Europe is turning into a Nazi Concentration CampsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


This is not an outrageous statement, this is the truth very very sadly. As the situation in Syria escalates with the recent US attacks, you have more and more crazy terrorist attacks in Europe who are inspired by the violence, and the response from the EU officials to the threat of terrorism, is basically to enslave all European citizens and put them in "digital concentration camps".

Look at what this EU official is calling for:

Here is a summary:

  • "Systematic check" on EU citizens (probably Gestapo style)
  • Increased biometric data gathering on EU citizens
  • Increased border patrols creating an EU country (yes the Lisbon trade deal somehow turns into a country with borders)
  • Military deployed on the streets
  • Checkpoints
  • "Security checks"
  • "More interpol"

That's right we need to put a microphone in everybody's asshole, to protect them from terrorists, because that is the only way to keep people safe. This is the mindset of these evil tyrannic people.

I can't fathom the madness and the evil that comes out of these monstrous bureaucrats. They are turning Europe into a literal Nazi state, where you have military roaming around streets like SS Nazis did just 70 years ago, meanwhile border checks and "security checks" just like in Nazi occupied territories 70 years ago.

In fact they are calling for more Interpol, meanwhile the Interpol had Reinhard Heydrich, the creator of the Holocaust as it's president, after that Arthur Nebe who was also knee deep in the blood of the victims of the Holocaust.

Ok that was in WW2, but you would think that after WW2 the Interpol became cleansed from the Nazis. Nope. In 1968 the president of the Interpol was still a Brownshirt Nazi, SS Nazi and Nazi Spy, who worked very closely with the Gestapo, namely Paul Dickopf.


Yes a Brownshirt SS Nazi lead the Interpol in 1968, 23 years after WW2 ended and the Nazis supposedly vanished. Now the EU, which was also setup by Nazi Lawyers and Brownshirt Nazis, are continuing this Nazi legacy.

In fact you can read the entire Nazi history of the Interpol here:

And the EU wants "more Interpol" ? Fuck. But they have been founded by Nazis too, so it should not surprise us.

We are royally screwed, they can't even hide anymore their Nazi plans, they are implementing them right before our own eyes, and we are slowly becoming slaves of these Nazi creatures.

It's truly horrifying what goes on in Europe, and it's hard to tell which one is scarier: being attacked by terrorists, or being enslaved by Nazis? I guess it's equally bad.

Or maybe they are the same thing? After all it was a Palestinian Muslim priest that suggested the Holocaust to Hitler:

Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with Adolf Hitler (November 28, 1941)

Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with Heinrich Himmler (1943).

"It is the duty of Muhammadans [Muslims] in general and Arabs in particular to ... drive all Jews from Arab and Muhammadan countries... . Germany is also struggling against the common foe who oppressed Arabs and Muhammadans in their different countries. It has very clearly recognized the Jews for what they are and resolved to find a definitive solution [endgültige Lösung] for the Jewish danger that will eliminate the scourge that Jews represent in the world." - Amin al-Husseini , a Muslim leader in Mandatory Palestine

So it looks like once again Europe has fallen to the evil demonic Nazi forces trying to push their crazy totalitarian Nazi tyranny and enslaving everybody with it.

The Holocaust was the most evil thing imaginable in human history, countless people were viciously murdered or enslaved, and these evil scumbags have absolutely no respect for those that have perished during this atrocity. They are reviving Nazism right before our own eyes.


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As I boy living in the UK, I remember that there was always the threat of terrorism by the IRA, but we never had the police just stopping people in the street for no apparent reason. If Youtube is anything to go by, this is the norm nowadays.

And there is always a threat of nuclear war but that doesn't mean that we have to setup checkpoints and look into people's orifices because they might be hiding uranium in their assholes.

It's totally absurd how far they go with their regulations. And this is the fault of the general public, because they are not resisting it. A tyrant can pass any laws if there is no opposition to it.

you'd think that they would know better considering the history.
MOAH a slippery slope..

They are powerhungry maniacs, they don't have morals.

As long as you think that you won't change a thing.

Nobody wakes up in the morning thinking "Nice weather! What totally brutal hellish can I do today?"

Well, maybe there is one or even two of that... but that is not the reason for all this stuff.
A lot of the people gassing the jews in the concentration camp were quite moral: They loved their children and their wives, wrote letters to their old ones and were happy getting a painting from their children. They wanted to protect their family. They resented murder.
They just followed orders, because that is what you do, right? And if they didn't followed their orders, their families would have it harder, too!

Start thinking here: If they are powerhungry maniaces, then why? And why do those end up being in charge?

Nice weather! What totally brutal hellish can I do today?

Actually it is like that. You can't see into the heads of these people, but if you really think about it, power is very addictive, and evil is very tempting to sick people.

It has been scientifically proven that addiction to political power is exactly like addiction to drugs, it releases the same chemicals in the brain when somebody attains political power like if they were taking drugs.

It's more like a sickness, even if they have free will, i guess the temptation of evil is just too great for these sick people to resist it.

It is generally natural for good people before learning of pedogate to imagine that everybody is more or less like they are but you cannot see the world through a mirror.

You are setting addiction to power = evil

And that is what I was talking about. That equalisation is bullshit. But it is true that power (getting or holding) often mandates bad things.

For a start you could go to youtube and search for 3 rules for rulers.
The people from the video also wrote a book, The Dictator's Handbook, subtitle "Why bad behavior is almost always good politics"

You want to end hunger in the world? Fine! You very likely have to kick some people very hard on the way though, maybe even (directly or indirectly) killing them. You still want to end hunger?
That is the slippery slope to hell, and its true for thousands of years. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, it is said ;)

What this America this could be our future.

it's hard to tell which one is scarier: being attacked by terrorists, or being enslaved by Nazis? I guess it's equally bad.

