Good Morning America How Are Ya? A full-On 100% Political Rant!

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

We see you over there. Sometimes we sit down on a park bench and just look at you and scratch our heads. Remember when we were friends? Do you really? Remember when we could cross that border by showing only a drivers license?


Do you remember when I visited forty of your states? Do you know why I'm not coming back? Do you know that we used think you were our best friend? Our FAMILY? My mother was an American, God rest her soul. I could have been too. I turned down a chance at a job in Raleigh, NC. My company was going to move me there and help get me started on becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen - you know, like that Canadian senator from Texas... That guy born in Canada to American parents. Ted something?? Cruz, right? Hell, I COULD HAVE RAN FOR PRESIDENT in 2024, no kidding... I mean if Ted tried, why not me? :)


Now this part I'm sure you will not be aware of, but I do not know a single Canadian who plans to visit you anymore. Remember when you were one of the good guys? Let me rephrase that... remember when you were The ONLY Good Guy? What the hell happened to you??? I'm serious, we all want to know! Nobody likes you anymore, I'm sorry to say.

Look, I get it... you still have no idea what I'm talking about. Let me run down a few points for you:

  • Remember how your president ran around the northern states for an entire year demonizing Canadians? We sure as hell do! How he said we were killing you with unfair trade practices... like Dairy for example, while you had a massive trade surplus with us the entire time according to your own statistics???

  • Oh, just by the way, you have a trade surplus with us on everything - but yes we are so evil. Yes, we help subsidize our farmers, we are such commie crooks!

  • Remember how THIS VERY WEEK your congress passed an 800 BILLION DOLLAR farm subsidy bill? Oh, you guys crack me up, you're so funny!

  • I'm just getting started. Remember how your president claimed he could make Canada do anything he wanted by holding up a photo of a Chevy Impala? The implication being he would make GM close the car plant if we didn't agree? HOW FUNNY that they're closing it anyway, right after we agreed!

  • HERE'S a REALLY good one. Don't stop reading before you get through this... You know we're partners in NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, right? A Canadian general is always second in command of NORAD. Remember when tensions were super high with North Korea? (Before your president "fell in love" with their insane dictator and turned a blind eye while they continue to build missiles.) During the peak of that crisis, the second in command of NORAD testified before Parliament that in the event of a North Korean missile going off course, missing Seattle and heading for Vancouver instead, THE POLICY WAS TO NOT SHOOT IT DOWN. Roll that one around in your mind for a minute, won't you? You would let two million people in Vancouver fry, oh former ally of ours? If I ran this country, we would have pulled out of NORAD the second that news became public.

  • I'M NOT CLOSE TO FINISHED. I know you aren't aware of how we stood up to Saudi human rights abuses, and your president, and his slimy little son-in-law encouraged the "Crown Prince" to pull investments from Canada and attempt to sink our economy. Yes they did that.

  • Of course that was before the Saudi's killed a Washington Post journalist and your president let it all slide. Again, let me ask... do you remember when you were the good guys? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU? Do you know that MBS is sentencing to death the very people who did the killing for him???

  • America now seems to hate Britain, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Canada... but apparently you are deeply in love with Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, hell... any place with no democracy, freedom, or human rights is just A-OK with your president.

Look America... l could go on all day with a more examples but I won't. I will say this for the record. On a one-to-one basis, Americans are the nicest people on earth. The best. Do you hear that my dear Mom, up in heaven? My Mom who kept an American flag on the mantle for my entire life, and it's still there...

America the beautiful, land that I love. I'm not kidding, I still do...

I have one final question for you, mostly for all you red-blooded, gun-toting, Bible-thumping Republicans. Are you ready?

Do you know the shortest verse in the Bible? I do.

"Jesus Wept."


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A western country ran by middle eastern gods... of course human rights annoy them

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Did you happen to catch that Putin-MBS high five at the G20 meeting? That pic was worth about a billion words, you just need to look at it for a second.

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Not my president. What can I say. If it continues to get worse here do you have a spare room?

❤️❤️❤️ Right now I'm just being a hermit down here in the woods and trying not to be horrified when I do happen to see a headline.

You live so far north you're almost a Canadian anyhow... eh? :)

I could very comfortably live in Canada and be proud to do so!

