian party in the European parliament, is the New Flemish Alliance."

You'll learn about "Laszlo Tokes, an ethnic Hungarian Calvinist minister from Romania who led a separatist movement in the late eighties, the nineties and early 2000s, to form an autonomous state for ethnic Hungarians in Romania."

Some quotes from the article:
"His 2007 conference for “counterjihad” was for the same agenda as when he meets with Catalonian nationalists: to split Europe up. By using Islamic terrorism (which is a real problem), DeWinter legitimizes his separatist agenda, for every movement always points to a real problem to justify its existence. Every heresy, every evil ideology, will declare itself against an actual evil in order to justify another evil. Satan probably came up with some very persuasive arguments when he sparked revolution against God. And so, such rebellious people, being as their father the devil, will always use facts to substantiate their movements.
Boris Johnson used Islamic migration as a way to scaring people to vote for Brexit, but what few pointed out, is that this same Boris wants Turkey to join the EU as part of a fantasy of uniting a revived Ottoman empire with Europe in order to restore the Roman empire.
DeWinter, like Boris and the rest of them, uses Islamic immigration to bolster his own position of nationalism and separatism, but this will only be for the cause or racialism, violence and eugenics."
"DeWinter wants to break up Flanders from Belgium, Catalonia from Spain, northern Italy from Italy, and will support any separatist movement, and this is all for his ultimate goal of creating a “white Europe”. "

Order of the Flemish Militants Connected to the Nazi Party, Front de la Jeunesse, NATO, and Operation Gladio. Network between Vlaams Belang and the Free Flemish Alliance. More on that as follows:
"Filip DeWinter is one of the leaders of the Vlaams Belang, is a neo-nazi, who in 1988 led a demonstration with a hundred or so neo-nazis to enter the Lommel German war cemetery where 40,000 Nazi German Wehrmacht soldiers are buried. With Filip DeWinter was the Nazi, Bert Eriksson who was a member of the Hitler Youth during the Second World War, and a Nazi fanatic who gained fame when, in 1978, he sojourned to Austria and unearthed the remains of the Nazi collaborator, Cyriel Verschaeve, and transported them back to Alveringem, as though they were holy relics for his Nazi cult.
Eriksson ran a neo-Nazi terrorist group called, Vlaamse Militanten Orde (Order of Flemish Militants), Belgium’s largest fascist organization. The founder of Vlaamse Miltanten Orde, Bob Maes, who was a member of a Nazi youth organization in Flanders, is friends with Theo Franken of the New Flemish Alliance and the current head of migration in Belgium. This shows that migration in Belgium is ran by a Nazi, and thus the migration of terrorists into Brussels is being done for a Nazi agenda, and secondly, it shows the network between the Vlaams Belang and the Free Flemish Alliance.
Vlaamse Militanten Orde collaborated with another fascist group, Front de la Jeunesse, which worked directly with NATO secret service agencies in Operation Stay Behind, more commonly known as Operation Gladio. Gladio, which is something that we have written extensively on, was an operation, commenced in the late forties, directed by the CIA alongside the secret service agencies of Western Europe and Turkey.
The whole operation of Gladio was directed from the NATO headquarters in Brussels, and its entire mission was to recruit neo-Nazis, old Nazis from the Third Reich and other nationalist groups, and to train and arm them to form an anti-Soviet paramilitary force. These terrorists were allowed to slaughter innocent people so that the press could blame pro-Soviet groups."

Towards the end of the article, brings up other divisions in Europe called the Spirit of Revolution with Spain, to Belgium, to Italy and Romania is too strong.
Bring up on the history of the Venetians who wanted to secede from Italy back in the 16th Century cared more for the profit from the Catholic Church, than the spirit of the Christian Faith. The Venetians allied with the Ottomans, along with Germany, France, Dutch, Hungary, etc. to destroy Christendom. Were pagans only cared about worldly things and love of money is the root of all evil. Same players, both sides of the same coin, lead to the same eternal end.

"That spirit still lived in the German entrepreneurs who sided with the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century, that spirit that replaces Christendom with the evils of industrialism."

