All drugs should be legal.

in #politics7 years ago

Sup Steem punks & Steem princesses!

We have been fighting a fake "war on drugs" for decades and I think it is time we stop.

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We love drugs

Drug use has been an epidemic across the United States for basically the entire century. Intoxicants from alcohol to prescription pills. We certainly have drugs deeply rooted into our culture. Teenagers and some adults commonly use drugs for fun in recreational terms. We have a history of drug and alcohol use. Let's face it, as Americans, we love to get fucked up.

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Laws dont really work...or make sense.

Some dangerous drugs in the United States are completely illegal. Such as methamphetamine, heroin , and cocaine. These drugs have devastating effects on their users. These drugs are completely illegal at this point and if we don't hand human beings responsibility they will never learn from their actions. The funny part is we have a system that hands out billions of dollars in dangerous drugs. Its the United States health care system. I have seen many people fall hard to legal prescription drugs such as pain killers, alcohol(completely legal) or Xanax as much as I have seen those who fall to illegal drugs. The fact that laws exist does not stop these drugs from being created. It does not stop people from buying and selling these drugs. It does not stop people from consuming these drugs. That is the bottom line. If we take limitations away from humans the curiosity goes along with it. If these drugs are all legal it will be our responsibility as humans not to consume these drugs, and if we do, to do it in a responsible manor. Restricting drugs only leads to further curiosity.

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Americans will rebel

Humans are rebellious by nature. Especially Americans. If you tell us we cant have something we scream about freedom and go get what we want anyway. So therefore the laws are basically rendered useless when it comes to drugs. I can get drugs just as quickly as I can milk from the corner store and a law wont stop me from consuming. The idea of educating people on drugs will likely slow the consumption. Ignorance is worse than drug addiction, in fact ignorance seems to cause drug addiction. We rebel against society and we are curious beings. We WILL more than likely try drugs in our lives.

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Sympathy is the key

Instead of treating drug abuse like a crime we should be looking at it more sympathetically. Drug abuse is an illness. These people need help. Treating them like criminals will only put them back on the streets and continue the cycle. We need to be putting drug addicts into the right treatment immediately instead of locking them in a cell for three days and letting them back into the world of addiction. We should be handing these addicts clean needles on the street so that disease shouldnt be spread. We should be taking our children out to show them these addicts on the street. Show our children to feed them and give them clean needles. Let our children know this is where you end up if you get addicted to drugs. This kind of hands on education will make the true difference. Laws dont stop shit. Education is the key. We should be free to an open market. If we can buy cigarettes, proven to kill, why cant we snort cocaine? The logic makes no sense.


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