I think that in the minds of most Eropeans, the latter option is scarier because they look at their own history and they see that the number of people, killed by all kinds of terror attacks, in the entire history, is rediculously smaller than the number of people killed by their own governments in the 20th century alone.

I think most europeans arent even aware how many evil things happened just 75 years ago. They are comfortable with their "bread and circus", multimedia, and other entertainments, but they don't see the evil until it's right before them.

They know and they care because that was not 75 years ago but much closer to now. Remember that unril less than 30 years ago, half of Europe was under a communist regime, where you could not trust your own family not to snitch on you.

I guess that is why Eastern Europe is not buying the immigrant nonsense, they are seeing what happens in the west, they don't want to suffer again.

However they had no problem with joining the EU, which I still can't fathom why. They were basically tring to get as far away from the Soviets as possible, but now they are pressured between the tyrannical EU, and threats from Russia, and literally being on the frontline of a potential WW3 scenario.

Poland, Greece, you name it, they are under heavy stress right now from the EU. And basically you have Neo-Nazis marching in Greece right now

And the scary part is that if you read the comments, most people actually like it.

It was not governments that killed the Jews. It was people that killed people. You have to understand that or you can never end it.

And Hitlers start was eerily the same as Trump now. I shiver comparing them.

But you have to admit that without a government it would not have been possible to organize it. The first thing Hitler did was to take the guns away. And after that slowly pushing the tyranny between 1939 and 1945, escalating it as he was losing the war.

If it would have been just a few Nazi bandits doing evil things, they would have been put down fairly quickly by an armed populace.

The right to bear arms is really a necessary right to defend innocent people against tyrants.

Hitler and weapons: That is not really right.
The weapon control laws are predating Hitler, enacted in 1928-30. And nobody was forced to give away weapons (apart from psychological instable or criminals).

Of course after Hitler won the election in 1933, he was fast to take away weapons from Jews, making it Germany-wide from 1935 on.

1938 another law was passed that made it easier for people in the Nazi-Orgs to carry weapons - without the permissions every one else needed if he wanted to carry weapons in the open.

But the main point is not that "an armed populace" would have put them down. Why? Most of the populace was enthusiastic about Hitler. The weapon groups (Schützenvereine) were at the front, his biggest fans! He promised work, he promised to keep away a certain religious group, he promised to make Germany great again and to get back what was lost in the peace (Schandfrieden) of Versailles.

You can see why I shudder when looking at Trump, can't you?
(btw: Didn't he said he wanted to make it harder for muslims to get weapons? I thought I read that a bit ago.)


most important point from 2:00 on

Of course half of the people in the hall were there to MAKE the show, but yeah, a lot of people were that enthusiastic about total war.
It makes me vomit.

Hitler 33, first speech as chancellor:

About the re-rise of the German Nation (or, in modern words, Make Germany Great Again!)
through OWN work, OWN effort, OWN determination, OWN defiance, OWN tenacity

Allright but let's put things in perspective, the hardcore Nazis made up about 5-10% of the population, and at it's peak, the Nazis had ~40% support, the rest of them were either agnostic or were outright hostile but were too afraid to speak up.

Basically 60% of the population didn't like the Nazis. And that came after 1 huge economics crisis, and a decade of political turmoil.

The Nazis promised to give the jobs back and revived this rabid nationalism, which was a leftover of the Prussian militaristic state, so I guess the 30% out of the 40% were just basically nationalists.

And they didnt know about the holocaust, and the other atrocities. So the Nazis knew exactly how to manipulate the population, and they still only managed to get 10% "hardcore nazis" brainwashed, meanwhile the other supporters were just brainwashed nationalists from Prussia.

So this means that a large part of the population is not actively evil, but passively. They passively enabled the Nazis to take power by indirectly supporting them or not opposing them, but they had not participated in the atrocities.

And this is what happens today as well. How many people did oppose the EU? Most people were either oblivious, a small part of brainwashed new-age "we are one" freaks have supported it, while an even smaller part of the population who were informed, have opposed it.

But this time it's different. We have mass media, the internet to inform the stupid sheeps about the dangers of tyranny. There is no excuse now, since all information is public.

If humans fall again for tyranny, then they we are really a dumbass race who are really not fit for survival. And it will probably end in WW3 anyway, essentially making the entire race go extinct through nuclear war.

It's only a question of time until a government becomes tyrannical. It's not a question of if, but when, I mean it's jut basic math. Every government on Earth passes about 5000-10,000 laws every single year. Each law chips away a little bit of freedom. Therefore in 50-100 years, every new & free society turns into a tyranny.

It's really inevitable, and it's cyclical as long as people accept being ruled by others.

This is what comes of left liberal wing politics. Back then it was commie terrorists that started the fire. Same play different players. Europe is not lost Brexit leads the way, a torch in the dark leading the way out the pit.

Yep, it doesnt matter who did the Reichstag Fires, the effect was the same, it helped Hitler to win the elections.

The EU uses current terrorist events to gain more popularity, they are behaving exactly like the Nazis.

But the big coincidence is that the guy who wrote the Reichstag Fire Decree, essentually turning Germany into a totalitarian Nazi state, was the same guy that was later a founder of the EU, namely Hans Globke

You can't make this up, the same guy that helped Hitler rise to power, later founded the EU.

All wrong, the jews were never gassed at the camps and hitler never knew the presence of work-camps in europe until the final moments of the war.

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