

Wow I didn't know you were so hardcore :P

hahaha, you keep surprising me

They like to divide and conquer thats there main tool and best yet they get people to actually do it for them putting themselves into groups or sub groups..As then we are weak and they know the power of all the people can kick there butt..All a scam thats why i stack gold and silver as there moneys not real just paper back by nothing and it evaporates as time goes by.

Yes, I agree that the psychopathic globalists have been constantly manipulating and deceiving the clueless American public. They know that people trust what they see on the fake TV news and printed media, lies and all.

Take the so-called global war on terrorism, for example. The US gov't, led by the CIA, is fostering and fabricating the terrorist threat to create a smokescreen or cover story for its real agenda to achieve world hegemony, the so-called New World Order.

The US gov't is creating the terrorist cover story in a couple of ways. One, it's feeding propaganda to the public via the mainstream media that demonizes ISIS and Muslims in general. ISIS is actually a mercenary force created by the US. And two, they are orchestrating false terrorist attacks and blaming them on ISIS or Al Qaeda. The 911 attack, Paris, London, San Bernardino, and many others were false attacks.

The propaganda and false attacks are having the desired effect of creating fear and hatred in the US and European populace toward Muslims and anyone who looks like they may be Muslim. Innocent Muslims in the US and Europe have been harassed and attacked.

At the same time, the US hegemonic agenda is causing much death and destruction in the Middle East region, all under the guise of fighting the terrorism that the US is secretly fabricating! A few Muslims have retaliated with violent attacks, such as in the Flint and Ohio State attacks. These Muslims really are not terrorists. A terrorist has some ideological bent for his attack. These guys were basically just seeking revenge. These attacks are typically low skilled, using a knife or ramming with a car, unlike the carefully planned and high carnage attacks orchestrated by the globalists.

Please get a clue, people! There isn't a Muslim terrorist behind every bush! In fact, THERE ARE NO TERRORISTS TO SPEAK OF! Let that sink in. Don't be a manipulated, mindless, paranoid IDIOT your entire life!

They manipulate the markets and they also are manipulating you the people. WAKE UP FOLKS!! All they know is how to control and manipulate. They would not know honesty if it struct them broadsided. These folks are satanic and evil and we are fighting a spiritual war of good and evil...right and wrong....It is up to you the sheeple to wake from your dream like state from drinking the kool aid and fight for what is right or be an accomplice to their agenda and answer to God in the end. Apathy consents and allows filth to rule. It is your decision to make. Who will you side with? Our future depends on you.

Love it! The left is desperate to get rid of Trump....

Ambiguity prevails.......!!!!

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