Good rant - about sums up how I feel - btw, Deb (@countrygirl) says hi - she thinks you should win a prize for this. I gave you all of my 4 cents - wish it were more. Good work!

Thank you, John. Tell @countrygirl I said hi. I miss her.

Well penned. I was born in NC, living in the Raleigh area.

This is certainly not the America in which I expected to raise my son. This regime (the orange nightmare and his toadying GOP extremists) are antithetical to everything America has always striven to become. This regime’s every decision seems founded in greed and cruelty.

I never expected to ever contemplate escape strategies for me and my little Middle Eastern immigrant family. I don’t feel welcome or even safe in my own country.

America will be back, I have faith in the essential greatness of America. The people overall are too good to let this continue but there are some really bad actors among you. Russia filtering money through the NRA to the Trump campaign boggles the mind. To think that the NRA would become stooges for the Russians! How many red white and blue traitors do you have? I think most of them have simply been duped. I think my ancestor (Daniel Boone) must be spinning in his grave!

It comes down to the rise of the theocratic corporatist politicians and Nixon’s Southern Strategy (NSS). Those two things, somewhere along the way, combined to give us this nightmare. NSS specifically targeted the Confederacy-loving Southern Democrats who felt disenfranchised when the Democratic Party became the part of the Civil Rights Movement and gave America the Civil Rights Act.

But, they had to give those bigots some shiny agenda that didn’t look like blatant racism. So, they wrapped it up in religiosity in things like, just for example, the abortion issue. Did you know that the Southern Baptist Convention actually SUPPORTED Roe v. Wade in the beginning? Did you also know that it was Nixon – just as a favor for a friend – who opened the door for healthcare to become a for profit wealth-engine?

Anyway, the Dominionists have infiltrated our system and cultivated this theocratic corporatist agenda. The KKK went underground and became religious activists, including the so-called “Pro-Life” movement that is nothing less than anti-woman and racist religiosity. That’s the core of the Tea Party. The Tea Party hollowed out the GOP and wears its skin. Did you know that Ted Cruz’s father is a “renowned” Dominionist preacher?

Getting rid of Trump isn’t going to solve our problems. We have to start at the roots and change the hearts and minds left behind when the Democratic Party shook off the ignorant and racist leftovers from the Civil War and Reconstruction era. Those segments of America’s citizenry were left to languish in their hate and ignorance. Since the 1950s, they spread all across the country, especially in the rural middle of the country. The GOP lured them in and cultivated their hatred and ignorance to their political advantage. We’re seeing the culmination of all those efforts now. That’s what Trump is – he’s the result, not the disease.

You are much deeper in the roots of issues than my knowledge takes me, but I wanted to add that Nixon was a real foe to Canada, and he hated our Prime Minister at the time, who was Pierre Elliot Trudeau. I remember watching on the news as Trudeau arrived at the Nixon white house, his long hair blowing in the wind. As leader of our Liberal party, he represented everything Nixon hated. Just as Trump now views Canada as an extension of the Dems and the Clintons. Indeed, if we were to use your red/blue political spectrum, all of Canada would be deep blue, with the exception of Alberta which is more like a red (or slightly pink) state. Alberta is where big corporate oil money is engaged in raping the land and creating one of the worst blights on the environment anywhere in the world - the Alberta tar sands project. Now Alberta is in the midst of trying to force pipeline expansions across BC and out to the ocean so they can load up tankers with their dirty oil and eventually this will cause a disaster on the coast of the pristine Pacific Northwest. You start running more and more oil tankers up this coast it WILL happen. It's not IF, it's only a question of WHEN.

Pipelines and tankers are both environmental disasters in the making. Have you ever researched the number of pipeline spills and leaks? It’s appalling, to say the least. It’s seriously time for governments to pass legislation that leaves it in the ground!

And, yes, I knew Nixon hated Canada in his day too. I’m telling you, the GOP hasn’t been the party of Lincoln since LBJ passed the Civil Rights Act. They are un-American and anti-democracy!

Sticking to oil for a moment... oil is WONDERFUL stuff. Nothing LUBRICATES as well as oil. We need about 5% of the world's production of oil to keep wheels turning smoothly. As for the other 95% - we could leave that in the ground if we just stop BURNING the stuff! It's way too valuable to burn!