Brings up the "great Battle of Lepanto in 1571, in which the Catholic League crushed the Ottoman navy" was disbanded in 1573 due to the decline of Christendom. "The destruction of the Catholic League was due to the Fragmentation of Christendom, with Protestants attacking Catholic Europe and allying with the Ottomans, and traitorous people (such as the French and the Venetians), working with the Turks for financial gain and to also destroy the Spanish empire."

Other quotes, history repeats somethings to think about.
"In this current day push to fragment Europe, there are Hungarian Calvinists like Laszlo Tokes and Victor Orban, who want to divide up the continent. Just like now, in the past there were Hungarian Calvinists who worked to destroy Christendom."
"In the Thirty Years War, the Dutch and the Hungarians worked together with the Ottomans to destroy Christendom. Today, we have the Dutch, the Dutch speaking Flemish and Calvinist Hungarians still working to fragment Europe."
"Catalonia has been doing revolts against Spain for centuries. One example of Catalonian rebelliousness is what took place in the seventeenth century. In the 1630s, when Spain and France were at war, the Catalonians supported the French."

"When Christendom was fragmented, it was easier to conquer. When today’s Europe fragments, it too will be easier to conquer. Germany, alongside its other allies, especially the Ottomans, will make war against its neighbors, and another struggle — the worst that mankind will ever see — will again commence.
In 1644, the then retired prime minister of the Spanish empire, Olivares, took the time to reflect on the Thirty Years War, and wrote: “there were we, trying to achieve miracles and reduce the world to what it cannot be… the more we turn this over in our minds, the madder we become” *
Soon, the world will see the greatest depths of evil, springing up from the abysmal realms, that have ever possessed the soul of man. We, too, shall go mad, our souls ever longing for the Divine goodness which we have rejected for the devil who shall flood the earth with perdition."

Comment from a Viewer: “One of the saddest things to witness happening all over the world is these evil people that have multi faceted thinking and plans who are able to get more simple minded people to follow them blindly with emotional manipulation tactics and propaganda, and then there's no convincing anyone that is all hyped up on emotion and severely biased that they are being led down a path that has no lasting benefits to them in the end. It's all complex and too much to keep up for me with the details on so many things but I do see people being led astray.”

After Nearly Half A Million American Soldiers Were Slaughtered By The Nazis In World War Two, Nazi Scientists And Mass Murderers Were Allowed To Live In America And Were Given High Paying Jobs By The US Government http://shoebat.com/2017/10/06/after-nearly-half-a-million-american-soldiers-were-slaughtered-by-the-nazis-in-world-war-two-nazi-scientists-and-mass-murderers-were-allowed-to-live-in-america-and-were-given-high-paying-jobs-by-the/
Video Overview of Operation Paperclip book
Every evil ideology attacks others to justify their own evil.
2 wrongs don't make it right. Did these men die for fighting Nazism?
Comment from viewers:
“Matthew 7:13-15 (DRA)
13 Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat.
14 How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!
15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”
“Operation Paperclip.” “I'm going to get that book. The Council of Foreign Relations is another group think tank that needs scrutiny. Ideas have consequences.”
“Very disturbing. I find it impossible that we had no engineers or scientists of our own. I wonder what groups influenced these decisions.”
“Amazing video Ted. I especially like the part where you said Luther used the corruption of the church to justify his evil. And Mohammed used idolatry to justify his evil, and Nazism used Communism (or Islam) to justify its evil. Two wrongs does not make one right, it only go for the worse. This is got me thinking. Thank you.”

Other postings:

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Part 2 of Shoebat Investigation into German Government and other Governments/Deep State involved in Eugenics and Abortions, sick experiments for depopulation NWO Agenda

Doesn't this surprise you that North Korea is another distraction, fear mongering tactics, increase in military industrial complex real enemy is illuminati/deep state for NWO Agenda https://steemit.com/northkorea/@redpilljen2020/doesn-t-this-surprise-you-that-north-korea-is-another-distraction-fear-mongering-tactics-increase-in-military-industrial-complex

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