
They are powerhungry maniacs, they don't have morals.

As long as you think that you won't change a thing.

Nobody wakes up in the morning thinking "Nice weather! What totally brutal hellish can I do today?"

Well, maybe there is one or even two of that... but that is not the reason for all this stuff.
A lot of the people gassing the jews in the concentration camp were quite moral: They loved their children and their wives, wrote letters to their old ones and were happy getting a painting from their children. They wanted to protect their family. They resented murder.
They just followed orders, because that is what you do, right? And if they didn't followed their orders, their families would have it harder, too!

Start thinking here: If they are powerhungry maniaces, then why? And why do those end up being in charge?

Nice weather! What totally brutal hellish can I do today?

Actually it is like that. You can't see into the heads of these people, but if you really think about it, power is very addictive, and evil is very tempting to sick people.

It has been scientifically proven that addiction to political power is exactly like addiction to drugs, it releases the same chemicals in the brain when somebody attains political power like if they were taking drugs.

It's more like a sickness, even if they have free will, i guess the temptation of evil is just too great for these sick people to resist it.

It is generally natural for good people before learning of pedogate to imagine that everybody is more or less like they are but you cannot see the world through a mirror.

You are setting addiction to power = evil

And that is what I was talking about. That equalisation is bullshit. But it is true that power (getting or holding) often mandates bad things.

For a start you could go to youtube and search for 3 rules for rulers.
The people from the video also wrote a book, The Dictator's Handbook, subtitle "Why bad behavior is almost always good politics"

You want to end hunger in the world? Fine! You very likely have to kick some people very hard on the way though, maybe even (directly or indirectly) killing them. You still want to end hunger?
That is the slippery slope to hell, and its true for thousands of years. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, it is said ;)

What this America this could be our future.

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