I was born and raised in the US, lived in here all my life, and definitely agree with you. The state of politics in the US is disgusting. Assuredly, though, some of us did not vote for the person who is sitting in the Oval Office, nor for his cronies in Congress, nor for the reprehensible actions they are taking. We are well-aware of how the rest of the world hates us and thinks we are fools. Some of us do, indeed, value human rights, equitable relations with other countries, truth in governance, and fairness for all. Hopefully, those now-lost principles will resurface again before long. 😞

I expect to visit you again after 2020. Don't make me wait any longer, I still like you people and that big beautiful country of yours.

Howdy sir Keith! lol.. yes we all know the shortest verse in the Bible. We still love Canada!

Well, thank you for saying that. I'm afraid immense damage has been done to the relationship by your current government and it's the type of thing that will take years to mend. The biggest insult that has everyone here upset is the 25% tariff on steel and aluminium for national security reasons. As if Canada could EVER be a risk to America or would ever in a million years wish to be.

Our industry, including defence, is tightly intertwined with yours. Canada has stood by America in EVERY war including some you may think we stayed out of. We were in both world wars years before you joined. My father's regiment is one of the few foreign military units to be awarded a Presidential Unit Citation after the battle of Kapyong in the Korean War. That's where 700 Canadian artillery soldiers, cut off and surrounded, held off a full Chinese division attempting to capture Seoul. (My Dad was too young for that one but he served in Germany and retired from the army at 55.)

Vietnam was a war we officially stayed out of, and in fact, we took in 20,000 of your draft dodgers, but there is more to the story that I bet you don't know. We gave you back something in exchange for your 20,000 draft dodgers. EIGHTY thousand gung-ho Canadian volunteers crossed the border on their own and signed up with the American army. That's an example of Canadian people supporting America at a time when our government wasn't stepping up.

The list goes on. We were in BOTH Iraq wars although this is not widely known. Canadian special forces are in Iraq and Syria today. We hung in there for fourteen years in Afghanistan and took heavy casualties. There are countless smaller missions in Europe, in Africa and other places we could talk about.

So let's see what else is happening. Even after the USA stabbed us in the back by breaking their word and making a side deal with Mexico, and then held a gun to our heads and forced us to join in the new USMCA "Free trade" deal under unfavorable conditions... even after that we are STILL held to 25% tariffs on Steel for National Security reasons! Ha! More like "Trump Bullshit reasons"

You know what? We're pissed. I can tell you that as probably the MOST pro-American person remaining in this country! It's going to take a generation to repair the damage that this insult is causing. You're a thoughtful guy. I wonder if any of this will make sense to you @janton.

Oh I understand and I am very familiar with Canada's participation in all the conflicts that you talked about since WW1. The only thing I didn't know is that the number of Canadians coming over to join during Vietnam.
Everyone I know hates what Trump did with the Canadians in his trade war plans.
I have confidence that the damage won't be too severe or long lasting though, our countries are too close and things will get adjusted and smoothed out. If not in this administration then the next.

I hope you're right. The latest problem that just came up could be a BIG one for us here. Complying with extradition treaties we have with the US, we just arrested Chinese executive Meng Wanzhou, CFO of Huawei Technologies. This was done at the request of the US - the problem is that right afterwards, Trump went on TV and made it clear this was all just a bargaining chip in his trade war - leaving us in Canada with a giant bullseye painted on our backside. Now China has arrested two Canadians and has promised "revenge". Great, the two largest trading superpowers in the world, who happen to be our two largest trading partners are now going to use us as a football. Thank you SO much, Donald! We are getting screwed here, left, right and center. Who is left that is on Canada's side? No one. No nation stood with us after our dispute with Saudi Arabia over human rights. Not the British, not Europe, who cowered to the Saudis for fear of losing trade. CERTAINLY not the US who actively encouraged the Saudi's to sell all Canadian assets at any price, just dump them. This was done by Kushner and Trump to weaken us during trade talks.

WE believe in democracy, freedom and human rights. You guys, I ain't so sure any more. I wish America would come back from whatever crazy town you all moved to.

Oh yeah, when Trudeau reminded Trump about our long military alliance, he said "what about the war of 1812?" Unbelievable.

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