History of the European UnionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #history7 years ago (edited)


In the wake of new tyrannical laws being introduced by the European Commission, the unelected bureaucrats that run the whole show, I am going to tell you the history of the EU, and why they are pursuing tyrannical objectives.

Let's line up a few facts first:

  • The EU is run by the European Commission, almost entirely, since the European Parliament is just largely symbolic since they rubber stamp everything.
  • The European Commission is made up of a handful of unelected bureaucrats, essentially ruling over 510 million Europeans
  • They create Directives, which are legally binding orders for all EU member states, therefore directly controlling all EU member states and issue laws for them. This is essentially an oligarchic dictatorship of a handful of bureaucrats over 510 million people.
  • The European Commission was set up by Nazis

Nazi Founding Fathers of the EU






  • Karl-Günther von Hase:
    • Wehrmacht soldier, participated in the Invasion of Poland and France, after the war reinvaded these countries politically by helping expand the EU
    • Married to a daughter of a Nazi General
    • From 1962 to 1967 von Hase was the head of the press office of the German government and responsible for its public relations and propaganda
    • Helped spreading pro-EU propaganda during those years
    • Member of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, which is Angela Merkel's party now



  • Ludger Westrick:
    • Head of the Chancellery of Germany
    • Chairman, President, and central trustee of the Nazi owned "Vereinigte Industrie-Unternehmen AG" (VIAG), which recently became EON
    • Successor of Nazi lawyer Hans Globke who helped formulate the Nuremberg Laws and served under Adolf Eichmann the perpetrator of the Holocaust. Westrick was a good friend of Globke.


So we have Nazi Lawyers, Brownshirt Nazis, Auschwitz Nazi Death Camp Businessmen and Italian fascists basically creating the EU. Now that is a very honorable an moral way to setup a united Europe. The EU was built with the blood of the victims of the Holocaust, and nobody gives a damn.

Looks like the EU was indeed a Nazi plan to create a 4th German Reich, the Nazi New Order of Europe just as Hitler planned it in 1942, and later on before the war ended several actual high ranking Nazis have laid out the post war EU plan

Also the Christian Democratic Union of Germany party was full of Nazis throughout the years, coincidentally this is the current party of Chancellor Angela Merkel, so that may explain a few things, and makes you wonder why Merkel wants to shut down free speech on Facebook and Twitter for example.


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Great post. This is why I feel sick when friends try to convince me how 'amazing' the European Union is and that we need to fight to stay in it. Absolutely crazy. People on the streets of Britain protesting against non-supporters of the EU on the basis of flimsy notions such as 'freedom of movement' etc. Sheeple.

I am disgusted by such people, these are basically the same people who cheered for Hitler, while turning a blind eye to the persecution of the Jews by Hitler.

Now people are, above all, economically persecuted, tax levels are 60-80% in the EU, and we are like concentration camp work slaves.

Those supporters are either full idiots, ignorants who can't do 2 minutes of political information gathering, or they are actively like being ruled over by fascists.

That might be true most of the time but this time it isn't, they are actively pursuing Nazi policies.

Basically: "By the Nazis, Of the Nazis, For the Nazis"

The tyranny in europe and their policies match almost exactly that of the Nazi agenda.

why do you say it's not true? The Nazi's had a HUGE burro crazy.

I don't think I understand what the "The Iron Law of Bureaucracy" means.

I think it's the same thing, their founding ideologies are the main role of the bureaucracy. So the two things are not opposite, it's the same thing.

that's why I included the link.
read gwasshoppah...and understand.

I've read it, but I think it's the same thing. Serving the goal and serving the bureaucracy is the same thing, because the founding goals of the bureaucracy are the role of it's existence, so of course they will serve the bureaucracy to further those goals.

For example the tax agency was set up to collect taxes. So obviously the taxman will believe both in taxation and in the agency. Without taxation, there is no taxman, and he loses his job, and he also needs the agency to do his theft job. So it's the same thing.

yup...and when polio was defeated..what happened to the 'march of dimes'?
Oh..the horror...mission accomplished! We are no longer needed!! (said no burro crazy...EVER!)

Thats true, a bureaucracy was never dismantled in the history of politics. They were either overthrown or the country ceased to exist.

Even if it's a completely useless bureaucracy, like some postal standard inspection or something like that. The bureaucrat will defend his job with his life instead of releasing the taxpayers of this stupid burden.

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